"Am I kind of wrong for feeling sorry for the undie bomber?"

What a shame the Undibomber has thrown away his talented life, all because he had too much testosterone! If only his hormones had not caused him to put on that Fruit of the Boom underwear that day, this talented boy could be out curing cancer or solving
That, in brief (yes, intended), is the gist of DUmmie TheBigotBasher's feelings, as seen in this THREAD, "Am I kind of wrong for feeling sorry for the undie bomber?"
So let us all return to our seats and prepare for landing in Democratic Underwear, in Testosterone Threat Level Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wearing his TSA-issued Personal Flight Undergarment ("Nappy"), is in the [brackets]:
Am I kind of wrong for feeling sorry for the undie bomber?
[Yes, DUmmie TheBigotBasher, you kinda sorta are.]
To me this is a boy . . .
who had far too much testosterone . . .
a not untypical angry student . . .
[It was kind of like putting a thumbtack on the teacher's chair, that's all it was.]
except he took things way too far and way too stupidly.
[He acted stupidly.]
He most certainly got in with the wrong people. . . .
[I thought Dear Reader said he was an "isolated extremist."]
I just can not imagine being him, when his testosterone calms down to normal levels. . . .
[Blowing up your underwear will do that, you know. . . . Thank you, DUmmie TheBigotBasher, for sharing your feelings of sympathy for testosterone-crazed underwear-blower-uppers. Now let's hear from your fellow DUmmies . . .]
No, Your feelings are your feelings.
[Feelings, nothing more than feelings. . . . Thank you, Morris Albert. Now back to TBB for a moment . . .]
He will face a prison sentence . . . 130 years or something like that.
[Could be worse. He could get life.]
All for young student rage gone way too far. . . . I do feel sorry for the waste of talent and the waste of opportunity that he himself caused.
[What discernible talent does this guy have? He couldn't even set his underwear on fire!]
he is a week mind. . . .
[With weekend underwhere.]
A lot of people have weak minds. That is why Chocolate Ice cream and pot sell so well.
[Is that a new Ben & Jerry's flavor combo? "Heavenly Hashish"?]
I;m just saddened by the waste of what could have been a talented life.
[DUmmie TheBigotBasher can't get off this "talented life" kick. Like the Undibomber was going to have enough accomplishments to win the Nobel Prize or something. . . . Well, come to think of it. . . .]
why can't we take a few years and convince him to spend his time doing good for the world?
[If only he would use his powers for good! Why, he could become a community organizer, or an underwear designer, or an activist/journalist. . . .]
the "boys will be boys" that you just posted, well, I'm one o' them "ball bustin'," "man-hatin'" feminists and I'm not buying that.
[Ball-bustin' man-hatin' feminists will be ball-bustin' man-hatin' feminists.]
If we have a generation of "testosterone poisoned" males floating around this planet. . . .
["Air Male." A film by Ben Burch.]
I often do not disagree with ball bustin man hating feminists. . . . I can not enter that mentality, for many reasons I have an estrogen imbalance and always have done from a very early age. The results of that, I do not get to play in ball swinging displays. Anger is directly related to testosterone.
[DUmmie TheBigotBasher's own estrogen imbalance keeps her from being a full-blown man-hatin' feminist, busting the balls of testosterone-poisoned males.]
I think that with just a little rational thinking we can see that it isn't his fault but rather the people around him that are to blame.
[Bush's fault! Of course! He provoked him!]
those behind this effectively did commit a murder of what could have been a talented life.
[TBB is back to "A Talented Life." Will Russell Crowe play the lead in the movie?]
This guy is a nihilistic religious fanatic bastard. . . . This guy cannot be rehabilitated being that he is a nihilistic religious fanatic.
[Religion! That's it! The old Moral Equivalence Card the DUmmies love to play, to put Christianity on the same level as Islam.]
how about just maybe...this guy was told by CIA acting as Al Qaeda. . . .
[How about just maybe . . . YOU'RE NUTS!]
