"Shut down Glenn Beck's program"

Shut down Glenn Beck. No other right-wing or left-wing talk show host approaches Beck in terms of his verbal violence and thinly veiled calls for armed revolt. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity propagate ideas that harm working people and damage the long-term viability of the US, but they're standard right-wing political media personalities. Glenn Beck is something else. Glenn Beck speaks in a deranged tone, verbally assaulting his guests with vitriol that would make Roland Freisler proud (see his interviews with Keith Ellison and Richard Blumenthal), and openly advocates sedition against the United States.
["Openly advocates sedition against the United States?" Something openly advocated in almost every other DUmmie thread during all the years of the EVIL Bush Regime.]
I might be tempted to consider Glenn Beck as just some entertaining shock jock with a political bent if it weren't that there are people out there who have lost their jobs, who collect rifles, and who are seething with aggression. In the early 1990s, the Rwandan genocide was encouraged, with great success, by Hutu radio hosts who advocated wiping out the Tutsi "cockroaches." Don't let it happen here.
[Were those Hutu radio hosts playing the song, "Tut-tut Tutsi, Goodbye?" Sorry but the idea of a tearful touchy feely Glenn Beck being the instigator of a genocide is making me laugh so much that I might cry almost as much as Glenn Beck talking on and on and on about being a good father. And now to the other DUmmies...]
If you don't believe in free speech for those whom you despise you don't believe in free speech.
[Hmmm... You post that and you have only 604 total posts. I can only reach one conclusion: LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]
Free speech does not cover incitement to violence. You may argue that Beck disclaims, saying basically that he supports a revolt through the ballot box. I think that that's too easy. His tone and choice of words suggest otherwise. The man is a serpent and a threat to the democratic idea that those we elect are our leaders for the entire duration of their term unless they resign or are removed by Congress.
[That's more like it. Definitely an AUTHENTIC close-minded DUmmie.]
And I really don't like the guy as an entertainer or a commentator.
[Beck definitely needs some tear duct surgery to prevent flooding.]
hate speech is not free speech. it is illegal to incite violence.
[Just define whatever conservatives say as "hate speech" so DUmmies can take a DUmp on the first amendment.]
I share your revulsion for Beck, but the law deliberately makes it very difficult to abridge someone's freedom of speech. Proving incitement is extremely difficult. Consider, if you will, that many comments about Bush and Cheney here on DU in recent years could also be construed as some sort of incitation, depending on what standard you apply.
[Careful. You're edging your way towards a Tombstoning.]
never once did I read anyone suggesting that we take guns and kill them. Glenn who acknowleges he is not a journalist, uses our public airways to make not so veiled threats.
[Oh please! Just check the DUmmie FUnnies archives for plenty of DUmmie threads about liquidating conservatives.]
Look, I'm not asking you to like the guy or his bullshit speeches. I'm saying that the way we feel about him doesn't necessarily pass the legal threshold required for his statements to be criminal.
[What address should we deliver your Tombstone pizza to?]
Beck is screaming "fire" in a crowded theater. He has NO protection of free speech rights to do such a thing. The other day, I heard him suggest that US forces execute prisoners in the field, rather than having to release Guantanamo detainees that need to be released because of lack of evidence to prosecute them. Such an action would be a blatant violation of the rules of war and the rule of law. Beck advocated murder, plain and simple. The man is deranged.
[Being deranged is a prerequisite to becoming a DUmmie.]
Beck promotes sedition. That's not free speech, that's the violent overthrowing of our government. It's illegal.
[If its illegal then we need to jail all real DUmmies. Just check the DUmmie thread archives of the Bush years.]
A democracy has nothing to fear of demagogues. As long as it stands on a trong consensus that is. But we shouldn't start shutting people up. Only if they cross that criminal line - which they are close to, I agree.
[Posted the "DUmmie" with 63 posts. TOMBSTONE!!!]
What democracy? In the U.S.? you are kidding right? Plutocracy maybe. Corporate fascist state definitely but democracy...nope.
