"Rachel Maddow's Audience Down Nearly 55%"

Rachel Maddow's Audience Down Nearly 55%
[To know her is to avoid her.]
MSNBC’s 9pm Rachel Maddow Show has seen its adults 25-54 audience, the demo that cable news advertisers target, fall by nearly 55% from Q4 2008 through Q2 2009.
[The chart above tell the story of her disastrous ratings plunge. And now on to the DUmmie excuses...]
Ouch. That's not promising.
[Mr. Understatement checks in.]
Isn't all cable news down significantly since the election? Why pick on Rachel?
[Sorry, Fox News has held steady since the election. Please think up another lame excuse.]
Either Hannity and O'Reilly have way more dedicated fans or I say there something rotten with those numbers. I mean O'Reilly's numbers haven't moved at all, which seem completely illogical.
[Perhaps the ratings were determined by Diebold?]
I guess you could say that Fox viewers are more loyal, particularly O' Reilly's viewers. I watch Rachel's show but if there's something else I want to watch or I have something to do, I skip it. Maybe Fox viewers have nothing better to do than watch Fox.
[The only thing else to do is watch YOU, DUmmie blue_onyx, on the DUFUs.]
The numbers still seem odd. It looks like June numbers did rise. But FOX numbers jump up to pre-election levels. The other channels don't. I don't think nothing else on TV answers why. It's summer time, people go outside and do stuff. Maybe the other poster is right and FOX is collecting all the crazy by being anti-Obama, but really I would think they'd already max that audience. It just seems really odd.
[An odd DUmmie comes up with an odd excuse.]
Nope sadly Fox is on pace for best year ever
I think that's a false positive for FOX. Just like Limbaugh's numbers don't show the truth. Lots and lots of people who watch FOX and listen to Limbaugh don't agree with them at all and are watching just to hear the latest craziness.
[Don't you DUmmies argue that you NEVER watch Fox or listen to Rush?]
I've stopped watching. And I'm the only viewer that I care about.
[Proclaimed DUmmie HiFructosePronSyrup...]
Any particular reason or it just sort of work out that way?
[Inquired DUmmie ThomWV...]
Any particular reason? Just her being a stupid sack of shit.
[Responded DUmmie HiFructosePronSyrup bluntly.]
She's the only one talking continuously about the LGBT issues for example. No one else can be bothered.
Maybe it's her time slot. I'd love to see her on earlier...
[Or maybe it is just HER.]
lately she is really rubbing me the wrong way.
[Try laying on your back and perhaps she will rub you the right way.]
I LOVE her show, but it is summer.
[Then watch her continue to Fall in the Fall.]
She is smart and a great analyst, but as a host I find her a bore.
[Hey, at least she scored in two out of three departments.]
I lost MSNBC when Comcast changed my cable package. I can't afford to upgrade, so now I only see clips here from Keith and Rachel.
[Lucky you.]
This is made up crap presented without the benefit of any context or source. It is nonsense on the half shell. It is also posted with bad intent if you ask me. And the same old crowd shouts yes, yes to this utterly meaningless bit of non information. Fodder for fools.
[Is that you, Baghdad Bob?]
I would bet Rachel's numbers would be drastically improved if Internet viewers were to be counted.
[Please continue clinging to that lame excuse if it gives you comfort.]
Rachel is the voice of sanity. We are lucky to have her. I don't understand it either.
[We will now pause as a DUmmie attempts to get a clue.]
I dont think she has a good time slot
[So put her on in the 8 PM slot so she can FAIL there as well.]
Time of the year and time slot. . .
[Can't you think up at least one more lame excuse?]
"Maybe Fox viewers have nothing better to do than watch Fox."
Actually, we are required to watch it to get instructions from our overlords. Must....watch....
Yet another example of the 'progressive' mind-set and group-think mentality..
Air America anyone?? LOL -tm
DUmmie said
"I lost MSNBC when Comcast changed my cable package."
Comcast does not make a change like that unless fewer people are watching MSNBCrap.
I can only hope that Fox in the end can bury the alphabets and MSNBCrap out of existance.
I truly didn't expect you to top the recent schadenfreudiliciousness (patent pending) of recent posts. But your ant farm of DUmmies just keeps getting funnier.
Watching the willfully blind slowly begin to see reality is just so entertaining.
In all seriousness, if I'd have known an Obama presidency would be this much fun ... I probably would have voted for him myself.
I actually used to like Maddow; I'm in complete agreement with the DUmmie who noted that she's a pretty good (if always wrong) analyst and guest - but just an atrocious host.
I really can't believe MSNBC is going to choose ideology over profit. If I were a stockholder, I'd be pissed. I actually think they'd do well if they'd either a) toss a few token conservatives on there, or b) find themselves an articulate, non-reactionary, preferably attractive liberal to host a show. Do any of those exist?