He didn't even have a means of setting off the explosive...don't you think that if they wanted to blow up the plane, he would have been given the proper tools? I submit for your discussion, that this is merely another false flag operation. . . .
["False flag operation"--I think this DUmmie wacko got the new buzzword from the Jesse Ventura wackjob show.]
. . . intended to line the pockets of interests invested in airport security.
[Halliburton has diversified into airport security?]
Maybe he was working for Greyhound Bus Lines. And wanted people to stop using planes and start using buses.
[Those Amsterdam-to-Detroit bus routes are a pretty tough sell.]
I don't feel sorry for rich kids gone astray. . . .
[That's it! He was rich! I knew it! EEE-vil rich underwear-blower-upper!]
I don't think testerone will be much of a problem anymore. . . .
[Hee! Hee!]
Re: Jesse Ventura & his "show", did this guy become a total joke overnight or what?
"Am I kind of wrong for feeling sorry for the undie bomber?" PJinc
Yes, you're not (that was on purpose).
But shouldn't anybody feel sorry for some dumb fucker who's willing set his balls on fire? Come on. Let's say you and your buddies do a ton of tequila shots and one of you decides to light his balls on fire...probably while farting...with a toilet-paper tube...and a hamster.
Face it, this ultra scary terrorist is fucking pathetic.
Let me say again that the goal of terrorism is terror and fear. And you and the rest of us fucking pussies are so fucking freaked out by death-by-terrorist...airport annihilation...that we've become totally unable to understand that the odds of being STRUCK BY FUCKING LIGHTENING are greater than being struck-by-terrorist. We're much much much more likely to killed in a car wreck.
You know, you mountain monkeys keep talking about being AT WAR and, at the same time, make the enemy a more dire threat than being struck by lightening or killed by a car. Hmmm. You're wrong. The enemy is not a dire threat. And none of you can convince me, troglaman, otherwise. I dare you to try.
Think about that for a second...then wonder WHO it is that actually enable the goddamn terrorists in this war on terror. That'd be all of us.
Why can't you assholes get this?
Osama could shove a Casio wrist-watch up some stupid fucker's ass and shut down air traffic on the entire North American continent right now. You happy with that? Spending close to 20 billion a month in Iraq and Afghan for 7 or 8 years and Osama can STILL do it...even though we're more likely to be killed by lightening or a car wreck? What. The. Fuck.
Pussies. We're all pussies. Every one of us. Makes me sick.
Speak for yourself Trog.
But yes, you are right. We should have taken him off the plane and shot him on the tarmac.
What is it about liberalism that rots the mind?
TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site - power-slammed his head so far up his ass he nearly disappeared and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
"Face it, this ultra scary terrorist is fucking pathetic.
Let me say again that the goal of terrorism is terror and fear. And you and the rest of us fucking pussies are so fucking freaked out by death-by-terrorist...airport annihilation...that we've become totally unable to understand that the odds of being STRUCK BY FUCKING LIGHTENING are greater than being struck-by-terrorist. We're much much much more likely to killed in a car wreck.
You know, you mountain monkeys keep talking about being AT WAR and, at the same time, make the enemy a more dire threat than being struck by lightening or killed by a car. Hmmm. You're wrong. The enemy is not a dire threat. And none of you can convince me, troglaman, otherwise. I dare you to try.
Think about that for a second...then wonder WHO it is that actually enable the goddamn terrorists in this war on terror. That'd be all of us."
Since Guttersnipe likes short comments, I will tell you what he means since he isn't intellectually capable of it.
This is what Guttersnipe really is saying:
The goal of terrorism is to convince people that their government and law enforcement can't protect them and thus cannot protect them. By achieving this goal they create chaos and hopefully the downfall of that society. However, I, Troglaman The Guttersnipe, can't believe that because I am a Moonbat Guttersnipe. So the goal is to scare people because I've said that's the goal.
Since I, Troglaman The Guttersnipe, say you are more likely to be hit by lightning than die in a terrorist attack, we should simply ignore that threat entirely. It is only because we do take it seriously that they do it. If we ignore terrorists they will leave us alone.
