DUmmies Get Outraged About Chamber of Commerce Document Release

Anonymous posted this to their site anonnews.org
On April 29th a person using the twitter account “@septscelles” released a large file to Barrett Brown that purportedly contained secret US Chamber of Commerce documents. This file was later made available via File Dropper as a (strangely truecypted) torrent named "chambersecrets2". It is also reported to have been made available in an unencrypted form on the Pirate Bay.
Despite the promise of secrets and leaks, early research has thus far shown that this information is publicly available through a simple Google search. It's very possible that “@septscelles” is just an attention seeking troll. Despite this, there is a more insidious possibility. We learned from the HB Gary emails that the Chamber of Commerce was advised to “feed the fuel between the feuding groups, [creating] disinformation." Specific mention was made of "[creating] messages around actions to sabotage or discredit the opposing organization [and to] submit fake documents and then call out the error…”
The file is very large, and will therefore take some time to fully examine. Nevertheless, we would like to state that this information was provided by an unknown party and may be an attempt to discredit Anonymous through a campaign of misinformation. More information will be coming soon.
OOPS! However, in the meantime and even after this revelation, the DUmmies went whole hog in attributing all sorts of nefarious misdeeds to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce based on NOTHING as you can see in their THREAD, "BREAKING: Anonymous Hits Chamber." So let us now watch the DUmmies getting outraged in Bolshevik Red over an innocuous document release they didn't even read while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting once again where the DU in DUmb comes from, is in the [brackets]:
BREAKING: Anonymous Hits Chamber
[With massive innocuous document release that already exists on the Web.]
As we speak I'm sitting on a mile high pile of, I guess, unauthorized data released about the US Chamber of Commerce. Thousands and thousands of docs released a few hours ago. Wanna help read through the docs and see what horrific secret things the Chamber is up to? There's thousands of these docs.
[Translation: I haven't even read the documents but I am already convinced there is damning evidence against the Chamber of Commerce. Oh, and I'm too lazy to actually pore through this massive pile of material so, um, could you do it for me?]
******This document release contains content from the American Legislative
Exchange Council, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Mackinac Center.
[Which already existed on the Web before Anonymous "released" it. And now to the DUmmies experiencing massive urinations of happiness in their diapers without even knowing what is in the documents...]
oo fun fun fun
[I'm soooo HAPPY!!! I have absolutely no idea what is in those documents but I know they must make the Chamber of Commerce look bad. OH JOY!!!]
Maybe someday the Chamber (R) will actually support America & Americans. That would be nice change of pace...Though I doubt the exposed documents will reveal anything they have done that was in fact helpful for America, since the Chamber (R) is so clearly anti-honor & anti-integrity, and so into deviant fellating of predatory multinational RepubliCorps (R) with allegiance only to PROFIT.
[More preemptive OUTRAGE with absolutely NO knowledge of what the docs contain...which turns out to be NOTHING controversial.]
I LOVE IT when LIARS get CAUGHT!!!!!
Important: You'll also need a torrent client like utorrent or BitTorrent to receive the documents...and you'll need TrueCrypt to decode it
http://www.filedropper.com /... To open the file you will also need something called TrueCrypt which you can download here.
[To receive the documents you only need a connection to the Web since it is has been there all this time.]
The Chamber is no fan of the working man (and woman). I hope you
all find lots of crap.
[Sorry. None found. Freudenschade, baby!]
I hope this isn't a trap....
[A trap set by the left which ensnared themselves. That's why you are called DUmbmmies.]
they are not Americans either traitors to the poor and slaves to
the rich but now we know don't we
[But now we know just how DUmb the DUmmies are.]
I bet that pile has lots of shit. They need a name change. U.S. Chamber of all about Richie Rich.
[You bet wrong and now you have to pay up in the form of public humiliation in the DUmmie FUnnies, DUmmie lonestarnot.]
insatiable greed millions isn't enough billions isn't enough.
now they want trillions. it reminds me of Dickens when the rich kept squeezing the poor over and over again
[Another DUmmie flapping his mouth with absolutely NO idea of what is in the documents.]
how about Chamber of Whore-ers? Whoring for their corporate puppetmasters, that is
[How about Chamber of DUmmies?]
This makes me *so* happy. In fact, I was hoping for something like this a few weeks ago when a thread came through headed "Wisconsin, Anonymous is listening.
