DUmmies are angry that others think they're angry!

In yesterday's DUFU, we documented how full of hate and anger the DUmmies are toward anyone who has more money than they do, particularly toward those who work in the financial sector. Signs saying "JUMP! YOU F***ERS!" and images of guillotines were typical of the DUmmies' violent fantasies.
But even though the DUmmies and the OWSies are filled with such anger and hatred, don't you dare accuse them of posing a potential threat! No, the OWSies are non-violent, peaceful protesters, dontcha know. So any preparedness on the banks' part, trying to protect their employees' safety--this HAS to be a right-wing plot to paint the OWSies as violent types! Never mind that similar protests HAVE turned violent--think of the WTO riots in Seattle a few years back.
Today then we turn to this THREAD by DUmmie arcane1, "So, I work for a bank. Today they sent us this 'Protest Safety Handbook,'" and this THREAD by the OccuPied Piper himself, William Rivers Pitt, "Bank On It: They're Scared."
So let us see the DUmmies get all angry when others NOTICE that they're angry, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, happy to join PJ in a DUbble-DUFU night, is in the [brackets]:
So, I work for a bank.
[Bankster! Jump to your death, why don't ya! Watch your neck! We're coming with guillotines! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!]
Today they sent us this "Protest Safety Handbook"
[A bank issuing some common-sense precautions to their employees, so they can navigate safely through a mob of angry protesters. Seems reasonable. What's the problem?]
"While this group has not yet resorted to violence the possibility exists that they can."
[Well, again, a reasonable warning, based on historical precedent. What's the problem?]
"Safety Tips"
[There follow about twenty common-sense precautions, including . . .]
"When encountering a protest group or march every effort should be made to avoid the group."
[Horrible! How dare they say that! Facists!]
"Do not attempt to reason or argue with the protesters."
[Trying to reason with the OWSies would be like matching up Rosie O'Donnell and Chaz Bono and expecting a baby. It ain't gonna happen.]
I already felt like I needed another job, now I actively hate this f***ing place.
[Something tells me, DUmmie arcane1, that you may be looking for another job sooner than you think.]
"every effort should be made to avoid them or.......you'll probably end up joining them"
[DUmmie Scuba thinks this "Protest Safety Handbook" is just a ploy to keep the 1% from joining the 99%.]
Avoid the people that are going to save you and your children from a rush limbaugh, hell-on-earth, capitalist paradise! How stupid do these banksters thing their employees are???
[The OWSies are our benevolent saviors! Who would possibly want to avoid them? . . . Don't answer that.]

It just goes to show how scared the cowardly banksters are and how the cops and corporatocracy will make stuff up and create a crisis to keep the people serfs.
[Hundreds of angry protesters, dressed as zombies, calling people who work in financial institutions "money-hungry fascists" who are "dead inside," entreating the "f***ers" to jump out of windows--yeah, that's all made-up stuff.]
they are getting scared as they should be...underneath our peaceful movement is a boiling rage. However, to imply that people are out there with torches and pitchforks is seriously off base.
[SERIOUSLY off-base! The OWSies are out there with GUILLOTINES and pitchforks!]
That's basic safety information for any city dweller. And they're right that you shouldn't pick fights.
Maybe you missed what happened in Britain. This is actually more or less responsible corporate behavior. It is a cheap, minimal effort to protect nervous employees. There is no reason to put propagandistic spin on it.
[But there IS a reason to put a Kewpie Doll in your mailbox, DUmmie aquart! Congratulations!]
The Banks should issue surgical masks to all employees.
[The OWSies should issue Guy Fawkes masks to all protesters.]
Violence is not unlikely. History shows it's what pissed-off people do. History (e.g. the labor movement) also suggests that TPTB don't take anger seriously until that point.
"often encouraging the unemployed and homeless to join the movement." They weren't unemployed and homeless until you f***ing shitstains destroyed the economy because of your f***ing greed and lying. Be scared, f***ers.
[No, no reason for financial companies to worry about their employees' safety. Nope, none at all.]
[Chop chop!]
Attention, all employees of banksters, rethuglians and teabaggers!! Don't forget to wear a Guy Fawkes mask if you find yourself among the OWS revolutionaries! Its MAGIC!
