Pitt Calls Obama Syria Speech Incoherent

DUmmieland's expert on incoherence has declared Obama's Syria speech to be incoherent. Yes, WILLIAM RIVERS PITT has weighed in and declared Barack Obama's speech on Syria to be incoherent as you can see in his thread, That was pretty goddamned incoherent, frankly. For once, Mama Raven, can relax because I won't be slamming Sonny Boy this time around since he is correct in his analysis. You know what they say about a broken clock being right twice a day. Anyway, Pitt was quite disappointed in Obama's speech as you can see. So let us now watch Pitt slam Obama's incoherence in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if John F. Kerry will be mad if Albert Brooks steals his Nobel Peace Prize from him, is in the [barackets]:
That was pretty goddamned incoherent, frankly.
[He sounded like you after you had a few at Bukowski's.] That was pretty goddamned incoherent, frankly
[You ever read Pied Piper Pitt Performs Endless "Penitence" At DUmmie Canossa? ]
The rub: Gas sucks, dead children are terrible, so I want to attack, but we're working on a diplomatic solution, yet if you're on the right and love the military, or if you're on the left and love human rights, you totally have to look at the dead kids on YouTube and get behind me on attacking Syria even though I've asked Congress to suspend the vote and we're pursuing diplomacy so there won't be an attack, or something.
[The rub: You just might be forced to perform one of your infamous self-recantations again.]
Gobldeygook. Tell me I'm wrong.
[I'll leave that up to the DUmmie Peanut Gallery which follows.....]
One can't be too bothered by those troubled by the speech, they always expect the worst. So many failed predictions by Obama detractors it's hard to take them seriously.
[No credit to Albert Brooks for proposing the peace plan on Twitter while John F. Kerry merely stumbled into it, then disavowed it, before pretending he meant it all along.]
Obama has held the morally consistent and correct position the entire time.
[Enjoying the Kool-Aid?]
That it went right over the head of the OP is understandable, but regrettable. He did something pretty earth-shaking there.
[Are you casting aspersions upon OP Pitt?]
Not only was it incoherent, I had the impression that the President knew it. It was a turd-polishing attempt to appear on top of what's happening.
[Incoherent and proud of it.]
Are we applying pressure by threatening the imminent use of military force or are we backing off the threat of force in order to give diplomacy a chance? The President seemed to be trying to have it both ways in this speech.
[I am still trying to figure out just WHEN Congress is supposed to vote on this. Next week? Next month? Next year?]
I dont think he even really neede to give the speech..unless we were bombing tomorrow. It was pretty vague and since they are going to try the diplomatic route the speech seemed kinda awkward. and No, I'm not going to watch all the videos. Sure kids died, but kids will just as sure die in any war, or strike, or conflict... Nothing was really accomplished by talking for a few minutes to the US tonight. No news broke, nothing was determined.
[A Jerry Seinfeld speech. About nothing.]
you are wrong. I'll tell you now instead of you waiting for 24 business hours.
[OUCH!!! You will NEVER forget. Hee! Hee!]
He doesn't have a clue. He's been all over the place, and now he's twisting himself in knots trying to reconcile the resulting contradictions.
[It's all part of his masterful three dimensional chess plan that mere mortals are unable to see.]
I missed this "special message" and from what I have read and heard, I basically didn't miss a damn thing.
24 business hours .... LOL
the internet never forgets.
No! Here is the REAL truth! You’re just a racist that hates having a black man as President!
The very idea that President Obama is destroying America is just another republican lie!
Is Barack Obama a Communist? No he is not
You racists claim that the President is the devil. That he is a commie, socialist, Nazi, dictator, who is both a secret Muslim, and
anti-American bigot who hates all white people. Not one thing you said was true. It
really sucks that a black man can go to Harvard and make more money in a year than you’ll make in your life, doesn’t it?
He is neither Muslim or Illegal or Evil! Obama is not a traitor to the USA but his agenda is questionable?
You’re writing this after having 8 years of THE WORST president of all time – a
Republican that started 2 needless wars and cut taxes to fund them. The same president whose relaxing of regulations led to the second worst
economic downturn in American history.
So, you call saving America from the disaster of the Bush/Chaney years destructive. You must have been born in an outhouse.
Obama has not committed a single impeachable offense. If he had, the House GOP would have started impeaching him by now. You people hate him because he is black!
Period. The End!
Questionmann. DummieFunnie's answer to the question nobody asked.
Keep on attacking that strawman QM, I think you've got him right where you want him.
::: Watching The Hate Crazed Howling Mad Moonbat scream like a raped ape while power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass :::
You know, maybe Troglaman, The Vicious Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe, needs to get back on here. Otherwise The Hate Crazed Howling Mad Moonbat is going to easily replace him as the official troll of this blog.
Questionmann said...
No! Here is the REAL truth! You’re just a racist that hates having a black man as President!
The very idea that President Obama is destroying America is just another republican lie!
Is Barack Obama a Communist? No he is not
You racists claim that the President is the devil. That he is a commie, socialist, Nazi, dictator, who is both a secret Muslim, and
anti-American bigot who hates all white people. Not one thing you said was true. It
really sucks that a black man can go to Harvard and make more money in a year than you’ll make in your life, doesn’t it?
He is neither Muslim or Illegal or Evil! Obama is not a traitor to the USA but his agenda is questionable?
