Flea-Bagger Wall Street Protester: "Help us now!" Will DUmmies respond?

This may be the most moving, impassioned plea I have seen in quite a while. I mean this VIDEO, "Flea Bagger Wall Street Protester Laments and Gnashes Teeth! LMAO!!" Here's a transcript:

Shaggy: Help us now! Help us now! Help us, they don't want to do this! F*** these people up there! F*** these @$$holes in their f***ing yachts! They aren't in there, and they aren't in our country! They are not American! Get them the f*** out of here! Get them the f*** out of here! This is ours! This is Liberty Plaza!
(F*** yeah.)
Shaggy: F*** yeah. We love you, OK? So just stay calm. Don't be violent. Hehehe, alright?
(Thank you, thank you.)

Shaggy: We are strong! We are strong! Do you see how strong we are? This should've gotten so worse. But we are taking it farther. We are taking it farther, like the future cars we're gonna have, more mileage and more sustainable stars than on the flag. We are gonna make our forefathers feel like they are our dads, and not sad and rolling in the grave, because we are going to save our country! Save our country! Save our country! Come with us!
(Come with us!)
Shaggy: Do you feel this? Because we feel you! We are making history.
Velma: Come, join us now! We need your help! This is not the way America is supposed to be!
Shaggy and Velma, we hear your cry for help! And so, I'm sure, do the DUmmies! DUAC! DUAC! Help is on the way! Your sisters and brothers in DUmmieland are STREAMING to Wall Street, even as we speak, to STAND WITH YOU as you make history, for you are truly SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER! F*** YEAH!
We will sample from here and there in DUmmieland to see the throngs of 99%ers heading now, RUSHING, to STAND WITH SHAGGY AND VELMA! No DUmmie left behind, I'm sure!
Come join us now as we witness this MASS MOVEMENT, IN ACTION, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, unable to recall a more moving, impassioned plea than that of Shaggy and Velma, is in the [brackets]:
Occupy Where-I-Am 2.0
[Huh? What? Don't you mean "Occupy-Where-Shaggy-and-Velma-Are"? Didn't you hear their impassioned plea?]
Can't get to New York?
[How can you SAY that? Who in their left mind would NOT be RUSHING toward New York RIGHT NOW? They NEED you!]
Find a message you like online and print it out. Or grab a marker and write your own message on a piece of paper. Put it in your window. Or on the dashboard of your car.
[A piece of paper on your dashboard. I can't believe it. THIS is what DUmmieland has come to??]
We don't have to be "there" to make our voices heard. We really can stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a spirit of solidarity, no matter where we are.
["Help us now! Help us now!" Can't you HEAR the cry of Shaggy? "Come, join us now! We need your help!" They NEED you! Velma needs you! Oh, how can you let them down, O ye of little zeal? You think printing off THIS is the same as standing shoulder-to-shoulder?]

Solidarity thread for occupiers facing eviction tonight and tomorrow....
[Alright, NOW we will see the DUmmies moving en masse to New York to stand in SOLIDARITY with their sisters and brothers, shoulder-to-shoulder, locking arms and shouting, in defiance, "WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!"]
Stay safe, stay focused, stay put. Stand your ground!
[Yes! Righteous! Stand your ground before The Man! All of us, there, together, locking arms, an immovable wall on Wall Street! WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!]
Kick and rec if you can't be at an occupation tonight but you stand with the 99% nonetheless.
[Huh? What? Not again!!]
They can move people around, but they can't shut down an idea.
[You can't even move your sorry ass off the couch!]
I'd give you wiggly fingers (sparkling) in support and solidarity...but we don't have that emoticon. So I'll just have to K&R. We really do need a sparkling emoticon.
[What is WITH you people??]
Solidarity. Will be there physically, as well (although not tonight).
[Tonight I'm washing my hair.]
I hope single occupiers find each other and become new lovers.
[OK, well, that's some incentive to get there, I suppose.]
[Unity! Laxity! Frito-Lay!]
This may be a turning point.
[A tipping point, even!]
I feel guilty typing this from the comfort of my house although I physically cannot camp out.
[Is this how the Bolsheviks toppled the czars?? I mean, COME ON!]
I've got no car to get me to an occupation. . . .
[In fact, I've got no occupation.]
I would join you if I could.
[But, I guess you're on your own, Shaggy and Velma! Lotsa luck when the jackbooted thugs knock you on the head! We'll be thinking of you!]
We are with you!
[Or, we WOULD be with you, except I heard it's gonna get pretty chilly there at night, and maybe even some rain, and then there's the issue of who's gonna take care of my cat. . . .]
How amazing is it that we so many worthless idiots running around on our streets! They have the morals of an alley cat. Is anyone going to make them start obeying the law? Are they going to make them clean up their mess?
I went through Seattle WTO. I have no patience with people like this. They just need to go get a job and become productive citizens.