[What a Guy!]
Workers of the world unite!
[OWSies, meet the Wobblies!]
When you see a protest march...immediately disrobe and join the protest.
[A tip from the Ben Burch Handbook.]
I honestly don't see how they think that if they start charging more banking fees that they can stay in business and costumers will not leave them.
[Especially the costumers with Guy Fawkes masks.]
The opposition to the "OWS" movement could start to implant vandalizing trouble makers into the OWS crowds. . . .
If you don't mind, I'm going to use this in an article.
[Which OccuPied Piper Pitt now does . . .]
Bank On It: They're Scared
[Bank it! Pretty clever there, Will! You are such a wordsmith!]
Once the "mainstream" news outlets finally deigned to lower themselves to report on the rabble down on Wall Street, their tone and tenor fairly oozed contempt. The New York Times, bastion of the status quo, published an article describing each and every participant of the OWS protest as a moonbeam-riding fuzzbrain, someone reeking of patchouli who couldn't string a coherent thought together if their life depended on it. . . .
[Incredible! The New York Times finally got something right!]
These protesters are bums, hippies, losers, anarchists, idiots, communists and fools. . . .
[OK, so what's the problem?]
According to Gandhi, the next step comes when they fight you, but here is the spot where his marvelous wisdom could use a bit of enhancement. First they ignore you, then they ridicule you... Then they get scared. And they are scared, now. You can smell it.
[Actually, Will, what you are smelling are the OWSies reeking of patchouli.]
Fact: OWS has bloomed in more than a dozen major cities all across the country. It stopped being a protest a while ago. It's a movement now.
[Fact: OccuPied Piper Pitt can't be moved out of his La-Z-Boy long enough to go and physically PARTICIPATE in any of these events.]
And it's true. They are scared. You can smell it.
[I think maybe it's Wee Willie who's scared. You can smell it. Smells like a Pitt.]
"These protesters are bums, hippies, losers, anarchists, idiots, communists and fools. . . ."
Which explains the type of people who support their maniacal behavior quite well. Birds of a feather truly do flock together it would seem.
They dress up like it'a a Halloween party and expect people to take them seriously? These people need to get jobs, and lives, and worry about stuff that really matters.
You want violence, dirtbags? Bring it. Two of the companies you are protesting have the names of Remington, and Smith and Wesson, and they would like to make your acquaintance.
"They weren't unemployed and homeless until you f***ing shitstains destroyed the economy because of your f***ing greed and lying. Be scared, f***ers." Really Really Scary DUmmies
PJinc's commentary - "No, no reason for financial companies to worry about their employees' safety. Nope, none at all."
Friggin pussies. Why? Let's take a little trip back in time, shall we?
"A man toting an assault rifle was among a dozen protesters carrying weapons while demonstrating outside President Obama's speech to veterans on Monday...It was the second instance in recent days in which weapons have been seen near presidential events."
Know what's even more scary than that? Of course you do! A bunch of stoned out, bongo thumping, trust fund kids crying "Off with their heads!" That...is scary.
How would you all feel if OWS started exercising their second amendment rights (just like your doing right now, mr. troglANONic smith and wesson)?
You'd support us, right?
I mean, it's a constitutional, God given right and you'd have our backs. I, the optimistic trogla-sparkle pony, know deep in my heart that when us libtards start buying up weapons and ammunition (and start legally packing at our "occupying" demonstrations...just like you do) you'll stand with us.
Could this be our unifying moment?
::: watching Troglaman - The Official Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site - power-slam his head repeatedly up his ass in yet another non-nonsensical diatribe :::
Reality is closing in a little closer every day, Guttersnipe...and your fear is driving you one step closer towards your new home - the insane asylum.
You're screwed, Guttersnipe, and all the Everclear on the planet won't stave off reality crushing your fantasy world like an empty tin can.
Well, since the Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights I'm sure the OWS crowd will demand the government provide them with free guns and ammo...and so another entitlement is born.
By the way who did those armed demonstrators shoot or even threaten? No one, of course.
A leftist with a gun, however, is a threat to everyone, especially himself and those standing near him. Noam sayin'?
