KOmmies Build Public Option Field of Dreams

The KOmmies just can't give up on their beloved ObamaCare which is now DOA despite next week's meeting with the Republicans in the Blair House. However, the KOmmies and much of the left just can't accept this fact. Instead they have gone into deep fantasy mode and are now speculating that public option ObamaCare could easily happen via reconciliation. And it is that very speculation about a highly unlikely event that keeps their hopes alive...for now as you can see in this KOmmie THREAD, "Updated: Public Option Through Reconciliation Scoreboard: 18 Signers + 3 Supporters = 21." Yes, they are now acting like an impossibility is a probability. Of course, reconciliation will NOT be happening for a myriad of reasons. For one thing, they are up against a hard time limit of sometime in April to even accomplish this. After that, reconciliation is already off the table officially although it won't even be attempted for many other reasons. What is really laughable, is the near impossibility of the House approving the Senate bill as is, then getting it signed into law by Obama, then back to the Senate for reconciliation revisions to fix that travesty with just 51 vote approval per revision. That is is NOT going to happen so it is really laughable that the KOmmies believe that the reconciliation gimmick is going to work for public option. So let us now join the KOmmies in their public option Fantasyland in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, enjoying the spectacle of the KOmmies sinking ever deeper into unreality, is in the [barackets]:
Updated: Public Option Through Reconciliation Scoreboard: 18 Signers + 3 Supporters = 21
[KOmmie Reality Check Scoreboard: 0.00]
It's been a great day on the front lines! We've now got public support from over 20 senators and plenty that are "still considering." Let's give them plenty to consider. Keep calling. And call the president at at 202-456-1111 and tell him to get on board. Leadership for a Change!
[The FUnniest thing about this whole fantasy will be watching them in a few weeks when NOTHING happens on the public option front. The mass meltdown will be HILARIOUS to watch!!!]
Let's keep score!
[Good idea. So far KOmmie connection to reality remains at a big fat ZERO.]
Things have been happening fast this morning. Yesterday it was 8 and today it is 16. Thanks to your efforts this morning Boxer, Reed, Mikulski, Tom Udall and Lautenberg signed the letter.
[All they are doing is extending the plank which the KOmmies are doomed to fall off of.]
This effort has legs people.
Keep up the fight!
[And pray for the Alternate Reality to arrive.]
And CALL the White House: 202-456-1111. Tell Obama to come out and support this effort. Demand he stand up for what he promised us during the campaign for a change! With his leadership this can happen.
[Yeah. Obama couldn't even make a watered down version of ObamaCare happen and now you think he is going to go all out for public option. You need to be popping more of those reality altering meds.]
NO PLACE TO HIDE. With 50 democratic votes we can pass health care reform. They must support it, or they are against health care reform.
[I enjoy watching KOmmies on hallucinogens.]
Update: Just saw that Shumer and Shaheen signed!!! WTG Netroots!!!! Yell Louder!!!!!
[Tune In! Turn On! Drop Out!]
UPDATE: Thursday, 4:56 PM -- The White House is declining to comment on the push to reinsert the public option into the debate.
[Yeah, and somehow you expect them to go all out for public option?]
Hey Obama! How about some leadership...for a change!
[And this is the lion that you expect to roar for public option?]
Keep Fighting! Thank you for your efforts! Keep Calling!
[This KOmmie is definitely headed for the Rubber Room when the rock solid April reconciliation deadline comes and goes. And now for the rest of the reality challenged KOmmies...]
The era of procrastination, half-measures, soothing & baffling expedients, & delays, is coming to a close. We are entering a period of consequences - Churchill
[A quote from Obama's least favorite Brit.]
Here are the CONGRESSIONAL TOLL FREE NUMBERS I found. They get you to the switchboard and sometimes to the office
[How about if I just provide you with some walls to beat your heads against?]
The main thing (always) is to keep our "eyes on the prize!"
[Even if it's a Booby Prize?]
We need to raise the money to put togrther a 50 individual state polls on the Public option. We should get 2 polling companies and two MSM outlets to agree to participate. We could force senators to support this.