[Anonymous is just $10 away from getting Kloppy elected in Wisconsin.]
I hope there are scores of qualified dems and progressives
poring through those files right now.
[Fantastic! A terrific waste of time!]
I'm waiting to see some actionable intelligence that can be turned into direct action
[And you'll keep waiting and waiting and waiting and...]
I was just wondering yesterday why we hadn't heard from Anonymous in a while, and suspected that perhaps they were up to something entertaining.
Guess they were!
[Yup, they sure were! They were providing us with comedic entertainment of innocuous documents already available on the Web to illustrate just how FUnnie the DUmmies are.]
the intense response to these leaks is proof they won't get away with it.
[And you won't get away with evading the DUFU microscope.]
that's a damn huge file. waiting for snippets of the good stuff to appear online.
[NEWSFLASH! It has already been online but don't let that stop you from wasting weeks looking for nothing.]
And let's hope a gameplan is revealed to explain how so many R's were "elected" as governors in order to implement ALEC's legislation.
[Take a look in the Dr. Evil file that doesn't exist.]
The Chamber is salting the peer network with malware-containing fake files... Peerblock is going nuts with hosts identified as "malware infested" trying to connect to people downloading this torrent.
[That's what you get for not accessing the files already publicly available via Google.]
Trying to download now and see if I can do anything with it.
[Nothing except printing it out and using for TP.]
I'm salivating...can't wait to see all the goodies.
[Will you salivate when you see how DUmb you are at the DUmmie FUnnies, DUmmie KathieG?]
Has there been a news or press release yet?
[Only a DUFU release. And thanx for the comedy gold!]
I don't think we have to hang more than thirty or forty bankers. And CEOs. If destroying the economic stability of the world isn't a capital crime, nothing is.
[How about if you hang your head in shame for being so DUmb, DUmmie aquart. Good screen name because you are aquart too low in the intelligence department.]
Total public funding. Nothing less. Smash the bribe machine. We need to shut down DC until they obey.
[Declared DUmmie alfredo from his crib.]
Man I was having trouble with it crashing. Looks like I will have it totally downloaded soon.
[Congratulations on downloading absolutely nothing.]
It said something about a file connected with NVidea. So I upgraded Nvidea and that might have resolved the issue. And restarting after the upgrade. I was using BitTorrent to download it.
[Have you tried going to Google and using point and click?]
I'm a fast reader and writer---will be wading through once you send some info. Chamber of Horrors is about to be revealed for the true whore-er it is.
[Great. It will only take you a couple of weeks instead of a full month to completely waste your time.]
It is nearly 1.25 gigabyte of data.
[It is nearly 1.25 gigabyte of the data equivalent of reading the labels on soup cans.]
This is thrilling news and the kind of transparency we need.
[Yes, your utter stupidity is certainly transparent for all to see and laugh at, DUmmie AnneD.]
Can't wait for the Rachel detectives to digest this
[Yes, she needs to make more of a fool of herself than she already is.]
It's Christmas, Yay
[I thought it was Fitzmas.]
Grabbing my copy now - should I pop some popcorn, brew an urn of coffee. Oh SNAP - this is gonna be juicy.
[Yup! Yet more juicy entertainment in the form of unintended comedy from the DUmmies who are getting worked up over NOTHING yet again.]
Why haven't Mainstream Media outlets mentioned a word about this?
[Stand by as the DUmmie get slapped hard by the bitter truth from another DUmmie...]
Because it's all publicly available already anyways. This is just an aggregation of material.
WTH am I looking at. Good grief. Lots of newspaper articles, How to market charter schools this is gonna take a while to get through..
[A DUmmie starts to realize that the "revealing" material is completely innocuous but that won't stop him from continuing to waste his time.]
The Asian Brochure NEW talks all about increasing trade and economic business opportunities between Asia and the U.S. but I fall to see any discussion about U.S. or Asian workers. Fair wages, real fair trade instead of the onesided Walmart mess we see so much of....
[Yawn! Could you please just start reading soup can labels? It is so much more interesting.]
I can't get it. there is no seed. If they are trying to stop it -- and they may very well fight with maximum ruthlessness and the purist evil -- then we need to fight back with everything we've got.
[Yeah, that evil Chamber was hiding it in plain sight all this time on Google.]
