"It is NOT about wealth-envy!!!"

The DUmmies have pennies envy. And dimes envy. And dollars envy. Only, they are in denial about it, big-time. Witness this THREAD by DUmmie Fantastic Anarchist, "It is NOT about wealth-envy!!!"
Methinks DUmmie Fantastic Anarchist doth protest too much! About the wealth envy, I mean. I don't know if DUmmie Fantastic Anarchist doth protest at all, in terms of actually showing up at Occupy protests. Maybe he's pulling a Pitt and protesting from the comfort of his recliner. (BTW, the countdown to Wee Willie's 40th birthday continues. We are now down to about 56 business hours till Wednesday.)
Anyhoo, we now join the DUmmies as they deny they want our dineros, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering what Pitt wants for his birthday, is in the [brackets]:
It is NOT about wealth-envy!!!
[Meaning, It's about wealth envy.]
It is about not letting them have exclusive control to the levers of power.
[THEM! It's those lousy Them again!]
It's really all that simple.
[Thank you, DUmmie Fantastic Anarchist, for that most satisfying explanation. Now let's see what your fellow wealth-eschewers have to say . . .]
If anything, it's exactly opposite... our horror at their spending, at our expense.
[This, coming from a Democrat. Taste the irony.]
wealth envy is what they have so naturally they're projecting it on us. Because they want us to envy them their wealth which to them is god. See, it's always about them.
[Those Them!!]
We DO envy them. Most of us, anyways, I think. I wish I had more money. I wish I had more toys.
[Diogenes, your search is over. I have found an honest DUmmie.]
There is nothing wrong with that. It's part of what propelled us to walk on two legs in the first place.
[William Pitt must be far advanced. He can walk on three legs:]

It's not envy if all you want is for everyone to live a comfortable lifestyle.
[Without having to work hard for it.]
Anyone who "needs" more than $6K per month to survive is a parasite on all of us.
[WE'LL determine how much people can earn! And 72G is IT!]
Depends on where you live. New York is more expensive than St. Louis.
[Out here in St. Louis, we're still on the barter system, fur traders and such.]
You know what? I make more than $6K a month.
I use that money to support myself, my wife, three children and a grandchild.
[No fair! What about the rest of us? We have a right to your money!!]
It allows us to have a safe place to live, food, clothing, transportation and education.
[Yeah, right! A gated McMansion, caviar on a stick, fur stoles, a big yacht, and some ivy-covered frat house!]
So take your talk about parasites and put it somewhere uncomfortable.
[Up your nose with a protozoa!]
It's not about that. It's about access to power.
[DUmmie Fantastic Anarchist is still in denial.]
I don't really envy them their mansions and personal possessions and toys.
[Their iPads and their 72-inch televisions and nice stereo equipment and Napa Valley wines and trips to Europe and skiing in Vail and LYING ON THE BEACH IN THE BAHAMAS IN JANUARY, D*MMIT, AND-- oops, got a little carried away there for a moment. NO, I DON'T ENVY THOSE RICH B*ST*RDS AT ALL!!!]
they don't realize that while they're busy stealing the nation's resources and wealth, that by itself makes some people poor. They don't realize when they take, someone has to give.
Oh I do think they realize that. They know exactly who they are taking from. "Shared" sacrifice proves that they know.
[Those Them They Themsters, They!!]
[= -1 for somebody else! GRRR!]
They can have all the money they think they need; just quit running my life. Which is what they really want - it is why they want the money.
[That's it! My secret's out. I really want to run DUmmie treestar's life. It is the reason I pull on my pants in the morning.]
When they have enough, they could just stop and take a trip around the world - enjoy it - but they don't.
[No, they come to treestar's house and run his life!]
Why would I envy a money-hoarder...any more than I envy the old lady with the 137 cats, or the old fart who has 350 wrecked cars in his pasture?
[72G can buy a lot of things, more than 137 cats can.]
The county can... and does... limit the number of cats you can have beyond reasonable norms. The government should limit the amount of money you have beyond reasonable norms.
[136 cats, 71G, those are the upper limits now.]
Unfortunately, that sounds like 'socialism' or even 'communism' to most people.
[You got a problem with that? What are you, some kind of cat hoarder?]