[Why am I envisioning Any Hardy yelling at Judy Garland about putting on a show right at home in the barn?]
Just when it seemed that hope had died..
[...complete unreality sets in.]
pass the damn healthcare bill, through reconcilliation if need be but PASS IT or find another job"
[Prepare the tranquillizer darts for this KOmmie come April.]
We are almost to twenty Senators. The number has more than doubled in one day. This is what the public demands. We can win this one. We only need 50 votes.
[Please don't knock this KOmmie out of his reverie by informing him that reconciliation in the Senate can ONLY be used on items related to the budget...NOT setting up a whole new socialist health care system.]
If your Senators are sure NO, then get on the phone to others. If you don't have long distance, like me, email them. If you have a relative there, it's better, bacause it will have the right zip.
[HURRY! Waste your time on absolute nothingness!!!]
Bernie Sanders sounded crazy on Rachel Maddow's show last night. Not only would a public option pass via reconciliation, but education, jobs, energy, kitchen sink. What the heck was he saying?
[Bernie was saying that the Senate was just $10 away from reconciliation.]
But Sanders sounded like he was in some alternate universe.
[Sounds like he fits right in with the rest of you KOmmies.]
The public option will affect the budget (save us money), so we CAN use reconciliation.
[Um...actually EVERY bill will affect the budget but nice try with that stretch.]
I will tell you all before you are hurt by this. you cannot pass the public option through recon, because of the BYRD RULE! this is all just pandering to the base. As such, the potus will now pivot without the public option noting it will look better in the elections to independents that there was no government takeover. it is called strategy. It is not the POTUS fault, it is the rules
[Finally, a winner of the coveted Kewpie Doll.]
I just spoke to someone at Sen. Shaheen's Manchester office and was told she does support reconciliation and the public option. I asked when she would come out publically along with the other 19 Senators and was told he would pass the message on to Ms. Shaheen.
[And all the while that person in Shaheen's office was making a circular motion with his hand indicating that yet another loon was calling and actually believed the concealed brushoff.]
right now, the majority, if not all of the calls the Senators are receiving are encouraging support; in favor of this action.
[This is a KOmmie that needs to look up the definition of the word, "pander."]
Strike now, in great numbers, while we have advantage and can MAKE THE NEWS! This is what the Netroots is for!
[This is what the NUtroots is for!]
I got through to the statewide office. The guy who answered knew what I was talking about before I even described it to him.
[And that guy whispered "another NUtcase who actually believes in PO via reconciliation," to the others in the office.]
DC is closed for the evening, of course, and Albuquerque is now closed until Monday because of a staff retreat. Will try DC again tomorrow
[The best thing about this is all the WASTED energy on the part of the KOmmies. The burnout in a few weeks will be FUn to watch!]
I'll be making my calls to Murray and Cantwell. Excellent action diary MF!
[Beating your head against a wall will have more effect than what you are doing.]
I just got off the phone with a staffer at Jeanne Shaheen's office and she told me that Senator Shaheen has signed the letter.
[What's also FUnnie here is why would Obama even want to meet with Republicans at all if all this could be done via reconciliation? Answer: Because it can't be done via reconciliation but this hasn't penetrated tiny KOmmie skulls.]
Staffer said he received the letter and will make a decision tonight or tomorrow.
[Beat your head against the wall. BEAT IT! BEAT IT! BEAT IT!]
I had nearly given up on HCR. My spirits are revived.
[And how much did you shell out to Bev Harris in 2004?]
Add Durbin, Shaheen, Dodd & Schumer?
[Might as well add Adobo seasoning for all the good it will do.]
Feingold now on board with public option through reconciliation!!!
[Posted the KOmmie with the Happy Urinations soaking his diaper.]
Is there any way we could organize a money bomb for the assenting senators? Would be a great way to get others on board as well.
[No problem. Just empty your wallets and forward the funds to BBV Bev.]
But Sanders sounded like he was in some alternate universe.
