Fox News Success Drives DUmmies NUts!!!

Fox News Set for Best Year Yet (CNN, MSNBC dip in ratings)
[Sniff! The two Obama-worshipping channels are sinking with their idol.]
Source: Hollywood Reporter
Fox News set for best year yet
Viewership solid as rivals take post-election hits
[But, hey, Mark Sanford got caught having an affair. Feel better now?]
By James Hibberd
Fox News is on track to have its most-watched year ever, showing significant ratings growth despite having just come off a highflying election year.
[Black mourning bands on sale here!]
With the second quarter coming to a close, Fox News averaged about the same number of viewers as the top three other cable news networks combined. And while rivals including CNN (-22%) and MSNBC (-18%) took hits following last quarter's inauguration-fueled boost, Fox News (-3%) remained nearly steady.
Compared with last year, the Fox News (averaging 2.1 million viewers, 509,000 adults 25-54 quarter-to-date) is up 35% over last year in primetime viewers and 48% in the demo. CNN (805,000 viewers, 210,000 in demo) fell 16% in viewers and 29% in the demo. MSNBC (787,000 viewers, 259,000 in demo) climbed 15% in viewers and about on par, -3%, in the demo. And CNN Headline News (553,000, 201,000) showed very strong growth, up 39% and 37%, respectively, and is on track for its best second quarter.
The new standings are strong enough to rank Fox News third behind USA and TNT among all ad-supported cable networks for the quarter among primetime total viewers. In its core demo, Fox News had eight of the top 10 cable news shows. It had similarly sunny increases for total day, while CNN and MSNBC were roughly on par with last year.
Earning double-digit growth after an election year is quite a feat for a news network. With Fox News best known for such right-leaning personalities as Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, one might assume having a Democrat in the White House somehow helps boost viewership.
[It helps not to be blindly worshiping The One like the other networks which only echo each other in their praise of the Mighty Ozbama.]
A dominant political party indeed can fuel the popularity of opposing voices -- Comedy Central's "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" and "The Colbert Report" and liberal online news hubs Huffington Post and Daily Kos came to prominence during George W. Bush's tenure, just as talk radio conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and news sites like Drudge Report rose during the Clinton years.
But it's important to note that when Fox News took the ratings lead during the Bush era, some pundits declared that the network was winning only because a Republican was in charge. Those at the network get weary of outsiders assuming their success must be due to some fortunate external factor rather than their own day-to-day work.
[Heads, we WIN. Tails, we still WIN. And now on to the DUmmie excuses for Fox News success...]
the viewers of fox news have their exact parallel in the supporters of the ahmadenijad regime.
[This from the same DUmmies who were defending this moron's right to have nuclear weapons.]
Fox is bundled into cable packages. You can't not get it. That is why they appear to have more viewership. they are in more places. However, in the important advertising demographics, they are failing.
[And you can't not get your own stupidity.]
CNN is on as many or more cable systems as Fox News. Also, in the 25-54 demographic, which is most important for advertisers, Fox is the number one cable news network by a mile. What you are saying is inaccurate.
My theory is that the right wingers who give Fox those big numbers watch a lot of TV. On the other hand, progressives don't watch as much TV and spend more time on the Internet instead.
[Sorry for calling you a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL! It turns out you are really a DUMB DUMMIE MORON!!!]
Go to core Republican groups like small business owners and homeschoolers and you'll hear talk radio on all day. Go to core Democratic voting blocks like inner cities and you'll hear music on all day.
[Go to places where people WORK and you hear talk radio on all day.]
WTF? I understand CNN taking a hit, but MSNBC? Something's very wrong here...
[Because MSNBC is just as devout in their Obama worship as MSNBC.]
F*ck Comcast! F*ck Faux Snooze, Rupert Murdock (isn't he dead yet?) MSNBC should get a clue that people are sick of their private prison shit, while we're at it.
[Stand by! Your padded cell is almost ready for you.]
It means the Fox viewers are too dumb to change the channel.
[Yes, they just haven't learned that incredible technological feat of hitting hitting the remote button.]
The corporate establishment creates a manufactured youth culture in order to prevent dissent of the youth. The youth are obessed with sextexting, trying to get laid, playing video games, and other tasks instead of taking the time and really knowing the truth. It is our job to use Facebook and other social networking tools to provide the youth with the resources that they need to create dissent.
You know, most of us actually READ our news....... The no-neck droolers glued to Fox News.....well, not so much
[Chris Matthews is a thrill-leg drooler.]
All of the fundies huddle close to their TeeVees trying in vain to get out of the real world.
