Communist DUmmies and SEIU March Together in May Day Parade

Have you ever had liberals tell you that you are exaggerating about the extent of communist influence upon our society? Specifically on labor unions, universities, and other liberal groups. Well, here is a special photo essay of a May Day parade last Sunday in Los Angeles that clearly demonstrates the alignment of the SEIU and the communists. Note that along with the communists, you can see their SEIU pals nearby and/or mingling with them. Fortunately a photographer called RINGO performed the duty that the L.A. Times and other news organizations failed to do by providing extensive photographic evidence of the alignment of the SEIU with their communist pals. These same news organizations are the ones who micro-analyze signs at Tea Party rallies for any evidence of imaginary fascism. When we see clear evidence of flat out communism at this May Day parade which is chock full of SEIU members...complete silence on their part. Note the SEIU sign right behind the commie chick holding her "Fight For Communism Sign."
"SMASH CAPITALISM." How many times have we read that sentiment in DUmmieland? Note the plethora of SEIU signs and purple shirts all around this Commie.
Is that our own Troglaman on the far left above holding the Commie sign? Come on...'Fess up Troggy.
An SEIU clown drops all pretenses and carries the Bolshevik Red flag above."Mobilize The Masses For Communism!" And that is just what the SEIU is helping their Communist buddies do in this May Day Parade which was completely ignored by the MSM. Oh, and how many of the folks in this May Day crowd have DUmmie screen names. My guess is quite a few...both SEIU members and Communists and/or both. Is there a difference?
"American Dream: no longer about success, now about survival" thanks to the policies and practices of the Troika of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.
Which is one of the methods of the KGB under the old Soviet Union. They would cause immense unrest in a country, and then the Commies come to the rescue, placing blame on the unrest on Capitalism with its "evil" profits. As soon as the Commies take over, all will be flying unicorns pooping skittles and farting rainbows ... just like Ear Leader promised.
It's difficult to comprehend that some people still believe in communism after everything that has happened in the past century.
Mention Lenin, Stalin, Beria, Enver Hoxja, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot (Pol Pot for God's sake!), the Castro brothers and the Kimite regime in North Korea and their response will be: "Real communism has never been tried."
Sad, deluded people. Communism is their religion, they're immune to facts and reason.
The turnout was poor all over for May Day. I went to a number of leftist websites and the thing I noticed right off the bat was that almost all of the photos used were close-in shots. Shots showing a few dozen freeloaders at most. No "shot from a good height to show the massive crowd" shots. LOL. Sucks to be a commie these days.
There are still some communist "utopias" in the world. Perhaps we could take up a collection and buy some of these people a one way ticket?
Aww..isn't that nice! A Palestinian (Jordanian) sympathizer!!
15 minutes in his holy land and that little douchetool will be on the first flight back singing "Gimme my IPOD, O'Capitalism....
Here's a nice one to DUFU....
Since this paper is Jewish, it is TRASHED by DUmmies.
Where is their outrage for the way Islam treats women? (crickets)
It only begs the question; do these people know what they are fighting for and the terrible end that will come if they win?
My guess is, no.
Foxx said...
"It only begs the question; do these people know what they are fighting for and the terrible end that will come if they win?
My guess is, no."
Well...if your definition of 'Fighting' is going to parades of similar freaks to hook up with them, leaving your house to vote for the biggest Commie available on the ballot, and bitching about all the normal people most of your waking life on impotent message boards like DU or KOS, that is...
Foxx said...
"It only begs the question; do these people know what they are fighting for and the terrible end that will come if they win?
My guess is, no."
Well...if your definition of 'Fighting' is going to parades of similar freaks to hook up with them, leaving your house to vote for the biggest Commie available on the ballot, and bitching about all the normal people most of your waking life on impotent message boards like DU or KOS, that is...
There's a bit of a typo here; The Communist and Anarchist (With all due respect to 98zjusmc, I think the guy in the last picture is an Anarchist: Covering his face with one of those stupid bandanas and his eyes with sunglasses are standard distinguishing physical characteristics for Anarchists) losers who go to such events don't call it "May Day": They call it "International Workers' Solidarity Day." This is apparently surprisingly peaceful for a May Day celebration; Usually, Communists and especially Anarchists celebrate May 1st by engaging in what they euphemistically call "A series of autonomous direct actions utilizing a diversity of tactics to promote social justice raise awareness of the plight of the oppressed workers," but which normal, sane people refer to as "Vandalism, violence, looting, and rioting."
So, it's a good thing that they were all so poorly attended this year; When they don't have a large enough crowd to get away with such acts, they tend to quickly abandon their plans out of cowardice (Such freaks hate nothing more than having to face the consequences of their actions_.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me want Communism so me be happy.
I are unhappy Obama not Communist enough.
Me want Communism. I no like capitalism, it makes wealth. Me want Communism so me can grab wealth me be coddled by Obama.
Me know Communism best for all me trust government me hate all not government because I are brilliant you am stupid.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Good to see the site and comments box came back.
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