DUmmies turn on dope-smoking hypocrite Obama!

It's always FUn to see the DUmmies turn on their erstwhile messiah, The One. This time they turn on him because they want to "turn on" themselves! You see, the former (?) coke-snorting, dope-smoking Barry Soetoro is cracking down on the use of their favorite recreational drugs. So out come the Dopey DUpes of DUmmieland to DUmp on the Hypocrite of Hope! Witness this THREAD, "Seriously Obama? Smoke a joint last week, go to jail for DUI this week?"
So put on your gas mask as we enter the hazy black-lit basement that is DUmmie Underground, where the comments are in Reefer-Madness Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering what Pied Piper Pitt is putting in his pipe these days, is in the [Barackets]:
Seriously Obama?
Smoke a joint last week, go to jail for DUI this week?
Obama is calling for the presence of *any* marijuana in your body to be de jure evidence of driving under the influence.
[De jure is OUT!]
[That's the pothead calling the kettle black!]
i doubt Obama reviewed this recommendation personally
[He was too busy tokin' in the boys' room.]
C'mon, you are responsible for any thing you do AND SO IS ST OBAMA
[St One (D)]
He is doing the same sh*t Clinton did.
{That's some bad sh*t, man.]
When a President is in office, it's his show.
[The bong stops here.]
We seem to get dumber by the day.
[DING DING DING!!! Kewpie Doll on the way, DUmmie Dr.Phool!]
he gets down on his knees for the man pretty good dont he! what a spineless piece of bush wannabe.
[Picking on Barry Bush.]
It boggles my mind that two years ago, I was donating, campaigning, attending rallies, wearing Obama buttons, and bugging everyone within hearing distance to vote for him. Chr***, I f***ing CRIED in the voting booth, I was so happy to vote for him. Now, I'm more angry at him than I was at shrub. . . . I feel so betrayed.
[From a button-wearing, voter-bugging, booth-bawling Obamabot to now . . . boggled, betrayed, and burned up!]
What a fool I was.
I was fooled by the lure of ethnicity and good sloganeering, combined with belief in the promises later broken and revulsion for the opposing team. Won't happen again, I promise you that.
[At least until the next election.]
He will end up a black mark in history. . . .
Maybe he will produce the "change" we can believe in.
[Dope and change!]
So what Democrat will replace Obama??
[Here's for Willie Nelson!]
I'll write in Kucinich and sleep better.
[I'll smoke a joint and not care.]
F*** this sh*t!
[DUmmie discourse at its finest.]
Cannabis is an answer, not a problem.
[Yes we cannabis!]
the cops will set up Stoned Driving Checkpoints--pull over a driver, hand him a cup and if he's got any THC metabolite in his urine charge him with Driving Under the Influence. Half the country will be on Vespas because they smoked a joint on Friday night, then got tested on Wednesday night and had their license pulled.
[We now pray the Order of Vespas. . . .]
Of all the things Obama is doing . . . his refusal to consider moving weed from Schedule I to Schedule III is what I consider the worst of all.
[It's all weed-weed up!]
the tests they do in France are saliva based
[No spit?]
anyways I smoke WHILE driving in Illinois because it is illegal to drive for WEEKS after smoking so it is ALWAYS illegal for me to drive in Illinois.
[That's DUmmie reggie the dog, Illinois state troopers. Repeat: DUmmie reggie the dog.]
I guess this is the nail in the coffin for me
[Obama is shovel-ready.]
they'll have to pry my pee from my cold, dead bladder
[You've got to be kidney!]
Smoke a joint one week, become POTUS some other week. see the abject hypocrisy there Obama?
[Barack Obama, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Stuff.]
so -- when do the mass piss tests begin?
[Calm down, benburch!]
I've been a pothead just about forever.
[Somehow, I believe you.]
The hysteria needs to stop.
Horrific. I will not vote for him again. . . . Ashamed that i even did.
[Just smoke a joint and forget about it.]
I'm off to smoke a BIG FAT ONE!
[That's the spirit!]
Would Obama be willing to do time for the drugs he has done?
[TO THE HAGUE WITH HIM! At least in the Netherlands you can smoke dope.]
At this rate who does Obama thinks is going to vote for him in 2012?
[Non-dope-smoking Democrats. . . . Well, he may want to rethink that. 5,000 votes will not get the job done.]
it's dopey!
[You're grumpy!]
Obama Harshing the nation's buzz
[Obummer, DUde!]
"Obama Harshing the nation's buzz"
Obama Harshing the nation's fiscal integrity.
Obama Harshing the nation's borders.
Obama Harshing the nation's allies.
Obama Harshing the nation's military.
Obama Harshing the Supreme Court.
It's a harsh world Dummie. Better get used to it, you'll be paying for the harsh reality the rest of your life.
"Obama is calling for the presence of *any* marijuana in your body to be de jure evidence of driving under the influence."
No wonder the Troglaman clones at DU are pissed....The Obamassiah FINALLY got something right.
Pick one of your assertions, elrond.
Let's go.
I'm just making statements of the obvious. I'm not interested in debate. The time for debate is over. Better get ready for a bleak November.
But, since you gave me a choice, I will pick one statement: "Obama harshing (insulting) the nation's allies".