He was probably channeling Troglaman.
Woo Hoo!!! Anthem wants a 22.9% increase in health care premiums in Maine.
Right. Friggin. On.
Get out the champagne because the news just keeps getting better and better. Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington are also about to incur double digit rate increases as well.
Is this the greatest medical/health care system in the world or what?
Come April, we'll need to give thanks that these idiots were all too drugged-up throughout their lives to have ever gotten pilot's licenses.
Back in manic phase again, I see. Countdown to depressive stage return...3...2...1...
Back in manic phase again, I see. Countdown to depressive stage return...3...2...1...
FUCK YOU NEOCONS! Abusing a woman is terrorism. Suicide bombing by smashing your plane into an office building is terrorism. The right wingers believe terrorism can only be classified as terrorism when a person with non-pasty white skin does it!!!!
Wonder how many of these massive premium increases are due to MEDICARE supplemental cost hikes? I'm betting all of them.
And the way to fix it (according to the Moonbat/Troglaman clone coaliton) is to put EVERYONE on MEDICARE.
More genius from humanoids in a non-existant fantasy universe.
"Wonder how many of these massive premium increases are due to MEDICARE supplemental cost hikes? I'm betting all of them." jerome
It would do you good to actually look up the answers to your questions.
It's called Google.
"And the way to fix it (according to the Moonbat/Troglaman clone coaliton) is to put EVERYONE on MEDICARE." jumpin jerome
Could you explain to me, jumpin jerome, why every other industrialized nation on earth has MEDICARE FOR EVERYONE!!!!
Here's your time to shine, jerome. Tell us why pretty much everybody else does it. Then tell us why they're all wrong.
Let me repeat - tell us why pretty much everybody else does it and then tell me why they're wrong.
That should be pretty simple, right? Why not explain the obvious, jerome?
The fact is that every other industrialized country in the world provides health care. Health care costs for Americans have risen 250% during the last 10 years and continue to be an extreme burden to American producers, business small and large. It's a tax whether or not you want to see it that way. Simple as that. A corporate tax.
Premiums continue to rise at a double diget increase every year. The insurance companies raising the rates continue to make record-breaking profits.
Now, jerome, dickwad, compare the American way to other industrialized countries around the world. Compare their products against ours and factor in the cost of health care. That's all you have to do. Pretty simple math.
You think I'm the dumbshit, jerome.
And I sincerely doubt I'll ever change your mind about that. But I, troglaman, feel it's my mission to expose you for the crapmiester lunkhead you continue to be. You can't argue facts with me because you don't know them.
You mean the rest of the industrialized world that can no longer self-sustained itself because it provides at best, piss poor health care?
Point out a country to me that isn't going down the toilet that also provides everything for its people. I'll make it easy, just one. It has to be a country that currently has better medical tech, facilities, and care then the U.S. Thats the only requirement I will suggest you work by.
"Point out a country to me that isn't going down the toilet that also provides everything for its people." foxx
China? France? Canada? Germany? Austrailia? Switzerland? Austria? Russia? Cuba? Norway? Spain? Belgium? Netherlands? Japan? South Korea? Brazil? Columbia? England? South Africa?
China and the middle east own our the debt incurred during the Bush administration. For both wars. It was never budgeted and never paid for. It was borrowed.
I, troglaman, am right about this basic fact.
Your howling about money and the deficit is empty...because you dug this hole. You did.
Your problem is in making a cogent argument that you can dig us out by doing the things that fucked us up in the first place.
You can't do it. (If any of you argue tax cuts or tort reform, I'm ready for your sorry asses)
Trying to argue facts with a world-class guttersnipe like Guttersnipe is a waste of time. His "facts" come from whatever fantasy world he visits by power-slamming his head up his ass.