Say, any amount of money over a certain limit would need to be invested in creating a company (jobs) or in donations to a cause of your choice.
[How about the cause of me and my family? How about the cause of you staying out of my business?]
Otherwise, it simply reverts to the government to do what it wants.
[How can it "revert" to the government, when it never "verted" from the government in the first place?]
On the other hand, most people would never aspire to taking in more money than they need, to avoid this limit, and progress (from private enterprise) would grind to a halt, and we would be left to the government to decide more than they do now.
[DUH! Brilliant, Einstein! You are now on the road to becoming a conservative! Baby steps.]
This whole sh*tstorm is about power-consolidation by the elite. Thanks to the reification and fetishizing of money, the accumulation of money has become identical with the accumulation of power, so (richer == more powerful) and (more powerful == richer).
[benburch fetishizes money. He once married a roll of quarters.]
They're the proverbial hamster on the wheel; attain more money to attain more power to attain more money to attain more power - ad nauseaum.
[ben also was married to a hamster.]
Sure it is [about wealth envy]. That's why some people are talking about a "maximum wage." That's why some people are asking, "Who needs THAT much money?" You can try all the nuance you want, but this current movement is about attacking a class that has something you don't.
[TWO honest DUmmies in one thread! Diogenes must have had a BOGO!]
I hate Them. If it isn't Them, it's They. I hate They.
It may be whomever.....
....I hate whomever.
Looks like Pied Piper Pitt wasn't able to keep away from the cancer sticks.
"Anyhoo, we now join the DUmmies as they deny they want our dineros"...or..."Maybe he's pulling a Pitt and protesting from the comfort of his recliner." PJinc
Wait just one goddamn minute here. How many times do we have to go through this? As you have said again and again, PJinc...we are the trust-fund kids soon to be the Birkenstock Buckos. We don't need your fucking "dineros".
You insist on confusing the issue.
Technical question - Are you guys using Ray-Bans during day patrol in the desert or what? Our guys are going blind.
Pied Piper Pitt reminds me of a Welsh Corgi, what with those stubby little legs of his...
Nobody needs more than 6K per month unless they are a parasite, huh? I used to think that when I was 20 and making $1200 a month. (Of course, I also believed professional wrestling was real...until I turned 8.) What kind of intellectual giant makes a dumbass statement like that? I'll tell you what kind. The kind that never bothered to step foot into an econ class in college to learn that Mercantilism went out of style in about the 18th century, opting instead for "Marxist Perspectives on Chicano Wymynist Migration, 1909-1937" class, and is then dumbfounded that actual employers don't value that worthless crap, that's who. Better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. BTW, I gross about $9800/month as a deployed army major with 13 years of service. I make WAAAAY more than 6k/month and that makes me feel super cool inside.
"They're the proverbial hamster on the wheel; attain more money to attain more power to attain more money to attain more power - ad nauseaum."
Or ad infinitum...whatever. This DUmmie has intelligence envy.
They. Them. Teh Joooos, dammit.
"Any amount of money over a certain limit would need to be invested in creating a company (jobs) or in donations to a cause of your choice."
DUmbass, what do you think "the rich" do with their money? You think they stuff it into a mattress or keep it in a bedroom safe? "They" invest that money in their own companies to expand production, expand services, R&D for new products and so forth, which, if the new service or product is useful to idiots such as yourself, makes "them" richer as it makes your life richer.
These DUmbasses have the economic acumen of a five year old ... toe fungus. No wonder they vote Democrat when they can sober up enough to vote.
DUmmy says:
""Any amount of money over a certain limit would need to be invested in creating a company (jobs) or in donations to a cause of your choice.""
Not everyone is savvy enough to create a company, or even to help to run one. FAIL.
I already give to a cause of my choice (a mission in my city). Since I don't attend church, I consider it my tithe. And I bring in less than 1k/mth.
Tell us, DUmmy, what causes do YOU support?
Wow, the Dummies are even more stupid than I first thought. Not only do they want to limit income they also want to limit savings and investment.
That way all Americans can live from hand to mouth, the kind of life you experience in Pyongyang.
"Unfortunately, that sounds like 'socialism' or even 'communism' to most people."
Ya think? Sounds more like abject poverty but at least everyone would be equally destitute. Problem solved!