Meanhwile we got the guns.
wow, troggie bringing up manipulated ancient history and spouting the same shit as the rest of the commies are spouting. SCREAM MOTHERFUCKER, SCREAM!
Filthy, smelly hippies.
And their enablers. This won't end the way they think it will. More popcorn, please.
"Well, since the Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights I'm sure the OWS crowd will demand the government provide them with free guns and ammo...and so another entitlement is born." overpaid white male
No. We can afford them, being trust fund kids and all that (thanks to you).
So once we arm up with the proper weapons and the proper permits, you guys will support us, right? This is the friggin 2nd amendment we're talking about here, my friends. If the OWS people start packing legal weapons (assault rifles and shit) you're all gonna be on board, right?
I'm counting on your full support for such an initiative.
"A leftist with a gun, however, is a threat to everyone, especially himself and those standing near him. Noam sayin'?" Dick Cheney
The overpaid white guy is a turnip...it's the Peter Principle taking place right before your fucking eyes. Take note.
So are you implying only people on the right know how to operate weapons responsibly, mr over paid white guy dick cheney?
I think you are. You're wrong.
But don't let that stop you.
What's with this "we" crap, Troglafuck? No way a craven cowardly worthless son of a bitch like you would be out on a protest.
FOAD Troglafuck.
"The overpaid white guy is a turnip"-Troglaman
Your inarticulate ramblings are one thing, in fact they're often quite funny (as evidenced above). However your ever increasing displays of racism might be better suited for another website.
Here are some suggestions:
Daily Kos
LA Times
Washington Post
There are many more but that should get you started.
It's a real conundrum for the OWS crowd, ideologically they hate the 2nd Amendment and want to disarm all Americans. But, also ideologically, they romanticize political violence and revolution. Will they opt for guns and ammo over peace and love? Eventually some will, just like their 60s parents.
Manwhile, maybe we can arrange for Dick Chaney to pay you a visit and do some pheasant hunting.
OWS is just a throw back to the anti-war group in the 1960s. Just as violent and just as dirty.
"Your inarticulate ramblings are one thing, in fact they're often quite funny (as evidenced above). However your ever increasing displays of racism might be better suited for another website." smuggles
Smuggles! So good to hear from you again.
What displays of racism might you be referring to? Feel free to totally express yourself. I, the mighty trog, can take it.
And what's so inarticulate about what I've been asking?
You pussies find the OWS scary. I remind you about protesting while equipped with assault weapons, then I ask how you'd feel if OWS did the same thing. Seems pretty clear to me.
If you find that inarticulate, then I'd recommend a CAT scan. There's a blood clot somewhere...or a genetic anomaly...or you've got the brains of a tuber, most likely a potato. I'm betting on potato.
"It's a real conundrum for the OWS crowd, ideologically they hate the 2nd Amendment and want to disarm all Americans. But, also ideologically, they romanticize political violence and revolution. Will they opt for guns and ammo over peace and love? Eventually some will, just like their 60s parents." kat
See how elegant this response is? Of course you don't!
However, I never said these protesters would take up weapons. I don't think they will. They could, but they won't. I asked you how you'd feel if they did. Why? Because you folks already have. Get that? You're already protesting with assault weapons and are just fine with it.
Let's cut to the chase - I sincerely doubt you'd feel the same way if OWS decided to do the same thing. In fact, you'd be screaming for your mommy.
We're putting up with armed SWAT Team wannabe's and you're putting up with angry bongo players.
Who's the pussy here?
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me spew wild crazy rants because me am brilliant which means are you am stupid. I are genius because me am brilliant making you stupid.
Me not have to make sense. Me am brilliant. I are genius because me can ignore reality.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"Who's the pussy here?"-Troglaman
Oh I think you know the answer to that question. Deny as you might, you know it to be true.
You're obsessed with a minor demonstration that occured almost four years ago. I still remember the hysteria, you were one of the hyterics.
"I never said these protestors will take up weapons. I don't think they will."
Most of them won't, but some will
(remember the Weathermen and the SLA?). Armed struggle has always been part of the Left's fantasy game plan, bongos are just a diversion for the credulous. Right now they're hoping (like Donny Deutsch) for a Kent State moment to justify the guns n' ammo. Nothing like martyrs to boost the recruiting effort, there are always some true believers who will enlist.