Could you explain to me, jumpin jerome, why every other industrialized nation on earth has MEDICARE FOR EVERYONE!!!! - Troglaman the Guttersnipe
The "everyone else does it" argument makes sense for a eight-year old. Bottom line is that's a pathetic excuse for anything. The only way to afford such a system is to significantly degrade the service level. I have a Master's in Public Administration and I can guarentee you that if the Federal Government follows the Moonbat/Troglaman Clones plan to destroy the current health care system in the name of "reform", you WILL kill people. I don't have to go to a foreign nation to prove it does not work. All anyone other than a terminal dumbass like Troglaman need do is look at Oregon that has "universal coverage". What was their response to a woman's request for treatment for cancer? 'It's not cost effective...but we will be happy to pay for you to kill yourself.' Now, one of the evil drug companies the Moonbat/Troglaman Clones want to destroy in the name of "health care reform" did step in and provide the treatment, but when the Feds take over, that will never again happen. This is the system Troglaman wants for everyone, and if he says otherwise he's a fool and a liar (not to mention being a sick pervert).
No, Trog. Answer my question. Don't give me the bullshit.
Not to seem ungrateful PJ (et al) but:
Hey Foxx....hate to disappoint you, but Troglaman the Guttersnipe can only give you bullshit. He has shown beyond all doubt that he lacks the intellect to do otherwise.
"You mean the rest of the industrialized world that can no longer self-sustained itself because it provides at best, piss poor health care?" foxx
What in the hell are you talking about?
Are you seriously suggesting the rest of the industrialized world, EXCEPT for the USA, isn't self sustaining? Because the rest of the industrialized world provides health care? And that it's piss poor health care to boot?
If you are, you're wrong, wrong and wrong. There you go.
That was easy.
"The "everyone else does it" argument makes sense for a eight-year old. Bottom line is that's a pathetic excuse for anything." jumpin jercloglarome
Let me repeat - tell us why pretty much everybody else does it and then tell me why they're wrong.
That's all. You're hysterical 'death panel' crap...jeez. Maybe you'd like me to hunt up some stats about how many people are denied coverage and end up dying. I already know it's tens of thousands per year. Someone (I think you know who) decides who gets coverage and who doesn't. Are you going to tell me I'm wrong about that?
You're the one supporting death panels, my simian friend. But no doubt there's something inherently solid about insurance clerks and claim adjusters. They've always struck me as a righteous group with a larger and, perhaps, Divine Purpose.
You're an idiot despite your public administration credentials. Are you (God forbid) currently working in public administration, jercloglarome?
"It would seem that a more than a few Canadian politicians think so." 98ZJUSMC
Thank you, jarhead. What he's pointing out here is that even though you have government supplied health care, you have the freedom to buy something better. In fact, almost every country that supplies basic health care also offers the opportunity to buy even more insurance. No one is prevented from buying whatever they want. There are no restrictions.
Again, thanks for the example, leatherneck.
Troglaman said...
"Thank you, jarhead. What he's pointing out here is that even though you have government supplied health care, you have the freedom to buy something better."
Nope. At least, not in Canada.
"Private insurance for medically necessary hospital and physician services is illegal in only 6 of the 10 provinces. Nonetheless, a significant private sector has not developed in any of the 4 provinces that do permit private insurance coverage."
-Colleen M. Flood and Tom Archibald
Dr. Flood is Assistant Professor and Mr. Archibald is a doctoral candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.
Even in the provinces where it's "legal", It's not there.
TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog - power-slammed his head squarely up his ass and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
"No one is prevented from buying whatever they want. There are no restrictions." - Troglaman, the Hate Mongering Guttersnipe
If that's true, why the hell do so many come here for their treatment instead of stay where they are? Better yet, why the hell didn't Bill Clinton and Chris Dodd go to Canada or England or better yet CUBA for their medical care since people like you believe their systems are so vastly superior to ours?
Why don't we do what everyone else does, Guttersnipe? Because we AREN'T everyone else - we don't want people waiting two years or more for needed surguries; we don't want people dying because their heart surguries are put off because of either government interference or lack of government funding. That's why the public has rejected the scheme you and fellow perverts want to impose on them. They want to get help when they are sick - perverts like you don't want them to get it, Guttersnipe. You want old people and those with life-threatening conditions to be told "tough shit" when they look for help because in your perverted mind they don't deserve it because it isn't cost effective.