I'm loving the Obama years. Sad for our grandchildren, but watching "HopeandChange" turn into "Bush III" is so damn funny.
I watch FOX only because that is where the Zionist Conspiracy broadcasts its secret instructions to me.
The TV in my team room (Special Ops Civil Affairs) is usually set to Fox, or SciFi - if my team sergeant beats me in there, but since we are deploying for 9 months next week, I'm thinkng I may turn the volume down and leave it on Fox for 24 hours a day for the next 9 months. If only I can advertise this to the DUmmies, I bet I could hear their heads explode from Mesopotamia. Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!
Well, maybe it is the summer weather. Or maybe people are beginning to realize that Rachel Maddow is politcal hack with all the insight of a diseased stoat. Or maybe FOX is beaming anti-Maddow X-rays directly into the brains of the mind-numbed robots who obediently switch to O'Reilly.
"Or maybe FOX is beaming anti-Maddow X-rays directly into the brains of the mind-numbed robots who obediently switch to O'Reilly." Kat Woman
Fuck! Are you kidding me? We spend ALL this goddamn money on TV ZAPPERS and you guys have had the TV-B-Gone and X-Ray Brain-Numbing technology all along. You Wiley bastards.
Just curious...are cable news and entertainment television ratings important in the large scheme of things? How many people aren't watching and listening? Dare you to do the math.
But any excuse for chest-beating theatrics will do. "FOX NEWS KILLS DUDE"...small victories are victories all the same.
Keep it in perspective trogger. PJ is commenting on the fact that Rachel's tanked rating news is the buzz in DUmmieville, not trumpeting the ratings issue as a victory on his own.
Just curious...are cable news and entertainment television ratings important in the large scheme of things?
No, of course not. Only those few pathetic DUmmies determined to be offended by FOX think so. Everyone else has a life. Except, apparently, you and me, why else are we even talking about this nonsense?
"Just curious...are cable news and entertainment television ratings important in the large scheme of things?"
They appear very important to the DUmmies, who are hyper-ventilating about Fox News's continuing success. Perhaps you're question would be better asked there?
"Except, apparently, you and me, why else are we even talking about this nonsense?" elrond
Fox's ratings have been good forever. So have Limbaugh's. And yet Obama got elected.
Don't mistake TV and Radio ratings as a mandate. They're not. 2 million people is big. But it's not a majority. And let's not forget about the ZAPPER OFFENSIVE that's about to take place.
The right's strength, without a doubt, is cohesion. Lock step. I'm not being critical. If the left executed a health-care plan according to Rovian philosophy, it'd now be a done deal.
Oh if it were only me, troglaman. I would use every dirty trick, every advantage, to hang the burden of your failures around your necks forever. I would make insurance companies the new 'late term abortion' Docs. I'd get the right-to-lifers on board by proving these pagen insurance clerks, driven by greed, have turned away from Jesus because they play God with innocent people's lives.
You have to admit it's a plausible scenario. Health-care could become one of God's Plans. Brotherly love, treat others as they...etc. It's not like it's not right out of the Bible or anything.
I think I'm on to something.
"The right's strength, without a doubt, is cohesion. Lock step. I'm not being critical. If the left executed a health-care plan according to Rovian philosophy, it'd now be a done deal."
Classic projection, my confused friend.
First, you still seem to miss the point that none of this is about the ratings or what they mean; its about the comedic value of listening to liberals who do indeed seem to universally obsess over those ratings - crowing in delight when they seem to favor liberalism, wailing and gnashing their teeth when they don't.
It's funny.
Second, that point about cohesion and lockstep? A perfect description of modern neo-liberalism, where dissent - especially dissent from the left - is instantly crushed and the offender demonized.
Go ahead and try it. Go read HotAir.com's comments ... then go read DU. The distinction is remarkably clear - and you got it exactly backwards.
But then again - you're part of the Kool-Aid Krowd marching to lockstep, aren't you? So how could you see reality from within your "reality based" world?
Thanks for the chuckle, kid. You do amuse on occassion.
"Oh if it were only me, troglaman. I would use every dirty trick, every advantage, to hang the burden of your failures around your necks forever. I would make insurance companies the new 'late term abortion' Docs. I'd get the right-to-lifers on board by proving these pagen insurance clerks, driven by greed, have turned away from Jesus because they play God with innocent people's lives."
And yet despite all of the evil insurance company bean counters murdering Americans for the almighty dollar, Canadians still flock to the US despite the danger and not the opposite.
Oh if it were only me, Thomas F. I would use every dirty trick, every advantage, to hang the burden of the coming failures of government run health care around the Dems. necks forever.