1. Britain, our oldest ally. There were five refusals before Obama granted PM Brown a one-on-one. Then there was that absurd 25 DVD gift and the return of the Churchill bust (a gift after 9/11). Obama later called Britain just one of 190 nations, nothing special. I guess he forget those 10,000 British troops in Afghanistan. Read any British newspaper for a list of the slights and the anger.
2. Poland and the Czech Republic had their legs cut out from under them when Obama unilaterally revoked a missle defense agreement. Obama acquiesced to pressure from Russia with its dreams of hegemony over eastern Europe
3. Obama visits China but skips India, our natural ally in Asia(common language, common heritage, common democracy, common jihadist enemy). But Obama saves his praise for China and denigrates Indian power and legitimacy.
4. Honduras. Obama supports a Hugo Chavez ally seeking an illegal extension of his presidency.
5. Israel. Obama summoned Israeli PM Netanyahu to the White House where he permitted no photographs, issued non-negotiable demands and went off to dinner leaving Netanyahu sitting alone.
There's more, but I'll stop here.
How do you explain a policy toward Britain that makes no sense, strategic or moral? How do you explain the gratuitous insults to the Poles, Czechs, Indians, Israelis and others? I can't, can you?
"But Obama saves his praise for China and denigrates Indian power and legitimacy." elrond
Let me get this straight, by not visiting India while he's nearby in China, Obama denigrates and delegitimatizes India.
Then it follows that our staunch ally South Korea, no doubt, must have felt the same way since they were right along the way. And I bet the Japanese were seething as air force one flew overhead. And how about the Taiwanese, for Christ's sake? How much more denigration and delegitimization can these poor people take?!!
Your flair for drama is noteworthy.
Speaking of a bleak November... Sestak got Specter. Lincoln has to have a run-off with Halter. And Rand Paul is the RepubliDUm candidate in Kentucky.
Things are lookin' pretty rosy from this side of the fence.
On an unrelated topic, two words - Bunt Cake. Any tips you can throw my way would be appreciated.
"Things are lookin' rosy from this side of the fence."
Time to take off those rose colored glasses, troggy.
So far as I know bunt cake (aka bundt cake) is a German dessert.
"Time to take off those rose colored glasses, troggy." elrond
I forgot Critz. The guy that took Murtha's seat. It was supposed to be a slam dunk for the RepubliDUms but didn't turn out that way. There've been around seven special elections since Obama was elected. Why don't you look at how many went RepubliDUm.
You're, once again, wrong. There's no reason at all for me to take off the glasses. You're either nominating jackasses or losing seats. As an added bonus, the DUmmies are losing their blue dogs. I'm happy as a clam. Start getting ready for the re-education camps, my friends.
Oh, and so sorry about the "bundt cake" fiasco. I thought that maybe your bake-sale experience could help me out a little more than it's "a German dessert". Are you saying I should stick with strudel or what? You're a cryptic son of a bitch, I'll give you that.
"Start getting ready for the re-education camps..."
Thanks for the warning. Will you be a guard or an inmate?
"Thanks for the warning. Will you be a guard or an inmate?" elrond
Now that you ask, I'd like to be one of the cooks...the baker. Why do you think I've been asking you for your baking secrets? Jesus, elrond. Get a clue for once. If you want nice baked goods during your indoctrination, then you'd better start giving up the goods, my friend.
"I forgot Critz. The guy that took Murtha's seat. It was supposed to be a slam dunk for the RepubliDUms but didn't turn out that way. "
---Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Well, thanks for showing you still don't know what you're talking about.
Anyone who thinks a Republican has a slam dunk guaranteed win in a Congressional district that's been gerrymandered to be 2-1 Democrat registration is either drunk, stoned, crazy or Troglaman.
Only way the GOP guy could have won that race if the "Democrat" nominee was either a clone of Hitler or a clone of Troglaman.
But no big deal...once that clown gets sworn in and then votes like a good little DSA Moonbat, the GOP will have a better chance. But still it will be damn near impossible since that district has been made almost totally dependent on Federal money thanks to the late Mr. Murtha.
"Only way the GOP guy could have won that race if the "Democrat" nominee was either a clone of Hitler or a clone of Troglaman." jumpin jerome
McCain/Palin carried it. Explain THAT you friggin turnip. Then explain why nearly every pundit in the country called it for the RepubliDUms.
And your 'they're dependent on the federal tit' explanation applies to every state, county, and city in the nation that has a federal installation.
You're an idiot.
"McCain/Palin carried it. Explain THAT you friggin turnip."
- - - Troglaman The Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe
It's called national versus local politics, Guttersnipe....once more you're showing off your lack of intellectual depth.
"Then explain why nearly every pundit in the country called it for the RepubliDUms."
- - - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Sorry, but I don't listen to the Moonbat news outlets, Guttersnipe, so I haven't heard any pundits from your fantasy-world country.
"And your 'they're dependent on the federal tit' explanation applies to every state, county, and city in the nation that has a federal installation."
- - - - Troglaman, the hate-mongering Guttersnipe
And your point....?
Next time, Guttersnipe, try chugging two bottles of Everclear instead of one....then you might make more sense and not look so much like an idiot.
jerome... do know that you dont make sense... do you care. what pray tell news or polls or research did you digest to plop out the crap you leave.
troglaman... keep at 'em. somebody's gotta visit this lame blog and rebut these fools.
and peoples... whenever obama's inadequecies piss you off... imagine the words president mccain and vice president palin... you'll remember the other reason that you voted him.
I miss the DUmmie era. Now we live in a shameful hell.
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