But our troggy can always make money playing on street corners.
"Not only do they want to limit income they also want to limit savings and investment." kat
What the fuck are you talking about?
If you think libs don't have 401's, savings accounts, college funds...you're nuts.
Your statement's ridiculous, kat. Who do you think the libs are? Forest People? Wee Moss People? Cave People?
Well, you're right. We are the Forest People, Wee Moss People, Cave People and, of course, the Grass People. And don't forget Trust Fund Kids.
As bewildering as it may be, libs might live in the same world as you do. Or not...nevermind.
(what was i thinking)
"Your statement's ridiculous, kat. Who do you think the libs are? Forest People? Wee Moss People? Cave People?"
Yes, yes, and yes. And also the people most likely to have body lice. I mean, the "People's Body Lice".
"(what was i thinking)"-Troglaman
You ask the impossible.
troglaman said...
"Not only do they want to limit income they also want to limit savings and investment." krazy kat
What the fuck are you talking about?
If you think libs don't have 401's, savings accounts, college funds...you're nuts.
Your statement's ridiculous, kat. Who do you think the libs are?
Once again reality scared Troglaman The Guttersnipe shitless and he promptly slammed his head up his ass.
Krazy Kat is right, and the fact your fellow Moonbat guttersnipes have 401K's, savings accounts, and the like is immaterial to the fact the people you support like a good little Moonbat lemming intend what Krazy Kat is saying.
And as for thinking, no one will ever accuse of that, Guttersnipe.
"(It's) immaterial to the fact the people you support like a good little Moonbat lemming intend what Krazy Kat is saying ("they also want to limit savings and investment"...that's what kat said)." Mr. Stinkwagon
We don't want to limit savings and investment. I mean, who said that? Who said the smart thing to do is to limit savings and investment? No one did. You're MAKING SHIT UP. Both of you.
Seems to me that anyone with a 401k and a heartbeat over 5 years old knows the last time they got totally fucked was in 2008. Before Obama was elected. Why'd that happen, Mr. Stinkwagon?
And what, pray tell, is any different from what brought this country to it's knees..and what you're proposing now?
Nothing. That's what. Primordial ooze knows this. You don't. Draw your own conclusions.
*non-partisan media alert*
The Country Music Awards opened with the song "Footloose".
The world is coming to an end.
*Now we return you to your regular programming*
"We don't want to limit savings and investment. I mean, who said that?"
A number of DUmmies did, read the thread
No we're not, you're denying shit.
Anyway, I'm not saying all Democrats want to limit savings and investment, just some of the DUmmies.
And yet...Obama's ruinous conomic policies will serve to limit savings and investment as new taxes, new regulations and inflation erode the average American's surplus cash.
But keep blaming everything on Bush if it makes you feel better.
"Seems to me that anyone with a 401k and a heartbeat over 5 years old knows the last time they got totally fucked was in 2008. Before Obama was elected. Why'd that happen, Jerome (who compared to I, the mightily pathetic Troglaman, looks more brilliant than Albert Einstein)?
That was due to the people you blindly support like the good little brain-dead groupthink lemming you are, Guttersnipe. The DSA put in rules to set up the failure then lied about it and refused to allow reforms. You'd know this if you didn't react to truth and reality by promptly slamming your head up your ass, but that's your problem, Guttersnipe.
And Krazy Kat is right and as usual, Guttersnipe, you're dead wrong...grow up and get over it. Power-slamming your head up your ass won't change that.
"A number of DUmmies did, read the thread" kat
I don't see it. Are you saying that DUmmies want to limit the amount you can save and the amount you can invest? Yes. Yes you are.
I think you're nuts. You're making shit up.
Besides that, there's only one party that's twice put this country in a financial hole...once during Hoover and again with W in 2008. There's only one party that's increased the deficit every time they've taken the administration. You guys.
For you to even pretend you know what you're talking about takes an extreme act of arrogance. Why? Because you have proven yourselves incapable. Again and again. For decades.
That's an indisputable fact.
So the fact that you claim to know best, without one new idea, without one admission that you fucked up...is only greater evidence that you're all a bunch of one celled organisms incapable of anything other than dividing...which is a problem in and of itself.
"That's an indisputable fact."