That would be nice, except thanks to The Obamassiah's war on the private sector economy, jobs are hard to come by. Then again, a lot of these losers wouldn't bother even if the job market was good.
Edward T Hall III (aka Shaggy) is a confirmed Trust Fund brat, per NYT. Just like Pitt, parents are lawyers, he has a trust fund, but mooches off anyone and everyone. OWS in a NUTshell. Surprised? Of course not.
This DUmmie quote does it for me:
"I'd give you wiggly fingers (sparkling) in support and solidarity..."
The Fleabaggers got me..Now I'm going to sell off all my evil corporate stock holdings and go shit on a cop car.
"We are taking it farther, like the future cars we're gonna have, more milage and more sustainable stars than on the flag."
WTF? What does that mean? Anyone? Troglaman?
Irony alert!:
"They are not American...Get them the fuck out of here!...This is Liberty Plaza"
That's the trouble with modern media, any undergraduate stoner from CCNY's film department can babble incoherently and become a U-Tube superstar---for at least 15 minutes.
The sad thing is many DUmmies think this incoherent rant is a profound manifesto:
"I'd give you wiggly fingers (sparking) in support...but we don't have that emoticon...We really do need a sparkling emoticon."
I blame Bush for the emoticon shortage. When the revolution comes everyone will have sparkling emoticons, unicorns too...and lots of free stuff.
Anon 9:48AM
Saw that article in the New York Times too. Edward T. Hall aka "Shaggy" is indeed the son of lawyers, a trust fund baby (a "modest trust fund" per the Times) and a graduate student. Like most revolutionaries and wannabes he come from the upper middle class.
So it appears his video is just a bit of stoned street theater for the benefit of the proles.
"Edward T. Hall III", does it get any Waspier? If it comes down to it, dad will bail him out, he knows a lot of judges.
I wonder if troglaman is an upper middle class Wasp too.
Edward T. Hall III.
Sounds like a name only Iowahawk could come up with. Does the T stand for Treasury?
krazy kat said -
"I wonder if troglaman is an upper middle class Wasp too."
Not a chance this side of hell that Troglafuck is in that category.
"Does the T.stand for Treasury?"
Probably stands for "Twit" as in "Upper Class Twit." (Old Monty Python skit).
Update: Edward T. Hall was recently arrested in a New York airport for running through security and diving onto a luggage carousel. He was given a conditional release.
A total trustafarian. A poseur of the first order. Check out this douchetool's FB page:
Definitely a Troglaman Clone for sure 98ZJUSMC...
krazy kat said...
"Does the T.stand for Treasury?"
Probably stands for "Twit" as in "Upper Class Twit." (Old Monty Python skit).
Close. It stands for Twitchell.
"So it appears his video is just a bit of stoned street theater for the benefit of the proles." kat
Drunk, not stoned.
I'm gratefully insulted. The next one will be a lot better though I have no doubt you'll hate it.
Have you a guess as to which one I am?
"WTF? What does that mean? Anyone? Troglaman?" elrond
Anything to help out, my brother.
It doesn't mean anything. It's nonsense.
There you go.
"It doesn't mean anything. It's nonsense."
Just like everything else I've been seeing and reading of late. I've seen the future and it doesn't work.
troglafuck said...
It doesn't mean anything. It's nonsense.
Which matches most of the bullshit you put up here you racist jackass.
FOAD, Troglafuck.
"Just like everything else I've been seeing and reading of late. I've seen the future and it doesn't work." elrond
What a sour puss. How 'bout this?
I have seen the past and it doesn't work.
My data's better than yours. Why? Because you don't have any yet. I do. That makes me, the mighty trog, better informed.
You jokers have nothing to offer other than failed policy - cut taxes, deregulate and spend like drunken sailors. It's what you do. That's a fact (and beyond argument so shut the fuck up).
It's never too late to believe in the future, elrond. The forces of good may yet prevail.
"I have seen the past and it doesn't work." - Troglaman, The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site
So that's what you've been seeing every time you power-slam your head up your ass...no wonder you never have a clue as to what goes on unless you stumble into it by accident.
"My data's better than yours. Why? Because you don't have any yet. I do. That makes me, the mighty (pathetic) trog, better informed." - Troglaman, The Certified Troll of The DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site
Fat chance of that, Guttersnipe. You are terrified of reality so there's no way you could be better informed on anything other than how to be a flaming jackass and on that subject, you're the absolute expert.
"You jokers have nothing to offer other than failed policy - cut taxes, deregulate and spend like drunken sailors. It's what you do. That's a fact (and beyond argument so shut the fuck up)." - Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
The real fact is you and your fellow Anti-American Moonbat Guttersnipes are the ones with failed policy - regulate an operation or business into oblivion, raise taxes to the point you strangle the economy and spend money so freely that free spending drunken sailors look like tight-fisted descendents of Ebenezer Scrooge in comparison. That's the fact, and power-slamming your head up your ass like a jackhammer can't change it.