I would make the government eugenics peddlers. I'd get the elderly on board by proving these bureaucratic govt. clerks, driven by the hate of the elderly, have turned away from Jesus because they play God with innocent older people's lives.
"First, you still seem to miss the point that none of this is about the ratings or what they mean; its about the comedic value of listening to liberals who do indeed seem to universally obsess over those ratings" icarus
Curiously this whole posting by a true conservative has to do with ratings. As does the one following. Even though Fox's ratings and Rush's ratings have been been through the roof for years, Obama got elected.
Therefore, Rush and Fox don't mean shit. Pretty simple really. After the deployment of the TV ZAPPERS, it will mean even less.
Love your reasoning: my man won therefore dissenting opinions are meaningless; I bet you didn't think that in 2004. BO wasn't elected emperor (that has to wait to 2012) so the criticisms of Rush and FOX do mean something. That's why the DUmmies are so agitated, their emperor might be revealed as having no clothes.
Has your TV-B-Gone arrived yet?
"Love your reasoning: my man won therefore dissenting opinions are meaningless" elrond
That's not my reasoning.
It's that DESPITE your fucked up reasoning and dissention, my guy won.
And my TV-BE-GONE is not yet here. I smell a rat.
Your guy won despite me? I'm flattered, I hadn't realized my power to affect national elections.
Actually your "guy" won BECAUSE of his fucked up reasoning, lies, half-truths and prevarications.
But, to paraphrase the reverend Wright, Obama's chickens are coming home to roost.
"Your guy won despite me? I'm flattered, I hadn't realized my power to affect national elections." elrond
Isn't that interesting. You affect national elections by voting, elrond. That's why they call them elections. Did you actually vote? I'm sorta thinking you didn't. Anyway, your guy lost. That means the rest of the country, America, doesn't agree with you. So you can't play the America card anymore. The vast majority thinks you're crazy.
Suck it up, pussy, and move on. Become, at the very-fucking-least, coherent. Like if you propose an alternative budget, put some fucking numbers in. Like if you propose an alternative health-care solution, put some fucking numbers in.
You can't. You're a fucking embarrassment.
....the rest of the country, America, doesn't agree with you...The vast majority thinks you're crazy.
Yes, I did vote. And no, I don't have to proffer an alternative budget or health plan. I lost, remember? According to you, what I say doesn't matter, it's merely the rantings of a madman. So I'm content to sit by and watch Obama's financial house of cards collapse, sadly that collapse will ruin everyone, even you.
I'm sure you'll enjoy living in post-prosperity America.
"So I'm content to sit by and watch Obama's financial house of cards collapse, sadly that collapse will ruin everyone, even you." elrond
This is your house of cards, my friend. Not Obama's who's been president for a whole fucking 6 months.
It's all about damage control at this point. Trillion dollar wars, trillion dollar costs for deregulation, trillion dollar tax-cuts, trillion dollar health care...the list goes on and on.
"And no, I don't have to proffer an alternative budget or health plan." elrond
You don't? Why's that?
I, troglaman, would be a happy camper if one, just one, of you would offer up an alternative. But you can't. You keep advertising for the same old thing...which isn't working. IT'S NOT WORKING.
And it's fair, elrond, to ask for an alternative idea. If you don't have one, admit it. If you do, then put it out there. Put it here. Put it somewhere.
Fact is, you don't have an idea. You can't answer with anything other than the same old shit you've been screeching for decades. Socialists. Communists. Fascists. Godless. All of it empty. And especially the moral high-ground shit because of your arrogant preaching and your arrogant scolding when your own arrogant leaders violate YOUR arrogant standards over and over again.
Your standards. Not mine, you bereft mother-fucker.
It's time for you to face facts.
It's not about "damage control", you know it, I know it and everyone else knows it. It's all about inflicting more damage, with additional trillions in debt, more trillions than George Bush ever dreamed about. Blaming lonesome George doesn't work when your clown submits a budget with the biggest deficit in American history.
Too, there's the stimulus package, a pork colossus which has already failed (so big a failure that some Democrats are already talking a second package!), another trillion dollars wasted.
Cap and trade, a 1500 page nightmare that no one in Congress read and which will micro manage and bankrupt this country. More trillions sucked out of the public's pockets---for nothing.
Three disasters that George Bush has nothing to with. They're all your man's brainstorms.
The stimulus package is 90% pork, my alternative is no stimulus package, my alternative to cap and trade is no cap and trade.
It would be wonderful to see some fiscal probity but I don't expect it from the cads and dolts currently in charge.
Yes, Bush got us into deficit trouble but Obama has done nothing, NOTHING, to solve the problem. In fact, he's rapidly making disaster out of a crisis. Deliberately, it think.