"Who's the pussy here?"
Why you are.
"What displays of racism might you be referring to?"-troglaman
Oh, I get it. "Deny and delay". That tactic always works. Over the last two months you've been caught several times using racial epithets and other derogatory comments about people's race. Have you really not noticed?
I suggest you look through your tirades. If you're surprised at what you see, then it might be time for some self evaluation.
"You're obsessed with a minor demonstration that occured almost four years ago. I still remember the hysteria, you were one of the hyterics." kat
You guys set the bar at those demonstrations. You made arming yourselves with assault weapons OK. You exercised your legal rights. I get it. So, would you be OK with OWS doing the same thing? Why is this such a hard frigging question?
"I suggest you look through your (racist) tirades. If you're surprised at what you see, then it might be time for some self evaluation." smuggles
Fuck you. If you're claiming I'm a racist, then step up and prove it, you lazy jackass.
You're the "that dog don't hunt" guy, aren't you, smuggles. I KNEW it.
He'll deny it. In case you haven't figured it out, anyone under the troglANON moniker needs a way out. Why? I think we all know the answer to that question.
::: watching Troglaman, The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt, angrily power-slam his head up his ass over and over in a desperate attempt to tune out reality :::
You are getting more desperate and scared as time goes by, Guttersnipe. Your fantasy world's days are numbered and you can't deal with it. That's evident from the ever more crazed rants you produce by power-slamming your head up your ass. But it won't save you, Guttersnipe - your fate and the fate of those you've supported like a good little clueless lemming are sealed, God willing, and then we all get to sit back and watch you lose what little mind you have when you and your ilk finally face a day of reckoning.
HAH! Anon 8:21 is right! I looked through the July, August, and September comments and Troggy referred to the prez as "a chimp" in August, and in July and September described white people as inbred hicks. Is that what you call equal opportunity racism?
Troglaman The Guttersnipe in consistent in only one thing - he can say something in a post on here then either act like he never said it or not be able to comprehend what he just said. I chalk that up to either too much Everclear or too much use of LSD on his part.
But all the real evidence one needs for proving Guttersnipe a racist is the fact he backs the Democratic Socialist Party of America (DSA) who have been a race baiting group since at least the 1960s.
"HAH! Anon 8:21 is right! I looked through the July, August, and September comments and Troggy referred to the prez as "a chimp" in August, and in July and September described white people as inbred hicks. Is that what you call equal opportunity racism?" smuggles
Is that the best you can do? No full quotes? Of course it is!
Would you like me to reiterate what you've called "the prez" during July through September? Would you like me to reiterate what you've called me during forever?
Smuggles recently informed us all that a liberal would never let a black man fail as president because, of course, he's black.
I, the mighty trog, believe this is a racist statement. Why? First of all, it's untrue. There's not one shred of evidence to support it. So why did he say it? Why did it even become a tiny point of light in his little itty-bitty brain?
Because he's an inbred hick racist. That's why.
More delay and deny.
Don't worry troglaman. We'll offer you the same benefit of doubt that the media and Democrats offer Republicans in similar situations. That being the case you must prove you're not a racist.
Now Troggy's flailing around trying to find someone else to blame for his own racism.
Sad really. Funny, but sad.
"More delay and deny." smuggles
Can you provide a quote yet? Of course you can't! Somehow, that's my fault. What a load of crap.
You've been full of shit from the start, smuggles. From 'you don't know how to make a successful argument despite being right or wrong' to 'this dog don't hunt'...you're simply a dumbass, full of shit, douchebag bullshitter.
Give yourself a moniker, you fucking troglANONic pussy. Be proud. Stand up for your beliefs. Or not.
He won't do it.
(But 'smuggles' aint bad. Admit it)
You're not fooling anyone you know. Anon 11:58pm showed where your examples are. Your blame shifting simply isn't good enough. Remember, we're using the rules applied to republicans by the media and democrats (but I repeat myself). Unless, you now think that standard is somehow... unfair.