[Now that's what an AUTHENTIC DUmmie is supposed to sound like. Unless he is an incredibly clever LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]
Could you imagine Bill Moyers behaving like Glenn Beck. Nope, because Bill is sane.
[A sane hatchet man for LBJ.]
He has the right to say it, but not necessarily the right to use public airwaves for it. Even if he did, News Corp. should cancel his show for the sake social responsibility.
["Social responsibility?" Is that the new name for censorship?]
And go buy David Neiwert's new book on hate radio and the fomentation of violent extremism, appropriately titled "The Eliminationists", at your local book store
[The new buzzword of the left for demonizing conservative talk show hosts: "Eliminationists." Mark that down. You will see that word used a lot more frequently in the future.]
Mark Levine is pretty awful too
[Is he also an "Eliminationist?"]
90% of talk radio is nuts like him. There's no balance and it's not the ratings. The propaganda media will replace liberal shows with better ratings for these wingnuts too often.
[Sorry, it is precisely the ratings. Just ask Jim Hightower or Mario Cuomo about ratings.]
So, if it'sreally a corporatist faschist plutocratic state instead of a democracy, how do they get someone speaking for the Evil Overlords off the air?
Seems a bit of a paradox to me.
Just SO typical of the dummies. They scream, rant and cry about someone on the right but OH NO, they've NEVER done anything even remotely similar. What a pile of B/S.
Once again, instead of arguing the points Mr Beck brings up, attack him on a personal level.
I'd venture that 90% of those commenting on the thread have never even LISTENED to Beck.
Not to mention some lame brained comes up with THIS gem:
"Such an action would be a blatant violation of the rules of war"
Rules of war?? LOL!!!
Once again, facts mean NOTHING and are never EVER left to get in the way of an argument.
"Beck promotes sedition. That's not free speech, that's the violent overthrowing of our government. It's illegal."
Not according to Ayers, one of Obama's closest friends.
"He has the right to say it, but not necessarily the right to use public airwaves for it."
I'm so tired of people lying about this. Outside of CB and Ham radio, there's no such thing as "public airwaves." All other radio frequencies are regulated, and the transmitters that use them licensed, in order to allow a particular station to broadcast without interference from competing stations. It's to keep the airwaves clean, free of clutter, not public.
Once a radio station receives a license, they OWN the rights to "airwaves" they broadcast over in their coverage area. .If you don't believe me, I suggest you try broadcasting on the "public' airwaves utilized by your favorite radio station. After the FCC finds and seizes your illegal transmitter, you'll be paying HUGE fines AND could quite possible be sued by the station that has the sole RIGHT to broadcast on that particular frequency in that particular coverage area. So much for Talk Radio being "public" airwaves.
"Glenn Beck speaks in a deranged tone, verbally assaulting his guests with vitriol that would make Roland Freisler proud."
Yet I'm sure that DUmmy feels Bill Maher verbally insulting his conservative guests and conservatives as a whole (Especially Christian conservatives) every chance he can get is just "Speaking truth to power," or some crap like that.
"never once did I read anyone suggesting that we take guns and kill them. Glenn who acknowleges he is not a journalist, uses our public airways to make not so veiled threats."
The DUmmies wrote the book on making not so veiled threats. For just one example, I can recall a DU thread which was up for a little while a couple years ago in which the DUmmies talked about what movie character's onscreen death they'd like to see happen to Bush, Cheney and the rest of the GOP (Some of the examples offered before the thread was locked included having them melt like the Wicked Witch of the West and having them explode like Mr. Big in 'Live and Let Die'). I recall a DU thread in which the DUmmies encouraged each other to join in on some liberal wack job's proposed campaign of performing citizens' arrests on Bush, Cheney, Rove, and the rest of the GOP (Which would be known as "Kidnapping" to logical, rational Americans, and ensure the DUmmies in question who tried it would wind up either in a prison cell or in a grave). Then, of course, there's all the countless revenge fantasies they've posted on what they'd like to do to everyone who's a conservative or voted for Bush.
Du-ers are far more comfortable as the poor, put-upon underdogs, struggling against terrible odds to overcome the evil regime (or corporation, or talk show or whatever).
