"Weiner’s Wife Is PREGNANT": DUmmies throw their Weiner under the bus!

Do the DUmmies have ANY moral standards at all? Sometimes you wonder. But the news today--reported in this THREAD, "Weiner’s Wife Is PREGNANT"--have even the Undergrounders shaking their head. Many of them are ready to throw their Weiner under the bus!
So let us drop in on the Weiner Roast, in Red Hot Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, nominating Anthony Weiner to succeed John Edwards as Father of the Year, is in the [brackets]:
Weiner’s Wife Is PREGNANT
[Well, at least it works!]
But none of it relates to his voting record.
[As long as he's for socialism and abortion, nothing else matters.]
Weiner posts are taking up way too much space. . . .
[Size matters.]
I find Weiner creepy and far beyond my (what many would consider Atheist) limits. . . .
[Weiner even disgusts the godless!]
This is my first Wiener post. Weiner posts are taking up way too much space at DU.
[Thanx! You just added to it!]
I just send some healing consciousness their way (i.e. prayed)
[Don't say the "p" word! Now send some white light too! PRAISE Gaia!]
Not our business.
For Pete's sake. Is this your response to every single item of human interest?
[For Tweet's sake, it's a HUMA interest story!]
F***all, when it rains it pours no?
[Some would say it's a . . . oh, perfect storm, of sorts.]
I was hoping that we could talk about the cost of health care. . . .
[Weiner may need some, after Huma gets done with him.]
And somehow all this panty sniffing is for her good, right?
[DUmmie Beth Ferrari thinks panty sniffing stinks.]
We all live within our own bubbles; some much smaller, others more sad.
["Tiny bubbles . . . On the Weiner . . . Make me sadder . . . Make me feel meaner. . . ." Thank you, Don Ho.]
Some have large and perceptually positive bubbles. . . .
[Size matters.]
I also hope he remains in Congress and I feel certain the people of NY will reelect him as the American people tend to not particularly like witch hunts as the Clinton and Rangel episodes demonstrated.
[Immorality is a resume enhancer in Democrat districts.]
There are levels of betrayal, and being cheated on while pregnant ranks near the top (I think the top would be if one of his porn buddies announced that she is pregnant too).
[Tony the Tiger is aiming for John Edwardsdom.]
The little head told the big head what to do and he complied.
[Little Anthony the Imperial.]
Sending pictures of yourself over the net is not cheating on your spouse.
[Is that you, Bill Clinton?]
He had phone sex with one of the women. . . .
[He had phony sex with all of the women.]
Would you do it with your spouse watching over your shoulder?
[Don't go there. This is DUmmieland, remember.]
Has it been confirmed that they are not in an open relationship?
[Little Anthony is in an open-fly relationship.]
his speech was crafted by PR people
[Pubic Relations people?]
my opinion is that he has a team of 20 people who are formulating and crafting everything he does/says now
[Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Barney Frank, Eliot Spitzer, Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, Algore. . . .]
CNN: Weiner calls Bill Clinton
The Clintons should be able to counsel them well. . . .
[Hee! Hee!]
I hope the kid takes after his wife. . . .
[First the wife will take after her husband.]
Who is the dad?
This shoud END all discussion of this. there is soon to be a third innocent involved. . . .
weiner's not "innocent" by any stretch
[And judging by the photo, it ain't much of a stretch.]
the child is who the poster is referring to. . . .
you mean the fetus?
[Must . . . not . . . say the "b" word. . . .]
Yay! Babies!
These people have no moral compass. What empty lives they live.
[Immorality is a resume enhancer in Democrat districts.]-CH
I see what you did there.
"Do the DUmmies have ANY moral standards at all? "
Is Troglatroll a gentleman?
"Sending pictures of yourself over the net is not cheating on your spouse."
Spoken like a TRUE bachelor and a 100% DUmmy.
Be sure to visit Stupid Beth's #FightBackTony on twitter. It's a hoot
"Weiner posts are taking up way too much space at DU."
Weiner is taking up way to much space in Congress.
"...the American people tend to not like witch hunts as the Clinton and Rangel episodes demonstrated."
...and let's not forget the Spitzer and Edwards episodes.
Stick a fork in Weiner's ass, he's done....or maybe not. He represents a very liberal Congressional District in New York City and liberals tend to support or reelect sleazy, amoral bums: Ted Kennedy, Clinton, Rangel, Spitzer, Frank, Studds, etc.
Mark Steyn says it best:
"...I have minimal expectations of this country's depraved political class. But if you can't draw the line at being ruled by creeps with a spambot penis, you can't draw it anywhere. Anthony Weiner tweets his crotch to young women on the grounds that, even if only one in twenty responds, that's still a helluva strike rate: Shame on him. If his electors and the broader political culture acquiesces in that, shame on us."
"Do the DUmmies have ANY moral standards at all? Is Troglatroll a gentleman?" troglanon
Am I, troglaman, a gentleman? No. Why should I be? This is the problem. You, you stupid legume, think I SHOULD be a gentleman while you asshats are claiming my grand-daughter is a product of a five minute motel interlude.
I've been told I should be shot and have been invited to countless back-ally brawls. And, in case you haven't heard, I'm sticking my lubricated head up my ass at every opportunity.
And you're asking if I, the mighty trog, am being gentlemanly enough for you mother fuckers...
So. Blindly. Typical.
My job is to give you a hearty "FUCK YOU" when you deserve it.
This is one of those times.
"When it comes to poontang all men are stupid." kat
kat wrote this a few threads down. Uncharacteristically accurate.
Let's take a spot poll---
Do you think men are stupid when it comes to poontang?
Thanks kat.
"Do the DUmmies have ANY moral standards at all? Is Troglatroll a gentleman?"
No and no.
"Do you think men are stupid when it comes to poontang?"
How would you know? You never had any.
And, in case you haven't heard, I'm sticking my lubricated head up my ass at every opportunity. Trogtroll 2011
Thanks for finally admitting where the brain damage comes from.
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