"The forces of good may yet prevail." - Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
They will - and when they do you and your ilk will see those you support stripped of power, hopefully for next 100 years if not longer.
"and spend like drunken sailors."-troglaman
Are you saying this doesn't work!?
I think you should write your congressman and let them know.
"..and spend like drunken sailors."
Federal deficit for FY 2010 was $1.3trillion and FY 2011 another $1.3trillion.
...and there's no George Bush in sight. So who's the inebriated sailor?
Those deficits are all Obama's, prove me wrong or you don't have a future.
"...and spend like drunken sailors."
Federal spending:
FY 2009 $3.53 trillion (2nd place)
FY 2010 $3.456 trillion (3rd place)
FY 2011 $3.6 trillion (new record)
Federal deficits:
FY 2007 $164 billion
FY 2008 $759 billion
FY 2009 $1.416 trillion (record)
FY 2010 $1,294 trillion (3rd place)
FY 2011 $1,298 trillion (2nd place)
Hmmm, over $4 trillion in red ink in just three years.
Face it troggy, we have no future with Captain Wacky at the helm.
"So that's what you've been seeing every time you power-slam your head up your ass...no wonder you never have a clue as to what goes on unless you stumble into it by accident." Mr. Stinkwagon
Mr. Stinkwagon is imagining me stumbling around with my head up my ass...bumping into things. He's being a bad boy.
"FY 2007 $164 billion
FY 2008 $759 billion" elrond
Are you serious? Are you saying that the federal deficit in 2007 was 164 billion? I don't think so. Or are you saying the deficit rose 164 billion in 2007? Or are you saying something else because so far you're totally full of shit. Why? Because the deficit in 2007 was not 164 billion nor did it go up only 164 billion. The same holds true for 2008.
So these numbers must mean something else, right? There must be some blindingly brilliant arithmetic going on here that is indecipherable to the mortal man.
Don't even try to explain it, elrond. I'll just trust in your...ability...or whatever else you want to call it.
"I went through Seattle WTO. I have no patience with people like this. They just need to go get a job and become productive citizens."
Would you like to offer a 4th grade 'compare and contrast' between Seattle's WTO and OWS? Bet you can't. And besides, you dumbfuck...we're trust-fund kid ingrates. Don't you remember? We don't NEED a friggin job! We're gonna take all daddy's money and burn the place down.
So which is it? Jobless worthless jerk-offs or trust-fund ingrate jerk-offs? Don't even think about how fantastically moronic both of these wingnut frameworks are...just pick one. Can't be both, can it?
Would you like to offer a 4th grade 'compare and contrast' between Seattle's WTO and OWS?"-troglaman
You've got the wrong person again. How old are you? Should we blame your befuddlement on inexperience or geriatrics?
"I become all confused"-troglaman
You have a sharp eye, I made an error, the actual federal deficit for FY 2008 was $459 billion, not $759 billion. So the deficits for FYS 2007 and 2008 were $164 billion and $459 billion, repectively. That's a lot of money but nowhere near Obama's mega deficits for FY 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Funny (not ha-ha funny) how we've come to accept trillion dollar deficits as ho-hum figures.
As the Great Helmsman steers the ship of state onto the rocks.
The figures I've provided are available on the Internet.
Those figures are also available in the WORLD ALMANAC AND BOOK OF FACTS, Elrond. Not that Guttersnipe understands a book - he can't even comprehend his own words, let alone anyone else's.
"You've got the wrong person again. How old are you? Should we blame your befuddlement on inexperience or geriatrics?" troglANON
See how all these troglANONics are all over my ass because I somehow can't parse out who's who? This has NOTHING to do with the fact that they all call themselves EXACTLY THE SAME THING. No. Once again, it's my fucking problem.
Just the opposite is true. Why? Because I will call you whatever I want to call you whenever I want to. Count on it. I have a history. So don't look to me, the mighty trog, to shore up your fragile, hidden identities, you bunch of stupid schizoid smuggles.
"So the deficits for FYS 2007 and 2008 were $164 billion and $459 billion, repectively." elrond
You're wrong. You sure you want to go here?
"because I somehow can't parse out who's who?"-troglaman
Are you saying we all look alike to you?
"Are you saying we all look alike to you?" troglANON
Aren't YOU clever. But no, you SOUND alike to me. Like a herd of turnips...a turnip herd...stampeding across the open plain. And I'm not the only one.
For what it's worth some of the brutal occupiers on the revolutionary left have begun referring to you all as 'nipturds'.
Just sayin.
"And I'm not the only one."-troglaman
You're not the only turnip herd? Well that's a relief.
The reason for the jump in deficits starting after 2007 is that this is when Pelosi and Reid took over the congress.
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