It's not nearly so much fun when they are in the driver's seat and everyone is screaming at them.
Attack they know. Defense?
Only if it involves a Fascistic stifling of dissent and deprivation of rights.
And even they seem uncomfortable with that...
Well, some of them, anyway.
I guess this means Beck is doing well.
a blatant violation of the rules of war
The only rule of war is to make the other poor bastard die for his country (or religion).
That's not free speech, that's the violent overthrowing of our government. It's illegal.
Until the revolution is won. Think about those seditious patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence and pledged (and in many cases gave) their lives, fortunes and honor to the cause.
I don't much care for Beck or Bill O'Reilly: Beck because he's emotional and often irrational (as in his Principle #2), and O'Reilly because he's a blowhard populist.
He has the right to say it, but not necessarily the right to use public airwaves for it.
Fucking moron! There is no such thing as "public" airwaves. Radio/TV signals are created by those who invest in or invent equipment to generate them and are as such PRIVATE PROPERTY!
The only thing that the government is needed for is to issue licenses for the exclusive, monopoly use of segments of the spectrum to private individuals and corporations. Like mining claims. I pay the government to keep "claim jumpers" out of my segment of the spectrum.
Ooops! I see Ray beat me to the punch on this one.
This is how PJ frames Beck:
"I'm not a big fan of Glenn Beck. The guy is way too touch-feely for my tastes."
I think the expression is 'touchy-feely' unless there's a deeper manifestation of meaning I, troglaman, am obviously too stupid to realize. PJ, I think, bases it on 'the crying'.
PJ thinks Beck's a pussy. So do I.
Go from there.
"I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often." muffinsnow (boris and natasha)
You have to admit this is funny. muffinsnow. Russian muffinsnow.
No funnier than yours, troggy boy.
I notice you had absolutely nothing to add, troggy boy.
What's wrong troggy?
Where's your usual vulgar self, troggy boy? Did you leave it at home for your mommy to feed?
(standard inane reply by troggy in...3..2..1...)
"There is no such thing as "public" airwaves. Radio/TV signals are created by those who invest in or invent equipment to generate them and are as such PRIVATE PROPERTY!" classic dumbass
Try, for the love of God and all that's Holy, to get your head around this concept:
How many of your tax dollars went toward public airwaves? Powerlines. Phone Grids. Dams. Roads. Are you suggesting that this shit is ALL private property? You're out of your fucking mind. Parks? Water ways? Police? How 'bout the fucking Army, dimwit. Does that fall into the "invest in or invent" crowd? Should they come back, all these inventors and investors and sue for copywright infringement? Fuck. You're nuts.
It's amazing you think this way you shallow bovine, porcine, armadillic (yet elephantine), syphilitic worm. Because nothing you go on bloviating about is even remotely true. You're shitting in the trough and don't even know it.
How can I "get my head around" such an irrational rant, trog?
As far as I know, the only tax dollars spent in these areas relevant to this discussion went to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting: a quasi-government agency (i.e., political propaganda machine). Police, Army, parks, waterways and the other "shit" you mentioned are irrelevant to this discussion as well.
You should "get your head around" the fact that "airwaves" is one of those meaningless populist terms used to describe what most people view as magic. Use more precise terms in future, please.
What have any of "Powerlines. Phone Grids. Dams. Roads." (phone lines and power grids are in fact privately-owned for the most part) to do with creating and broadcasting via privately-owned capital equipment, privately-owned intellectual property to any private citizen who has the requisite privately-owned receiving equipment?
Government regulation does not imply government or public ownership. We still live in a somewhat capitalistic society, dumbass.
By they way, I thought you deny or doubt the existence of a god and certainly have pronounced religion as being an irrational concept. You been eating those magic mushrooms again?
"How many of your tax dollars went toward public airwaves? Powerlines. Phone Grids. Dams. Roads. Are you suggesting that this shit is ALL private property? You're out of your fucking mind. Parks? Water ways? Police? How 'bout the fucking Army, dimwit.