Fact. Under three years of Obama misrule the federal deficit has increased by $4 trillion. The deficit for the month of October, 2011 alone was $203 billion Prove me wrong.
Fact. In the past ten years the federal government has spent $28 tillion. The Obama administration projects the federal government will spend $46 trillion in the next 10 years. Much of this money will come from increased taxes (on everyone) and borrowing. The federal deficit will exceed $20 trillion (probably more) Prove me wrong.
The cause of the 2008 debacle was a reckless attempt to orchestrate universal affordable home ownership (and generate huge profits). This led politicians, government sponsored enteprises, weak regulators, greedy mortgage brokers and greedier Wall Street investment bankers to drive America into its worst economic crisis in 70 years. Think James Johnson, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and Franklin Raines.
Lots of fuck-ups on both sides of the aisle, lots bad ideas being recycled and no new ideas. Bad Republican ideas being replaced by disastrous Democrat ideas. Just spend then spend some more and maybe something good will happen--but it never does. Prove me wrong.
Fueled by hate and scared shitless by reality, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass and howled in a blind rage to emit the following rant:
"For you to even pretend you know what you're talking about takes an extreme act of arrogance. Why? Because you have proven yourselves incapable. Again and again. For decades.
That's an indisputable fact.
So the fact that you claim to know best, without one new idea, without one admission that you fucked up...is only greater evidence that you're all a bunch of one celled organisms incapable of anything other than dividing...which is a problem in and of itself."
And that crazed rant accurately defines Guttersnipe and the Democratic Socialist Party of America (DSA) which he blindly supports and wants to see continue to do more of what they've done to the nation already. Projection won't cut it, so Guttersnipe is hoping power-slamming his head up his ass will. Sorry, Guttersnipe, but the time of glory for you and your ilk will - God willing - soon come to a crashing halt on Election Day 2012 when you and your DSA heroes will be rejected in what I hope is an overwhelming landslide.
"...led politicians, government sponsored enteprises, weak regulators, greedy mortgage brokers and greedier Wall Street investment bankers to drive America into its worst economic crisis in 70 years." elrond
I would like to take this moment to agree...which will no doubt eternally damn poor elrond as a "suspicious character".
But really, how can anyone disagree with elrond's assessment?
We have to start somewhere.
And we have to start SOMETIME...you lazy jackoffs.
"But really, how can anyone disagree with elrond's assessment?
We have to start somewhere.
And we have to start SOMETIME...you lazy jackoffs." - Troglaman, The Official Certified Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site.
That will start after we throw your ilk out of power in the next election, Guttersnipe. If that doesn't happen and The Obamassiah is (God forbid) re-elected, then whether you accept it or not, we are all screwed.
Wow, Trogfuck is still here, still posting his ridiculous bullshit and is still getting his fat ass kicked (figuratively, of course). This worthless piece of shit must be into S&M or something, because he keeps on coming for more punishment.
It's also so cute how this arrogant spunkbucket comes here, acting as if he's so much smarter than the rest of us, yet cannot convince a single one of us the virtues of communism/socialism/whatever failed bullshit ideology he's been wanking off to this week.
Arrogance? Please, Trogfuck. You're clearly afflicted with too much arrogance becuase you keep coming here and posting your drivel. Your stubborn insistence on living is quite arrogant, in my opinion. If you had any common sense at all you would have committed suicide long ago, as you are clearly too stupid to live.
Oh, and this?
"If you think libs don't have 401's, savings accounts, college funds...you're nuts."
We call those libs hypocrites. The kind of people who fully support communism/socialism/insert failed ideology here yet benefit off of capitalism and they only subscribe to the former because they think they'll be the ones in charge. Too bad they won't be in charge once the commies/socialist/spunkbuckets take over. In fact, they'll be the first to get put up against the wall and shot because they're nothing more than useful idiots.
Oh, Trogfuck. Not only do you need a life, you need therapy. Only a truly deranged individual would keep coming here, spewing the same bullshit lies and expecting to make any progress whatsoever.
Furthemore, if this is how you get your jollies, you really, really, REALLY need a hobby. I suggest you start by playing Russian roulette with a loaded pistol.
Oooohhh lordy - I misspelled "because". It's called a typo, child. Don't get all excited now. One typo and I'm still better than your lazy, decrepit ass.
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