And anyone who doesn't agree with me, Troglaman The Guttersnipe, is a fucking asshole.
Now you know why I no longer believe Guttersnipe gets bombed and/or stoned before posting here. He is sober when he makes these obscene posts which means he's a sick perverted jackass who would rather see innocent people killed than destroy those who would commit such acts.
"I think that with just a little rational thinking we can see that it isn't his fault but rather the people around him that are to blame."
'...But really, it wasn't THEIR fault either, it was the fault of the people who misled and convinced THEM to do bad things, and as far as THOSE OTHERS go...'
ROFLMAO. These idiots need custodial care.
"Pussies. We're all pussies. Every one of us. Makes me sick."
Troglaman fianlly admits his pussiedom, thus taking the first step of the twelve step de-pussification program.
I, Elrond Hubbard, however, am not a pussy nor am I terrorized. You too, troggy, can achieve that exalted status. One step at a time.
"...you mountain monkeys keep talking about being AT WAR..."
Hell, even Obama says we're at war (but I don't think he means it).
"The enemy is not a dire threat.
No, they're not a dire threat, but they are a threat, just like lightening is a threat. We have to take sensible precautions.
Leave it to the DUmmies to find good in a man who tried to blow up a passenger jet and kill 300 people.
He was a victim, don't ya know. A victim of bad religion, bad testosterone, bad upbringing, bad
thinking and probably bad Dick Cheney brainwashing. Al-Qaeda must be on Cheney's speed dial.
"A lot of people have weak minds. That is why Chocolate Ice cream and pot sell so well."
Especially in DUmmie neighborhoods where imbecility and substance abuse go hand in hand.
I think this part of Troggy's rant tells us something:
"But shouldn't anybody feel sorry for some dumb fucker who's willing set his balls on fire? Come on. Let's say you and your buddies do a ton of tequila shots and one of you decides to light his balls on fire...probably while farting...with a toilet-paper tube...and a hamster."
I knew it, I just knew it! Troggy is a ball-less pussy!
"A lot of people have weak minds. That is why Chocolate Ice cream and pot sell so well."
What do these fuckwads have against chocolate ice cream? That does it, they are officially my enemies.
"Let me say again that the goal of terrorism is terror and fear. And you and the rest of us fucking pussies are so fucking freaked out by death-by-terrorist...airport annihilation...that we've become totally unable to understand that the odds of being STRUCK BY FUCKING LIGHTENING are greater than being struck-by-terrorist. We're much much much more likely to killed in a car wreck."
Wow. You really tried to use logic and, like, NUMBERS, this time around. I mean, you still fail miserably, but I'll at least grade you with my purple pen this time around instead of the EVIL RED INK.
Let's go ahead and revert back to 09/10/2001 airport security practices, and see how the statistics of being struck by a terrorist change. You know why an airplane attack is such a preferred method for terrorists? A captive audience. You ain't running away. Kind of the same reason that, back home in the M.E., they like to get into the middle of crowded marketplaces. Sure, the people on the edges might run and get away, but most won't be so lucky.
Also, let us try REALLY hard here to not lose one key piece of information as we desperately clutch our tiny fistful of reality in your post: The main reason this attempt was botched was due to "audience participation."
But hey, there, Internet Tough Guy, I'm glad to know that you've got the balls to put 300 lives that aren't yours on the line, just to show that you're a big, big man. Nice to know that, if it was you sitting in seat 19B, you'd have just sat there while this guy tried to light the fuse, and give him a proper verbal lashing at how pathetic he is for smuggling explosives onto the plane in his underwear, instead of doing something useful like, oh, incapacitating him and preventing him from setting off the explosive.
Maybe you'd hurt his little feelings enough that he'd cry a single, bitter, emo tear, which would fall from his cheek and land directly on the burning fuse, extinguishing it and saving the world!
You big, big man, you.
Awesome post, reason. Very well stated.
I propose we start The Department Of Lightning Security. The Department Of Transportation hasn't done much about crashes, so maybe we need a Car Wreck Czar too. I think Jon Corzine is available and has experience in this area.