My children and grandchildren will be living in post-prosperity America thanks to people like Obama and you. So take your self-righteous rhetoric and fuck off.
"It's not about "damage control", you know it, I know it and everyone else knows it." elrond
Nope. It's ALL about damage control. I know it and so does the everyone who voted for this president. Why? Because any chimp knows we're in deep shit. We've been in deep shit for fucking years.
As to your claim that "everyone knows this," look at Obama's numbers. They've dropped but I think they're still around 61-34. I only mention it because of your claim that "everyone knows it" and yet Obama's numbers continue to stay up. That makes you full of shit despite your special brand of "knowing". Everyone, including I troglaman, knows this. Trust me.
Whatever Obama's approval numbers might be, they don't change the facts of the ongoing fiscal disaster, exacerbated by the current dolt in the White
Let's see, a $3.6 trillion budget for the next fiscal year with a $1.84 trillion deficit. Too, Obama projects budget deficits of more than $500 billion every year from 2010 to 2019, totalling $7.1 trillion in additonal debt. This at a time when spending for Social Security and Medicare will be skyrocketing.
So there's no damage control and the shit keeps getting deeper and deeper. You may know a lot of things but one thing you don't know is how fatuous your words sound.
"So there's no damage control and the shit keeps getting deeper and deeper. You may know a lot of things but one thing you don't know is how fatuous your words sound." elrond
Fatuous? Those be fightin words.
So if things are "getting deeper and deeper"...what things are getting deeper and deeper? Exactly what is it you're referring to? Things that require damage control? Because, up until now, you've been arguing that it is NOT damage control that's been happening, it's been the mad ravings of an insane president. In fact, you seem to be saying that Obama's a numbnut for not doing ENOUGH damage control. And that, my friend, assumes that some damage has been wrought.
Diagnosis: Dumbass.
You're right (for once), it is not damage control that's happening; it's the deliberate infliction of more damage, deeper damage and more lasting damage to our economy and our prosperity. More debt, more taxes, more unemployment, more inflation and no damage control.
Diagnosis: West coast pollyanna.
"More debt, more taxes, more unemployment, more inflation and no damage control." elrond
All to get us out of the bullshit miasma of the last 8 years. Again, it's all about damage control.
And not one of you mother-fuckers that got us here is willing to own up. You're all pussies. Big Fat Flaccid Pussies. Ugly dangling pussies.
Really. You are. Can't own up to shit.
Somebody got us here. Wasn't me.
I'm astounded by the depths of your stupidity. Blaming everything on Bush is a pathetic evasion, the equivalent of clapping hands over your ears and saying "Nyah, nyah, can't hear you".
What are you going to say when unemployment exceeds 10 percent? What are you going to say when you get your next tax bill (assuming you have a job)?
Someone got us here. Wasn't me.
Yes it was, it was you and the millions of other deluded voters who chose a President who, in six months, has plunged this country into a downward spiral of unemployment, runaway debt and inflation.
Enjoy your delusions, asshole.
"Blaming everything on Bush is a pathetic evasion." elrond
No it's not. 9-11 happened during Bush and so did our financial collapse. I, troglaman, am supposed to believe this is a "pathetic evasion"? You're full of shit. You're guy was in charge. He bigtime fucked up. The fact you don't see it this way is your problem, not mine. Delude yourself all you want, elrond.
Pretzel Logic. Sound familiar?
Steely Dan. Listen to the lyrics.
If you have read my postings you'll see that I have never excused Bush for his failings.
But Bush's errors don't excuse or justify Obama's far more egregious blunders. Trillions on trillions of new debt, the idiotic stimulus bill, the ruinous cap and trade bill, unemployment heading relentlessly toward 10+%, etc.
Bush fucked up, Obama has multiplied the fuck up times ten. Your refusal to see that is my problem, not yours, since I'm one the tens of millions taxpayers who will be paying for this nightmare the rest of my life.
Listen to the Beatles "Tax Man" to understand what I'm saying.
Rachel Maddow Left-Wing Whore of the socialist underground must be out of MSNBC Now! A call to action, we can not allow Maddow, Schultz, O'Donnell or any other left-wing, socialist continue to poison our air waves or our people with their crap. It is not about the freedom of speech or press, it is about right and wrong. They love socialism so much, then get the hell out of this country. Get on a plane and try it out in Venezuela for a few months, or maybe go to Cuba and pitch in at the sugar plantations and see how you like it then or even China, not the new China, but the real China where most of the population is hungry and living below poverty level. Like most democrats and left-wing sociallist they love to point, they love to talk about these great things, they love to be high on the pulpit, the love to wave the American flag as though they hone it, in the end they really like to do all this from a distance, it is all a show, YOU ARE ALL DAM COWARDS, better said by our friend and leader "BUNCH YELLOW BELLY"
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