Hey, Troggy, pull your head out of your ass! Powelines, phone grids, dams, roads ... does that mean your private property which benefits from these things don't belong to you, but belong to "the people"? Your mom's home, in which basement you dwell, your mom's car, etc., don't belong to her, but to "the people"? So, if someone steals from you, it isn't stealing, because it belongs to everyone, and therefore, no one?
B.S., sir.
Trog, if you think the airwaves are public, I suggest you buy a radio transmitter and broadcast your OWN program, without a license, ESPECIALLY on the same channel as an existent Talk Radio program.. You'll find out that those "public" airwaves are nothing of the kind, after the FCC seizes your transmitter and slaps you with a large fine, just as I posted in my previous comment. Tell me, Trog, are you willing to give it a try? No? I didn't think so.
"How many of your tax dollars went toward public airwaves?"
NONE! Those were all financed by private industry, both in licensing fees, commercial development and construction costs, and the business taxes those companies pay to the federal government for the "privilege" of providing commercial services to their customers, correct? But you already know this, don't you?
"You should "get your head around" the fact that "airwaves" is one of those meaningless populist terms used to describe what most people view as magic."
Classic Liberal, It's apparent that Troggy, like a lot of ignorant liberals, thinks that the government created the "airwaves" and that they didn't exist before the FCC came into existence. I wonder of Marconi would agree?
Hay Troggy, Radio was invented in the late 1800's. The FCC wasn't created until 1933. So, who "owned" the airwaves prior to 1933?
You're out of your fucking mind...Fuck. You're nuts...you shallow, bovine, porcine, armadillic (yet elephantine) syphilitic worm...You're shitting in the trough and don't even know it.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Dear DUmmie Trolls ... head pat... the OFF switch on the television/radio is the same switch as the ON switch. You have a choice...
You have a choice...
Of course we do...and that's a problem for the DUmmies. They don't watch Beck and they don't want anyone else to watch him. They know what's best for us.
"How can I "get my head around" such an irrational rant, trog?" CL
You can't. That's been made absolutely and obviously clear.
Maybe you should go to bed. Hopefully you'll dream about all those highways and damns and power poles and realize you paid for them. Fucking socialist. Remember those parks your dad took you to? We all paid for those too. Sorry, but your dad was a Goddamn Stalinist.
After being re-educated at one of our many camps, you'll understand and agree.
Submit, Classic. You're a Dumbass.
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" elrond
Yeah sure, elrond. I like to kiss my mother at every opportunity. But especially after uttering obscenities.
"Hay Troggy, Radio was invented in the late 1800's. The FCC wasn't created until 1933. So, who "owned" the airwaves prior to 1933?" ray
It's 'hey', not 'hay'. How many times do I, troglaman, have to tell you? And don't tell me you've been doing it on purpose.
Was there public funding for radio?
Was there public funding for the electric wires running into your house?
Was there public funding for the road leading to your house?
Was there public funding for the sewer system in your community?
Is public funding paying your police?
Is public funding paying your firemen?
Is public funding paying for your schools?
Is public funding paying for our army?
You all know I, troglaman, could go on and on about the socialistic, communistic, liberal fascist shit you all take for granted and have been paying for for about a century without a fucking clue as to what to call it.
Now that it's 'socialistic', it's all bad. Even though we've been fucking doing it forever.
What about the theory that people need to make shit up just to be afraid. As if they like it. As if they need it. Hannity addiction.
It's not a bad theory from my point of view because you're clearly all afraid. Of fucking everything. And you like it.
Trog, everything you point to as being "public funded" is indeed paid for by taxpayers. What you're purposely obfuscating is the difference between stuff being paid for by money extracted from taxpayers by the government (taxes) and money being extracted from taxpayers by private industries through the costs of products/services provided.
Was there public funding for radio? No. Radio was entirely privately developed. The government got involved only when broadcasters demanded issuance of monopoly licenses to operate in specific areas at specific frequencies. They demanded this because competitors were "claim jumping" their frequencies and jamming their signals with higher-power signals and other unfair competitive techniques.
Was there public funding for the electric wires running into your house? No. Those are paid for through the fees I pay the electric company, including the initial hook-up fees and the monthly bill for energy used.