I downloaded the file in a total of 72 minutes and am still seeding right now, so I don't think the file has become unavailable. Plus, even if this torrent became broken, thousands have the file now and anyone could easily create another torrent, so there is no stopping this information. Though, after looking through these files for a little while, I have mostly found documents that are already online. In other words, most of these documents aren't insider documents with scandalous information, but these documents are mostly a nice collection of bullshit from each of these organizations.
[LOL! A DUmmie wastes all that time and effort downloading massive files that he is disappointed to find reveal NOTHING! Plus he now finds they were already available online.]
UPDATE 3 at that DKos diary: "Anonymous Urges Caution on Chamber Release"
[A DUmmie links to the Anonymous update in KOmmieland showing just how DUmb they have been about this document "release" all along.]
Someone made mention before that there's really nothing malignant in the release. it does seem to be mostly propaganda brochures, itineraries (or whatever you call them) for meetings and trips, etc. real light weight stuff. I really saw nothing scandalous (could be wrong as I didn't go through all of it).
[It's just now dawning on some of the DUmmies just how DUmb they were about this.]
anon is now saying there is not much in the release and that it may contain misinformation
[anon is now saying that the DUmmies are incredibly DUmb. After this revelation, demoralization has now infected this thread as they realize what fools they made of themselves while wasting their time over NOTHING. However, good news. It wasn't a complete waste since it served to provide the DUmmie FUnnies with some of its best comedy material ever. Thanx, DUmmies!]
Ah, Freudenschade. Yummy, yummy Freudenschade.
"DUmmies", so aptly named although Pavlovian dogs" would do equally well.
I believe that's how Stuxnet worked.
Massive intelligence to design it, yet it can only work best when stuck in full stupid.
The salivating lust of these nits for anything that even resembles a "conspiracy" is incredible!
Why would someone sane elect to go through life like that?
Oh, wait. I think the operative word here is 'sane'.
These are the same idiots who complain about being unemployed? Nice to see how they spend their time. Now I know who comprises the 14% who said it was wrong to kill OBL. They have met the enemy, and the enemy is reality.
Nothing says "conspiracy" like the Chamber of Commerce. Why they may have plotted the assassination of JFK or the 9/11 attacks, who knows?
Well, the DUmmies know and it's far worse.
Stupidity and credulity are a terminal condiiton in DUmmieland.
"Stupidity and credulity are a terminal condiiton in DUmmieland." elrond
You should know by now, elrond, that you can challenge the mighty troglacastrati at any time. You should also know that when it comes to stupidity and credulity, you dumbshits have no peer.
Does every single county, city, and state Chamber of Commerce speak with the same voice? No, they don't. Does the US Chamber of Commerce not represent International interests? Why yes they do. Is the US Chamber of Commerce resisting naming their political donators? Is Citizen United giving them cover? Yes and yes again!
So...I guess you're a dumbass, elrond.
"Does every single county, city, and state Chamber of Commerce speak with the same voice? No, they don't. Does the US Chamber of Commerce not represent International interests? Why yes they do. Is the US Chamber of Commerce resisting naming their political donators? Is Citizen United giving them cover? Yes and yes again!
So...I guess you're a dumbass, elrond." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe as he viciously and repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass"
What the hell does this hate-filled rant have to do with Elrond said, Guttersnipe? Reality is truly pushing you closer and closer towards a lifetime in a mental ward.
"What the hell does this hate-filled rant have to do with Elrond said, Guttersnipe?" jj
The Chamber of Commerce, you stupid shit. This thread is about the Chamber of Commerce. Your City's Chamber of Commerce has little to do with the US Chamber of Commerce. The fact that you don't know that is telling. But you make it plain, I'll give you that.
On an unrelated topic, how many of you think OSB is dead? Just curious.
I forgot Guttersnipe, you're too stupid to comprehend what you read.
Let's see if I can put this in a form someone like you, Guttersnipe, with a five-year-old's reading comprehension level, can understand...Elrond slams the Troglaman Clones at DU for for their stupidity and you go on some clueless rang about some crazy BS about the Chamber of Commerce. So again - what the hell does that stupid brain dead rant have to do with what Elrond said you brain-dead twit?
...how many of you think OSB is dead?"
For *****'s sake! Besides being a Truther are you now a Deather or do you think we are? Are you trying to bait us or are you just a dumbass?
Ding! The correct answer is "dumbass".