"Wow. You really tried to use logic and, like, NUMBERS, this time around." reason (not)
I use numbers all the time. Go numbers with me, dare you.
"You know why an airplane attack is such a preferred method for terrorists? A captive audience. You ain't running away. Kind of the same reason that, back home in the M.E., they like to get into the middle of crowded marketplaces. Sure, the people on the edges might run and get away, but most won't be so lucky." more reason (not).
Quoting numbers, are you? No. You're justifying your fear. Good for you, pussy. Proves my point. Fantasize about being a "captive audience" and caught in "the middle of a crowed marketplace" and ignore the fact that you will sooner be struck by lightening.
Number me that, dumbass.
"Troglaman fianlly admits his pussiedom, thus taking the first step of the twelve step de-pussification program." elrond
This is an outright lie. As many of you know, I, troglaman, often refer to my inner-homo. It's not something I'm proud of. I sincerely wish the little bitch would just go away.
So elrond's statement, though made with the best of intentions, is false and can only mean he has...well...um...issues with his own inner-homo. It's frankly the elephant in the room and needs to be dealt with before ANYTHING else elrond says is even remotely credible.
"He was a victim, don't ya know." elorond
Is this really what you think us libs think? Fuck you.
Your basis for thinking this is probably that he's being tried in criminal court. That he's being given constitutional rights. And you just can't take it. Pussy.
I, troglaman, will make you any bet you want, elrond. Any. Bet. You. Want. He'll be convicted. He won't walk.
And while he's being put in prison forever, you'll still be whining about the fact he was given his constitutional rights.
I, troglaman, believe the constitution works...no matter who it's applied to. You don't. Oh, the irony.
By the way, care to tell me when the last time was a terrorist was set free by American criminal court?
So your "victim" characterization is simply full of shit. Flies is the face of reality. Utter bullshit. And you're probably fine with that, you stupid jackass. Are you willing to suspend the constitution? Even when it works? I think you are. Rights only apply to those you deem worthy...like you fucking know who is and who isn't.
You're not drinking enough, my friend.
"He was a victim, don't ya know." - elorond
That's exactly what libs believe. Say it to them on-line and they deny it. Say it to them face-to-face and they wet their pants.
I make it a practice to talk to libs in person and within arms reach. When the fear of having their head crushed by a baseball bat or getting capped by my .45 for saying things they have no right to say come into play, the little lib fascist (redundant, I know) tend to keep their mouths shut, as should be the case all the time and in keeping with the US Constitution.
If the Underwear Bomber plied his trade in Iraq or Afghanistan, he would get a bullet in the ear for his efforts. But when he flies to America to attempt mass murder the same terrorist is somehow entitled to the full constitutional protections given American citizens---Miranda rights, court appointed lawyer, etc.
Sounds like an invitation to terrorist wannabes to come here to blow up people. Murder Americans and then justify your actions in a public court...win/win.
Non-citizens captured while waging terrorist war against America should be tried before military tribunals.
BTW. Read that DUmmie thread, they're the ones characterizing the underwear bomber as a victim, not me. They can't help themselves, it's a liberal thing.
Poor undieman, either too macho or brainwashed by the Dick Cheney cabal, just like that major in Ft. Hood.
Your dumbness never ceases to depress me.
"He was a victim, don't ya know." - elorond...That's exactly what libs believe." anon
This is horse shit. anon's blind belief should be instructive. He/She's lying to you, her compatriots. Her friends. She's lying.
Care to prove yourself, anon? Prove that libs believe the underpants bomber is a 'victim'? I, troglaman, already know you can't. But go ahead and try anyway.
"If the Underwear Bomber plied his trade in Iraq or Afghanistan, he would get a bullet in the ear for his efforts. But when he flies to America to attempt mass murder the same terrorist is somehow entitled to the full constitutional protections given American citizens---Miranda rights, court appointed lawyer, etc." elrond
When was the last time a terrorist was set free by Miranda rights and court appointed lawyers? Tell me.