Was there public funding for the road leading to your house? No, the subdivision repays the property developers who built the roads through subdivision association fees.
Was there public funding for the sewer system in your community? No. These are paid for through fees included in my combined water, sewer, and garbage collection bill. The water company is not a government agency or government-funded. It is a private enterprise heavily regulated by the government due to its status as a "public utility."
Is public funding paying your police? Yes. This is a legitimate use of taxpayer money and a required obligation of local and state government.
Is public funding paying your firemen? Firemen in the city are paid through property tax assessments. Firemen in rural areas are mostly volunteers and their equipment is for the most part donated or partially-funded through grants from general state tax funds.
Is public funding paying for your schools? Yes, whether I choose to send my children to them or not, and whether I have children to send to them or not. A large percentage of parents around here pay twice for their childrens' education: through property taxes funding the public schools and through the tuition they pay to send their children to private schools. Education is not a legitimate function of government and the taxes extracted from me to pay for "public" education is unjust.
Is public funding paying for our army? Like police, the military is a legitimate function of federal government which I indeed pay for through federal taxes.
Your whole rant vividly illustrates what I've mentioned several times: that you construct strawman arguments to knock down while evading and obfuscating the issue being discussed. In this case the issue is trying to use government to silence Glenn Beck and your strawman is all the so-called "public-funded goods" you list.
Get back on topic after you come out from under your Psilocybin Reality Shroud.
Goodbye, it's been a struggle talking with a schmuck like you.
Have fun in Obama fantasy land, just don't act surprised when the bill comes due.
troggy is such a simple little fool.
Baiting that little lad is just TOOOOOO simple.
troggy, yer a simple twerp. When are you going to figure that out, TWERP!
"Get back on topic after you come out from under your Psilocybin Reality Shroud." CL
Glenn Beck? He's a crybaby pussy. I thought I'd been pretty clear about that. He's irrelevant. He's making tons of money off you suckling pork products. So is Rush. And Hannity. Billo. Good for them, your leaders. Ratings. Ratings. Ratings.
"No. Radio was entirely privately developed." CL
I'm not sure what we're arguing about, CL. Of course corporate interests matter. But radios can't exist without electricity in houses with sewers and roads and stuff. The very first American radios had to be plugged in. You and I paid for the outlet. It worked out OK. The infrastructure bought and paid for by the socialists enabled corporate creativity (aka 'the capitalists') to make and sell stuff like radios and TV's and...here we are.
I, troglaman, think this is a huge disconnect. Everyone knows we have to collectively pay for our roads, schools, armies, etc. This is (gasp!) undeniably socialism to a degree. So is a neighborhood collection. Your fear of the word and what it means only serves to be, at best, confusing. You can't admit you've been partly a socialist forever. None of you can. It presents a cognitive dissonance type issue - "How can it be bad when it's been good?"
But it's your problem. Should be Fox's next reality show - Survivor II "Life on the Compound". Looking forward to it.
"t-man, Goodbye, it's been a struggle talking with a schmuck like you. Have fun in Obama fantasy land, just don't act surprised when the bill comes due." elrond
It's been a struggle with you too. Take that as a compliment.
The bill came due last November. It had something to do with 8 years of dumshit calamity. And even though you supported it, you figure someone else is on the hook for paying for it. Never you. In fact, actually paying for it means submitting to fascism in your little mind.
Hey, it was my last shout out.
Take care.
Look up the definition of socialism, trog. We do not live in a society where all means of production are collectively owned. Just as there is no purely capitalist society (Hong Kong comes closest), there are no purely socialist societies extant.
The Swedes and Brits gave up on socialism when they saw it is in Reality only collective poverty, incapable of producing the wealth required to maintain a civil society.
There are none so blind as those who will not see. Your rants are classic refusals to see.
Submit trog, you're finished.
Trog said,
"Good for them, your leaders."
News flash for you and the other ultra- liberals: They are NOT our leaders. Those of us who watch or listen to them (I don't) view them as I guess intelligent and insightful commentators, but not as "Leaders."