You’re writing this after having 8 years of THE WORST president of all time – a
Republican that started 2 needless wars and cut taxes to fund them. The same president whose relaxing of regulations led to the second worst
economic downturn in American history.
So, you call saving America from the disaster of the Bush/Chaney years destructive. You must have been born in an outhouse.
Obama has not committed a single impeachable offense. If he had, the House GOP would have started impeaching him by now. You people hate him because he is black!
Period. The End!
My. Wasn't that chock full-O-stupid?
You forgot to put an ElEbInTy!!!!11!!on the end of that by the way
Zzzzzzzzzz...Huh? What?
Questionmann, were you saying something? Something sensible, something coherent? No. No, you weren't.
Pathetic, after five years of Obama gaffes, blunders and miscues all Qmann can do is blame Bush.
Right now Obama is looking out the Oval Office window as Putin does donuts on the White House lawn.
Obama has provided the West with its worst defeat since the fall of France in 1940.
I don't detest Obama because he's (half) black, I detest him because he's an imbecile.
Time to get your head out of your ass Qmann.
Questionmann, on September 12th Oliver Wills of Media Matters said "Michelle Obama made the sin of telling people to drink more water while also being a black first lady."
He said this because someone had the audacity to note how silly it is for the government to tell us we need to drink water. Now my question(n) for you is; On a scale of 1 to 10, how racist is water?
Barack Hussain Oturdpolisher and Michael were a disgrace to our Christian United States of America, their efforts to legalize, normalize Sodomites, Pedophiliacs and give them first dibs in teaching our little children, even second to Affirmative Action.
The damage done to our education system can only be repaired by returning to PTA’s where student parents elect School Administrators with the power to hire/FIRE, and oversee modernizing our entire public school system into the Information Age where ONE BOOK~ONLINE searches provides US with information we seek. AFTER literacy is achieved
Removing mentally compromised educators from our school system should be the 1st priority in modernization.
Our efforts to take back government can also be done online where everyone’s perspectives can be sorted out to determine our real issues and and together online find directions without interference by the current legal body who have seized our nation and now determine whatever we can, cannot - Read, see, say, print, do as they enact volumes of statutes each year that continue to invade every aspect of our lives.
Get ride of the deep state, return control of our governments Bach to US, remove CASE LAWS.
END the tyrannical socialist government that gangs of lawyers judges bankster and family dynasties who have created a government for THEM simultaneously taking our assets and human rights with bizarre PRO QUID PRO trade deals, bank rates, manipulating currencies, BANK RATES, where from time to time rates are increased to 20% plus whereby their international corporations swoop in and seize our assets.
End the FED, CURRENT ELECTION SYSTEM, CONGRESS and entire gangs ruling over our municipalities, cities, counties, federal, etc etc magistrates, tribunals, adjudicators, welfare affirmative action etc administrators of taxpayer funded welfare/subsidies where everyone else besides recipients provide the TAX REVENUE.
A government based upon our constitutional intent, a government by and for the people, all the people, equally as the multicultural nation we are. NOT black 1st and White/Native American behind Afro Americans and gays, lawyers judges Banksters and whoever THEY decide are entitled to more than their fair share while other are polling up in shelters, and/or on the streets where untold millions are beginning to pile up (mostly white, 40,000 White Veterans) who don’t pass the ( affirmative action ). WELFARE ADJUDICATORS
Barack Hussain Oturdpolisher and Michael were a disgrace to our Christian United States of America, their efforts to legalize, normalize Sodomites, Pedophiliacs and give them first dibs in teaching our little children, even second to Affirmative Action.
The damage done to our education system can only be repaired by returning to PTA’s where student parents elect School Administrators with the power to hire/FIRE, and oversee modernizing our entire public school system into the Information Age where ONE BOOK~ONLINE searches provides US with information we seek. AFTER literacy is achieved
Removing mentally compromised educators from our school system should be the 1st priority in modernization.
Our efforts to take back government can also be done online where everyone’s perspectives can be sorted out to determine our real issues and and together online find directions without interference by the current legal body who have seized our nation and now determine whatever we can, cannot - Read, see, say, print, do as they enact volumes of statutes each year that continue to invade every aspect of our lives.
Get ride of the deep state, return control of our governments Bach to US, remove CASE LAWS.
END the tyrannical socialist government that gangs of lawyers judges bankster and family dynasties who have created a government for THEM simultaneously taking our assets and human rights with bizarre PRO QUID PRO trade deals, bank rates, manipulating currencies, BANK RATES, where from time to time rates are increased to 20% plus whereby their international corporations swoop in and seize our assets.
End the FED, CURRENT ELECTION SYSTEM, CONGRESS and entire gangs ruling over our municipalities, cities, counties, federal, etc etc magistrates, tribunals, adjudicators, welfare affirmative action etc administrators of taxpayer funded welfare/subsidies where everyone else besides recipients provide the TAX REVENUE.
A government based upon our constitutional intent, a government by and for the people, all the people, equally as the multicultural nation we are. NOT black 1st and White/Native American behind Afro Americans and gays, lawyers judges Banksters and whoever THEY decide are entitled to more than their fair share while other are polling up in shelters, and/or on the streets where untold millions are beginning to pile up (mostly white, 40,000 White Veterans) who don’t pass the ( affirmative action ). WELFARE ADJUDICATORS
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