You don't seem to realize, Guttersnipe - you pervert, that what you are supporting is almost exactly like what was done in Nazi Germany; you identify those who are not deemed useful to society die of whatever their afflictions are so the rest can get care. There is no way in hell to pay for everyone if the government is running things, that's the reason we don't do what other countries do. We've seen their failures and know IT DOESN'T WORK. A sick pervert like you doesn't care about that of course - you're too smart for everyone else, so you can't fail. And if it does, it won't affect you...or so you think.
The "health care reform" bill in Congress MUST fail or we as a country are screwed and countless people WILL die by the acts of public adminstrators carrying out the job of choosing who does and does not get help according to how much money the all-knowing and benevolent Federal Government grants for such things.
Sorry Guttersnipe, but your insane rants give no one any reason to think that either this "reform" will actually reform the system or that you and your ilk are anything other than a group of sick perverts who doesn't give a damn about anything other your own selfish personal gratification, personal glorification and personal power.
"No one is prevented from buying whatever they want. There are no restrictions." - (the mighty) Troglaman, the Hate Mongering Guttersnipe
"If that's true, why the hell do so many come here for their treatment instead of stay where they are?" jumpin jercloglarome
Because they can afford it. You have a problem with that?
What restrictions are they facing, jercloglarome?
Let me ask you something...let's say you found a great cardiologist in Austria and wanted to be treated. Think your insurance would cover it? Probably not. It'd be on your dime. But you wouldn't be restricted from doing it.
Neither are people from countries that offer socialized medicine. Their freedoms are not restricted.
But then Americans encountering universal health care would automatically faced with broad restrictions despite what they could afford. Sure.
Here kitty kitty.
Answer my question. Don't give me your bullshit.
TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog - power-slammed his head squarely up his ass and actually had a brief moment of mental clarity:
"Let me ask you something...let's say you found a great cardiologist in Austria and wanted to be treated. Think your insurance would cover it? Probably not. It'd be on your dime. But you wouldn't be restricted from doing it.
Neither are people from countries that offer socialized medicine. Their freedoms are not restricted.
But then Americans encountering universal health care would automatically faced with broad restrictions despite what they could afford..." - - - Troglaman, the perverted hate-mongering Guttersnipe
Amazing...you actually got it right, Guttersnipe. I think PJ should consider you for a kewpie doll for this one.
"Amazing...you actually got it right, Guttersnipe. I think PJ should consider you for a kewpie doll for this one." jumpin jecloglarome
Amazing is right.
"Answer my question. Don't give me your bullshit." cloglatroglafoxx
This one? "You mean the rest of the industrialized world that can no longer self-sustained itself because it provides at best, piss poor health care?" cloglaramafoxx
I, troglaman, can't answer it because...OK, let me give you an example - "Are you talking about the rest of the congregation that's demonically possessed because they cook popcorn in their chimneys?"
Despite the fact that it's really a moronic statement disguised as a question, foxx, it simply doesn't make sense.
Can you name one, just one little itty bitty country that's destroying itself because of socialized health-care? One? (deja vu) Can you name one great big country thats destroying itself because of privatized health-care? I can.
I have family that have worked in countries with socialized health care and I also have family who could have sent their children to State Department schools while they were overseas and who chose to home-school INSTEAD. Think of that as a counterpoint and the defining differences when you bring up such a comparison. It's what I've been avoiding doing because I cut off my nose to spite my face eight years ago by assisting the start up of a massage therapy program with a community college - that didn't have the resources to adequately staff the program. I know that 'grassroots' ideas are appealing and also that they mirror ALOT of societal dysfunction. For the time being, the tea party and coffee party should stay at home IMO.
KahlynMaine needs to get a life and it's views like hers, that once mattered and no longer do IMO. Don't blame me Ms. Maine - blame your 'friends' for feeding you bullshit. BTW, I am white as white can be and most likely, more educated and poorer than you.
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