You're going to have a little trouble with that question. And yet it was fine with you to simply believe Miranda rights and court appointed lawyers will bugger justice for said terrorist. You're wrong. This fucker won't see the light of day. I'll bet you any amount of money. I'll win. You know it.
What you'll be left with, after justice is served, is the fact that you didn't think it could work.
You like that legacy? You proud of that? That you thought the American Constitution was inadequate?
I'm here to tell you, elrond, that it will work. There's no doubt he will be put away forever despite your pussy-laden fears.
So then what? You going off on another quest to find something else to be afraid of?
Of course you are.
You don't get it, do you? (more likely you don't want to get it).A non-citizen terrorist who comes to this country to murder Americans doesn't merit a civilian trial. Why give these thugs a platform from which to proclaim the glory of jihad and the criminality of infidel America?
Moreover, as you say, whatever the outcome of a civilian trial, these terrorists will never walk free. They will spend the rest of their lives in U.S. custody. Which makes the proceedings a farcical show trial from the very beginning.
Civilian trials also endanger U.S. security. These courts, with broad rights of cross-examination and discovery, give terrorists access to important information about intelligence sources and methods.
Military commisions are the best was to handle foreign born terrorists. In fact, the the mastermind of the attack on the USS Cole will be tried before such a tribunal. So commit a war crime against American citizens and get a civilian trial, but attack a warship and get a military tribunal. Where's the logic?
The Constitution protects American citizens, it was never meant to protect terrorists waging war against those citizens.
I'm not afraid of anything except giving terrorists a propaganda megaphone before the world media.
P.S. Some libs, do believe the undie bomber was a victim, just read the DUmmie thread. Go ahead, wade the fever swamp.
"A non-citizen terrorist who comes to this country to murder Americans doesn't merit a civilian trial." elrond
They have up until now. What's different?
What's your problem with this? Your use of 'merit' is interesting. Like there are some who 'merit' and some that don't. Explain that. Then explain how you obviously know who 'merits' a civilian trial and who doesn't.
The Underpants bomber will be sent away forever like the rest of the multiple terrorist fuck-ups we've already sent to prison.
Care to dispute that fact? Let me save you the trouble...you can't.
No terrorist acquittals. No terrorist escapes. And yet you're still insistent about peeing your pants with the notion they'll be tried as civilians.
Fucking pussy. The constitution works and you're still scared. Still frightened. Such a brave, American warrior you are. Such a believer in American justice.
Take some prozac or something for Christ's sake. You're making shit up, elrond. Just to be afraid. And you're disgustedly proud of it because it makes sense to you.
I, troglaman, am here to tell you it doesn't make sense at all. I'll go point by point with you and make you into the suffering, worm infested unAmerican, cabbage you are. I'll prove to you you're not a believer in the Constitution, even though it works.
So bring it on, big guy. Tell me how the super scary terrorists are somehow going to score points by being tried as civilians.
Keep waiting butthead, you're wasting my time and ignoring what I've written. Written several times, in fact.
But let me repeat it one last time:
Non-citizen terrorists who come to America to murder U.S. citizens must not gain (merit) the protections of the Constitution and the Courts. These people are not civilians, they are waging a war of terror on the United States and should be tried before military tribunals as war criminals.
No terrorist aquittals. No terrorist escapes.
And this view makes me a pussy? You're engaged in name-calling, substituting verbal abuse for rational arguement.
Fuck yourself, do it today.
"But let me repeat it one last time:
Non-citizen terrorists who come to America to murder U.S. citizens must not gain (merit) the protections of the Constitution and the Courts." elrond
I AM listening you friggin donkey. You're the one not listening.
If a terrorist has never been acquitted, or escaped, or gotten off on a technicality, then why are you so fucking freaked out about it? THAT'S THE QUESTION. Make me believe you have some special psychic knowledge that our current criminal justice system, which is working just fine, is on the verge of calamity. Especially regarding terrorism.
We put terrorists away. Even our own (and execute them).
Here's the deal, elrond. It's working. Terrorists tried as criminals are convicted. So what is it your afraid of?
The answer is nothing.