Now I find racism inappropriate in all circumstances but since you feel differently maybe you should consider embracing your bigotry like former Senators Robert Byrd and Al Gore sr. Or, more recently, the occupy anytown movement. According to them it's those dastardly Jews that are to blame for the world's ills. Do you agree with them and hate the Jews too? Considering occupy anytown recently got the endorsement of the Communist Party, The Nazi Party, and Iran shows that you're simply staying 'on message'.
Oh, and 'smuggles' wouldn't be bad if you just used it for me but when you use it on everyone it kind of loses it's meaning.
"Oh, and 'smuggles' wouldn't be bad if you just used it for me but when you use it on everyone it kind of loses it's meaning."
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Sometimes you're so wily and clever, I just can't keep up! I become all confused and call EVERYBODY 'smuggles' and then feel like a jackass because I've demeaned you...by confusing you with some of the other criminally insane characters passing themselves as a troglANON. Forgive me.
I, troglaman, swear to try harder to ferret you out, smuggles.
On second thought, maybe you could sign off as 'smuggles' and make everyone's life easier, you frigging drama queen.
"You're not fooling anyone you know."
Smuggles Again!
Any racist troglaquotes yet? Nope. Just more bloviating.
Come on. Just one? Can't you get just one? Because if you can't deliver, you've proven that you're a bunch of shit sausages...all by yourselves.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Sometimes you're so wily and clever, I just can't keep up"-troglaman
Don't worry you didn't hurt my feelings and everyone knows you can't keep up.
"Any racist troglaquotes yet? Nope. Just more bloviating."-troglaman
There are several, and your admitted bloviation isn't helping you. No comment on the anti-Jewish rant of the occupy wherever crowd? No comment on the endorsements of other racist organizations and countries that endorse them? You OK with that?
No comment on treatment of republicans by the democrats and media in a situation such as yours? If you're OK with that too then it's up to you to defend yourself against accusations without the benefit of the doubt and no recourse or apology if you're somehow cleared.
"But in all honesty, I admit the chimp could probably handle the situation just as successfully"-troglaman, August 2011 in reference to President Obama
"I become all confused"-troglaman
This goes without saying.
"But in all honesty, I admit the chimp could probably handle the situation just as successfully"-troglaman, August 2011 in reference to President Obama
Since you're doing your due diligence, maybe you could find references when the mighty troglaman refers to YOU dumbshits as "chimps", monkeys, mollusks, fruits, or root-crops.
I'm not saying Obama's a chimp, I'm saying a chimp could do as good of job (on some economic thing). I've said the same thing to you jackasses hundreds of times.
But all you see is 'chimp' and 'Obama' and you're good. That's you're fucking problem, not mine.
And for the record, never mind a chimp, a brace of beagles could out-think you dumbshits anytime, anywhere.
Gawd. I just looked it up.
Once again, here's troglaman's racist quote according to troglANON -
"But in all honesty, I admit the chimp could probably handle the situation just as successfully"-troglaman, August 2011 in reference to President Obama
Here's the actual comment (I just cut and pasted the whole thing) -
troglaman said...
"...me smart because me am say you are all stupid which means I are smart." Son of Troglaman
Nope. Now go to your room.
Look at it this way...watching you folks play around with reality is like watching an epileptic eating noodles with chopsticks. Saying you're stupid doesn't mean I'm smart. It means I think you're stupid. And then I tell you what you said that was stupid and go about trying to prove it with easily obtainable facts. I point out stupidity all the time. It's my mission, my work here.
But, in all honesty, I admit a chimp could probably handle the situation just as successfully.
It's not about me. It's about you."
There you go.
I don't why this shit should surprise me, but it sorta does.
You're so frigging full of shit, smuggles. Thanks for pointing it again. And with such flair!
Fucking liars. Christ.
"Gawd. I just looked it up."-troglaman
Research? You? I told you where to look, you only had to listen.
So you're saying you've been 'GASP' misquoted? I'm sorry, if what you're saying is true then it's too little too late. By the rules (democrats and media, haven't you noticed I've been saying this all along?) there's already been a multiple week smear campaign against you. You've been linked to overtly racist people or organizations and you haven't answered every question to the satisfaction of those concerned.