"You should also know that when it comes to stupidity and credulity, you dumbshits have no peer."-troglaman
Troglaman's right. He's got you beat hands down in both those categories.
"Are you trying to bait us...?" elrond
How dare you.
And btw, should Obama release the pics? We, of the new troglacastrati, think he made the right decision. And you, elrond, must agree since you already believe him dead and scoff at me for even bringing the subject up. You don't need the pictures to make up your mind for Christ's sake, and anyone that does is a friggin fruit loop because...Osama's undoubtedly dead.
Am I understanding you, elrond? Be brave.
"...and you go on some clueless rang about some crazy BS about the Chamber of Commerce." jj
The title of this post, you unbelievably stupid tuber, is "DUmmies Get Outraged About Chamber of Commerce Document Release". elrond, as he is apt to do, scoffs at the notion. I point out that the US Chamber of Commerce is actively resisting the disclosure of their financial donors, which include internationals. I even helpfully offer the fact that local Chambers of Commerce have little to do with the US Chamber of Commerce.
And you respond with "...and you go on some clueless rang about some crazy BS about the Chamber of Commerce."
Whenever I need a lamp-post to step up to the plate, you always deliver, jj. I think that's why my inner you-know-what loves you and wants to jam her pretty little head up your ass. Just for fun, mind you.
"Does every single county, city, and state Chamber of Commerce speak with the same voice? No, they don't. Does the US Chamber of Commerce not represent International interests? Why yes they do. Is the US Chamber of Commerce resisting naming their political donators? Is Citizen United giving them cover? Yes and yes again!" - Troglaman The Guttersnipe as he repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass.
"I point out that the US Chamber of Commerce is actively resisting the disclosure of their financial donors, which include internationals. I even helpfully offer the fact that local Chambers of Commerce have little to do with the US Chamber of Commerce." - Further crap from Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Those two statements have nothing to do with each other...you didn't state any of what you said your second speil in first dump of worthless mental excrement thus underscoring you likely ARE a retarded marmoset you flaming jackass.
"Anonymous said...
"You should also know that when it comes to stupidity and credulity, you dumbshits have no peer."-troglaman
Troglaman's right. He's got you beat hands down in both those categories."
Absolutely and irrefutably correct.
Yes, I believe OBL is dead; I don't need pictures but I have no objection to their release (they'll eventually come out). My only regret is that OBL wasn't sitting on the can when he was shot.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me make doubletalk so me am brilliant.
Me act like jerk because me am brilliant.
Me am brilliant so you am stupid.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"Yes, I believe OBL is dead; I don't need pictures but I have no objection to their release (they'll eventually come out). My only regret is that OBL wasn't sitting on the can when he was shot." elrond
Jesus. What a visual...with an American flag waving in the background maybe.
Do you think, if he was actually gunned down while pinching a loaf (which is an entirely plausible scenario), that they'd admit it? Would you?
"My fellow Americans...tonight is a great night. In a brilliant surgical operation carried out by Navy Seal Team 6, Osama was shot in the eye while taking a crap."
UPDATE - "The Obama Administration now reports that Osama was not actually taking a crap...he had already finished taking a crap and was frantically reaching for the butt-wipe. We all know what happened next."
See...I, the new troglacastrati, think this would be BAD publicity. I mean really...how many murders have taken place while the victim is taking a shit? Can you think of one? There is NOTHING heroic about killing someone while they're performing an act of excretion...vomiting...pissing...
It just isn't right.
And yet this is what you want, elrond...you sick bastard.
"I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant." brilliant clone-son of troglaman
Very good, son. Carry on. Remember that I, the new troglacastrati, love you more than life itself. Tell your mom, the shy, female chimp standing in the corner over there, that I love her too.
We'll all be together soon!
"Those two statements have nothing to do with each other..." jammin jerry
They have everything to do with each other, you horned dwarf.
Try...I beg you...just try to prove either statement wrong. Please.
""Those two statements have nothing to do with each other..." jammin jerry
They have everything to do with each other, you horned dwarf.
Try...I beg you...just try to prove either statement wrong. Please." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe as he repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass while unable to respond coherently to his own ramblings.
I'm impressed that Guttersnipe can deliberately lie like that without shame. But then again, since Guttersnipe is a Moonbat Troll it does make sense in a twisted sort of way.
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