Jesus. Sorry dude.
Obviously we're not going to agree. But you may change your mind when the KSM circus opens in Manhattan.
Mayor Bloomberg has already stated that the trial will cost the city of New York $200,000,000 (and that's a low ball guess). What other costs (and I'm not taking money) might be incurred remains to be seen.
And it all could have been avoided with the use of a military tribunal. A tribunal that KSM had already agreed to plead guilty before. But that wasn't good enough for the Obama administration which wanted a public show trial (giving KSM a platform for celebrating jihad an denouncing infidels was a secondary consideration).
I'm sure the use of civilian trials, with all their Constitutional rights and protections, will just impress the hell out of future terrorists.
Not that it'll deter them from trying to kill us.
No, I'm not scared of terrorists, as I've said many times---you seem e unable to comprehend my words, repeated by me over and over.
So there's no use in talking anymore.
Adios, motherfucker.
"Speak for yourself Trog." anon
This was said after I, troglaman, pointed out, in detail, how we're all pussies.
Here's your challenge, chicken shit, pull one statement from my post and make it wrong.
Bet you can't.
Your problem, besides not having the balls to identify yourself, is that you cannot prove the mighty trog wrong. As always, you fuckers just pretend too. You proclaim victory by saying something stupid like "speak for yourself" when I, troglaman, am making a differentiating statement about YOU baboons and us ultra smart liberals. I'm pointing to YOUR idiocy, not mine.
So, thank you anon, for understanding that my post was all about being stupid. Your problem has to do with who I'm talking about.
The wonderful part is that it's (despite your denial) always about you. You fuckers are always wrong and you're always stupid. You rarely make sense.
I, troglaman, challenge you pumpkins again and again. Why don't one of you tell me when I've distorted shit or made things up. You can't.
Like I've said before, I'm careful here. If I make an assertion, I can back it up...unlike you dumb monkeys.
So go ahead, anon. Make me into the cave dweller I've already agreed I am.
You won't. Even though your idealology has reduced most of us into being cave dwellers. You won't admit the cave dweller's smarter than you. In fact, using an evolutionary model, you have BECOME the cave dweller. You have become troglaman.
So let's clarify things once again. I, troglaman, will only come here with facts that dispute PJinc or any one of you super dipshits. I invite argument. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it. If one of you make a good argument, I'll admit it (but will take great pleasure in humiliating a bullshitter...which is thankfully most of the time).
All I, troglaman, want...is for you to back up what you're saying. Or at least be prepared to do so. Be fucking informed instead of just swallowing (unless you like swallowing which will make you an easy target for my inner homo). Make it a fair fight. So far, I'm kicking your colective ass and I'm not exactly happy with that. Step the fuck up.
"Obviously we're not going to agree. But you may change your mind when the KSM circus opens in Manhattan." elrond
Big baby.
Tell me what you mean. Why am I about to change my mind? You're making a fearful prediction. You understand that, elrond? So far, none of what you're saying is actually true. There may be, despite your PREDICTION, no reason to believe it.
In fact, you're most likely wrong. Getting convicted in Manhattan won't be any different than getting convicted by military tribunal. He'll never see the light of day. And yet you're still pissed off..."So there's no use in talking anymore...Adios, motherfucker" (elrond). You're taking your ball and going home.
Pussy. Just 'cause you know I'm right. Fuck you.
"You haven't been right about anything" kat
Nice try on my mental processes kat. Felt a stabbing sinus pain for a second, got a bloody nose...but I'm fine. Just fine.
Besides that, I'm always right. I think you've been somewhat chicken shit about offering anything except that I'm charactarlogicly impaired...a popular subject WITH and without merit but a fairly easy target. You can do better.
As you know, I, troglaman, often enter the dark world of insults, name-calling and utter fuckery. I think the difference between us is that I know that I'm doing it. You don't.
"...utter fuckery."
Brilliant, that's you in two words.
"Brilliant, that's you in two words." kat
I, trog, have to go away again.
Peace, friends. Remember that it's all up to us...or someone else.
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