"Fucking liars"-troglaman
Nope, I'm a teacher. Now here's your test.
1. Define demagoguery.
2. Does the media's and democrats use of "the race card" help their cause or is it just a calculated cheap shot?
3. Does it work if it's repeated enough or does it weaken it's true meaning?
4. Does the overt racism/anti-semitism of "occupy wherever" mean you are the same as they?
5. Is the Tea Party racist?
6. Are you smarter than Janeane Gerafalo?
Think carefully about your answers.
Yes, you've been played but can you learn anything from it? Or, will you spew more hate and smug superiority? I think I know the answer.
"Saying you're stupid doesn't mean I'm smart."-troglaman
It never will but you'll keep doing it.
"Research? You? I told you where to look, you only had to listen." smuggles
Yes you did. You told me where to look. And you revealed your deception, you masochistic shithead (though you've perked up my inner homo considerably, sneaky devil).
You're a fucking liar. Remember?
Here's how the world works for normal people - once you tell a big-time lie, you lose your credibility. Every word becomes empty.
So I've come to the conclusion that you should go fuck your mother...and try to have a good time. It might be a challenge but I'm sure you'll be up to it. Why? Because you're an inbred hick racist. That's why. They fuck their mothers all the time. Being 'Uncle Dad' to your siblings has to have it's unique rewards.
Ask them to take your fucking test.
"You've been linked to overtly racist people or organizations and you haven't answered every question to the satisfaction of those concerned." smuggles
Once again...go fuck your mother.
Who the fuck is this guy?
Pencils down.
Whew! I stay up late watching movies and now I get to grade a test. Lets look at your answers.
Oh sorry. Looks like you didn't do very well. And by that I mean you failed miserably. But I'm sure you're used to hearing that.
My, such vile hateful spewtum you hurl. And so easy to write the rules for "how the world works for normal people" as long as they fit your needs. And I daresay you knowing what works for normal people is a longshot at best.
I showed you a reality that you don't want to see by playing you for a sap and now you're fussy again. Surprise.
What you see as a "lie" is a lesson in what the democrats and media perpetrate on republicans time and time again. Now when it happens again you'll see how it effects people. Oh who am I kidding you'll cheer it and ignore anything you might have learned. You'll choose to ignore it because you got your feelings hurt. Therefore, out comes your only weapon: vulgarity. Which is why you're laughed at here. Daily.
I don't know how I could be more obvious with the clues I gave you. When you caught the line in another thread about us "all looking alike to you" I was encouraged as it was much more subtle than what I wrote in this thread. Day... after... day... But you couldn't see it. You still can't. It shows us that you're not very observant, or willfully ignorant. Which is it? I'll bet I know.
"Who the fuck is this guy?"-troglman
I'm someone who'll end with a compliment. You make me, PJ, and Charles happy every time I read your comments. You make PJ an Charles happy that you drive up the comment count for their blog. You're a good 'lil troll! You make me happy that I'm not you. Man, the sun shines a little brighter every time I'm reminded of that.
"I don't know how I could be more obvious with the clues I gave you." smuggles
Clues to what? This little mystery game is your invention. Where are we, on the Orient Express perhaps?
I'm not playing. I don't give one, big juicy shit. Why? Here you go.
"But in all honesty, I admit the chimp could probably handle the situation just as successfully"-troglaman, August 2011 in reference to President Obama
Is this a manufactured lie or not?
Yes or no.
That's all that's worth knowing about you. And the James Bond stuff is pathetic.
"Is this a manufactured lie or not?"-troglaman
Nope, it's a case study in character assassination based on a multitude of examples provided by democrats and the media. Haven't you been paying attention? I've told this to you in almost all if not all of my comments. Only seeing what you want to see is a bad habit of yours. To say I've been trying to "teach you a lesson" is an understatement.
If you don't agree with it's use then you have a problem with liberal politics, not me.
If that's the case, and I presume it is because of your continued fussyness, then good for you. It should bother you and when it's used against the next republican (and it will be) in local or national politics then surely you'll speak out against it. Because if you don't then it must be that you do agree with it, or you're a coward.
Just to scratch the surface, here's a top ten list:
Go walk your dog.
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