We might as well say you liberals' leaders are Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, and the Air America crowd.
"Get back on topic after you come out from under your Psilocybin Reality Shroud." CL
Glenn Beck? He's a crybaby pussy.
Dumbass! You're transparently lame about dodging the topic that started your ranting screed. To jog your inconvenient memory, this was the topic... not Beck himself, but the claim he was using "public airwaves" to say things the DUmmies don't like.
He has the right to say it, but not necessarily the right to use public airwaves for it.
You and I did not pay for the electrical outlet the radio is plugged into either. The homeowner paid for the outlet and the wiring in his house and the homeowner pays the privately-owned power company to pump electricity to it through the privately-owned electric grid.
All your claims that certain "public utilities" (i.e., heavily-regulated, privately-owned utilities) are socialistic have been demolished, yet you still cling to your claims. Refusal to acknowledge Reality is a symptom of insanity.
"You should "get your head around" the fact that "airwaves" is one of those meaningless populist terms used to describe what most people view as magic." CL
Public airwaves are strictly controlled, dumbshit. You want to get in this argument?
"We do not live in a society where all means of production are collectively owned." CL
I never said we did. There are, however, aspects of our society that are publicly owned. Power being one of them. Electricity. Public dollars paid for this country's power grid. Are you prepared to tell me I'm wrong?
Public dollars pay for defense. Am I wrong?
Public dollars pay for our fire departments. Am I wrong?
Public dollars pay for our local police. Am I wrong?
Public dollars pay for Homeland Security. Am I wrong?
Who's paying for the fence in Texas?
You know I could go on and on.
One thing's obvious: you don't know what "socialist" means. You don't want to. Much too scary to even contemplate.
And if you're thinking anyone on the left is advocating a state owned society, you're nuts. As always.
There are, however, aspects of our society that are publicly owned. Power being one of them. Electricity. Public dollars paid for this country's power grid. Are you prepared to tell me I'm wrong?
Yes I am. There is only a single instance (well 2 actually) I'm aware of that are publicly-owned in the sense they are "cooperatives:" Namely Omaha Public Power District and Nebraska Public Power District. All other power grids are "publicly-owned" only in the sense they sell ownership (stock) to the public.
See my previous reply to your repeated questions.
It's clear the one who doesn't understand the meaning of "socialist" is yourself, trog. Read up on it and educate yourself:
Public airwaves are strictly controlled, dumbshit. You want to get in this argument?
Obviously you read but fail to comprehend. Government controls (regulation) does not imply, require, or demand government ownership. Does the term "ownership" confuse you, or you simply being pertinacious in the face of Reason?
Upon further research I will concede there is a significant portion (but nowhere close to 100% or even 50%) of the electric power generation and transmission infrastructure in the US that is owned and operated by the Department of Energy under the Power Marketing Administration, trog. There is also the Tennessee Valley Authority which is an animal of unique sort: effectively a "state without citizens" that was created by the US Government in 1933 which also generates and transmits electric power.
Most of that infrastructure has in fact paid back with interest the initial investments of taxpayer monies and supplies a fair chunk of revenue for the federal government. Therefore it is no longer public-funded.
Mea culpa for the too-broad generalizations I made. Your turn to acknowledge your too-broad generalizations as well, trog.
"Most of that infrastructure has in fact paid back with interest the initial investments of taxpayer monies and supplies a fair chunk of revenue for the federal government. Therefore it is no longer public-funded." CL
That's the point. It started with public funds and ended up paying dividends. Once again, CL, what are we arguing about? American endeavors utilizing public funds can, as evidenced, turn out well for everybody. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems you resist this notion for some unknowable reason. My lack of understanding is probably my fault but I just don't get it.
My electric bill goes to a publicly owned power company. So does my neighbor's in Tacoma. And Seattle. Public Works. Excuse the pun.
shut down beck..afterr his bigoted comments on India Rupert Murdoch should be very cautious on keeping on such bigoted , racist anti-India commentators. India has one of the biggest markets to expand to and this will be his biggest mistake to let Beck stay after his insults on the Ganges
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