Oligarchs, Fear the OWSies!

The Oligarchs must be shaking in their baby seal skin boots. The OWSies are on the move! "Batten down the hatches, boys, and pull up the drawbridges! How can we Oligarchs survive, when the OccupAnts are on the march??"
This is a worldwide movement that's gone global. There's no stopping it now. Pandora's box is out of the bottle. The Rubicon has reached a tipping point.
The DUmmies recognize all this, of course, being the keen geopolitical observers that they are, as we see in this THREAD by DUmmie Jackpine Radical, "I think what scares the Oligarchs more than anything else about OWS. . . ."
So let us enter the think tank (or stink tank) that is the DUmp, in Redolent Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--wondering which sporting events the 40-Year-Old Insurgent, aka Will Pitt, will be watching this weekend instead of going to an Occupy protest--is in the [brackets]:
I think what scares the Oligarchs more than anything else about OWS is . . .
[Communicable disease?]
is that they can't understand it, they can't get a conceptual grip on what they're dealing with. . . .
[Look, even I can understand a bunch of skulls-full-of-mush college kids wanting to get out of class and get into each other's tents and feel good and righteous about doing it. It's called "1968." I understand it, and I'm not even an Oligarch!]
So what are they going to do? Distract, demonize, project, seek to crank up the ambient fear level (like with that incredible Bush-era color terror alert business; Migod, they were trying to use those colors like a thermostat so they could turn the fear level up or down as needed for the political moment!).
[The OWSies are generating a Fear Level Fuchsia.]
I expect that they will at some point in the near future attempt to impose some controls on the Internet.
[The Oligarchs will DEMAND more DUmmie FUnnies!]
This will fail, as will everything else that they try. There may be some short-term setbacks for the Movement, but in the long run the Oligarchs can’t win.
[You've won long enough, Oligarchs! Your time is up!]
Today's young people swim in a sea of information unlike anything we old farts could have imagined. . . .
[It's been an MSNBC change! The kids today are Youtubing in the Current TV!]
The Occupy Movement is like the perfect science-fiction monster.
{Jobless the Nutt.]
The various components of the Oligopoly are necessarily and inherently structured in a “spider”-style, and the very nature of their structure renders them unable to account for the astonishing ability of the "starfish" movement to form and reform itself, to invent and instantly implement wildly creative responses to the challenges it faces.
[Advancing With The Starfishes.]
I think the new interconnectedness of humanity is turning the species into a transpersonal entity with emergent properties that we cannot even guess at as yet.
[Meaning, I don't have a clue what I'm talking about. I'm just blowing gas out my @ss.]
[Thank you, DUmmie Jackpine Radical, for that specious analysis. Now let's see what your interconnected transpersonalities have to say . . .]
{{{{{{Robert Frost}}}}}}}}
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
[{{{{{{Robert Fist}}}}}}}}

Whose tents these are I think you know
We're Occupying Wall Street, so
All through the night we stay right here
And piss outside when we must go
Though some are straight, and some are queer
Us OWSies got our ass in gear
And this commitment we did make
To skip our classes all this year
Yes, we are strong, we make them quake
The Oligarchs in boots do shake
And they must go, before they sleep
To cabinets for pills to take
Though you may say that we are sheep
Our bleating noise is full of bleep
And moles lay low before they freep
And moles lay low before they freep]
we are all PART of that collective consciousness, as is everyone on DU. Maybe us old fogeys can never be as much at home in the Internet group consciousness as the young folks are since we didn't grow up with it. But to the extent that we participate, we are still part of the swarm, the group consciousness.
[Usually getting the DUmmies into ANY state of consciousness is the first trick.]
If you could download what's in my mind . . .
[What a virus my thoughts would give. . . .]
I have too much to say about this, so . . .
[I'll bore you all to tears anyway.]
Our collective consciousness has passed an important threshold. A tipping point was reached this year, 2011.
[Our collective consciousness has tipped over.]
A sufficient number of humans have now taken the red pill.
[The Bolshevik Red pill.]
Watch out! That means a quantum leap in social development lies ahead since it's individuals on the cutting edge who will cut the grooves that the mass of any given society will be pulled into in a spiral of ever higher development.
A high enough number of disobedient Ones have hacked into the Matrix and seen through its programming code. Their awareness of what is real and what is pretentiously fake has gone viral. It has infected the human collective. . . .
[Listen, herpes CAN be treated.]
They have become Neo - the One. . . .
[They have tried Neo - sporin. . . .]
Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Mask of Anarchy
And that slaughter to the Nation
Shall steam up like inspiration,
Eloquent, oracular;
A volcano heard afar.
[Pretty Darn Smelley - The Musk of Occupy
And that laughter of the Nation
Shall crack up at your deflation
Flatulent, spectacular
A fart noise heard afar]
What you say doesn't make any sense at all. You might want to engage the brain before you type.
[Naah! This is DUmmieland!]
I worry about the possibility of biological Warfare being used against OWS.
[Don't worry. They're doing a good enough job of that on their own.]
Fierce voice!
[Fart noise!]
'Creating a new society'? By camping out in tents? I'm sorry, I just don't see that this is going to change things much.
[And moles lay low before they freep
And moles lay low before they freep]
Long live OWS.
[Yes, please! It is a Mother Lode of Comedy Gold!]
Thanks, Charles, for reminding us that just when we think the Moonbats/Troglaman Clones can't get any more stupid and/or insane, they can always come up with something so impressively idiotic that we know we ain't seen nothin' yet....
Besides a couple of deaths, some rape, and disease, has anything actually come from the whole "occupy" business?
Legislation? Business overhauls? Wrist bands? Anything?
I confess that the sign-waving protest culture has little impact for me, and I haven't really been following this whole kerfuffle.
"Long live OWS."-DUmmie
And it's police blotter:
"""like with that incredible Bush-era color terror alert business; Migod, they were trying to use those colors like a thermostat so they could turn the fear level up or down as needed for the political moment!)."""""
I never understood why these idiots talk about "fear mongering" from the right, yet they swallow global warming hook line and sinker.
"We are all going to die if we don't buy sqiggly lightbulbs and recycle our poo"
Terror Alert System to organize response = HOGWASH
Earth will explode if we don't buy 'green' products = absolute truth
""""""Besides a couple of deaths, some rape, and disease, has anything actually come from the whole "occupy" business?"""""""
Yep... some clever CAPITALIST made a pretty penny selling tshirts to these idiots.
""""""The various components of the Oligopoly are necessarily and inherently structured in a “spider”-style, and the very nature of their structure renders them unable to account for the astonishing ability of the "starfish" movement to form and reform itself, to invent and instantly implement wildly creative responses to the challenges it faces.""""""
(/Ron White half-laughing response)
Good Lord. I didnt look at DUmp to see what time this thread was posted but judging by the responses something tells me it was just a little after 4:20.
Hey, moonbats, it's your beloved United Nations that wants to clamp down on the internet and eradicate your freedom, not the evil Republicans or even the normally-clueless Democrats.
As far as all the 'boundless creativity, swimming in a sea of information' garbage, that's just crap. What people are swimming in is a digital sea of communications, 98% of which is trivial, banal, gossipy, self-validating garbage that lacks the substantive content to make it 'Information,' let alone 'Creative.' The people actually doing creative work are too busy being productive to spare you even a derisive laugh.
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