[Posted the DUmmie from inside the pile of empty pizza cartons within the dark recesses of mommie's basement.]
I believe that the Dem takeover has been a bonanza for Fox. A lot of anti-dem and anti-liberal people who never bothered to watch tv with Bush are now watching Fox so they can monitor the country falling apart.
[So how do you explain Fox News leading even when Bush was president? Or will answering that hurt your widdle head?]
I suspect that RWers, having no lives, watch TV in greater numbers than the rest of us, in terms of both time spent watching TV, and in percentage of individuals/households that actually watch TV. I mean, what would RWers do if they were not watching some inane TV show? Maybe go bowling? Go to an Aryan Nations meeting? Shoot up the local Post Office?
[Read the DUmmie FUnnies?]
Fox News Gets Higher Ratings Because They Deliver A Consevative Fantasy World Version of the News. Liberals don't live in a bubble fantasy world, and as such, they don't need Glen Beck or Sean or Billo to give them this conservo-facist-sexist-racist view of the world. This is also why AM radio does not work well for progressives.
[Posted the DUmmie from the bubble fantasy world of DUmmieland.]
They edit and twist everything to fit their WASPY agendas. Murdoch and the backers of FAKE NEWS could care less about the state of the country or the lives of its citizens. They just want control again, so they can keep fattening their pockets at the expense of real America. Unfortunately, they have "some" fooled into thinking they give a crap. My remote skips right over all of their bs shows. I want the facts. Real news. Which is why I check out a few online sites each day, and why I watch anything but the FAKE NEWS touted by their total hypocrites. Maybe one day soon their poor viewers will see the light and start realizing these "Christian", "patriotic", "family first", "homophobic" phonies aren't abstaining from anything but the truth. If you have the some research.
[Start the research at the Happy Farms asylum library.]
And I don't need to watch them in order to know what they're saying. I only need to log on to DU. Same with Free Republic. I've never once been over to their site, yet I know all about them. Half their watchers are rooting against them and aren't fans. Without the opposition tuning in for their laugh of the day FOX would sink like rock.
[I bet you say that about the DUmmie FUnnies but read it all the time. Hee! Hee!]
They need to turn them off at Hotels. I travel a lot and about every hotel has fox news on in the lobby and in the breakfast area. For some reason there is a policy at hotels that make them all tune to Fox. You can ask for the station to be changes and I have, but it feels like a loosing battle sometimes.
[The is a vast rightwing circuit in all those TVs that turn them automatically to Fox News.]
I am not a big Fan of Fox news, but... the people who run those hotels are not stupid. If they have Fox News on it's probably because it's the most popular news channel with their customers. Since the hotels are running a business, of course they will put on the channel that more of their customers want. And since Fox News is the highest rated cable news channel, it seems reasonable to assume that the channel would also be popular among hotel guests.
Fox news is left playing in hotels, hospital waiting rooms and other public areas because Fox solicited them to do it. Fox news was losing big amounts of money and viewership when they were 1st spawned. Their sales department went out and solicited those places to turn on Fake News.
[Or else they get a brick tossed through the window?]
Those f*cking hotels keep this shit on their tv screens because liberals and Dems are too busy or too scared to tell them it's shit, it's lies and if they want US to come stay in their f*cking hotels they'd turn that crap off!
[We win through intimidation. Turn off Fox News and you get a brick through your window.]
The last time I checked the ratings, Faux Noise was number 3.
[Did you also notice that Up was Down in your dimension?]
I have to confess, despite the out of control spending, the mismanagement of almost everything, the near (or over in some places) double digit unemployment, the debacle of the new President's foreign policy, the daily gaffes (57 states? Cinco de Cuatro? Really?) that Bush seem a genius in comparison, despite the lies and flip-flops and clinging to Bush policies he denounced as a candidate ...
... I gotta admit, I'm starting to really enjoy the Obama administration.
It's all turning into wonderful entertainment.
The schadenfreude really is increasingly delicious.
"...if they want US to come stay in their f*cking hotels they'd turn that crap off!"
Well, THAT should be a Fox News selling point!
"Want to keep whiny, cheapskate, liberal assclowns out of your hotel, motel or business? Show FOX NEWS 24/7 on your public TVs.
FOX NEWS repels nitwits... and gives you news that doesn't suck!"
Or perhaps the establishments in question DO know that! That could explain a lot right there...
Saw this thread today before it appared is so awesome, I can't get enough. On the one hand, you have those that declare that the data is fact, Fox is in 3rd place and O'Reilley is no where near the top in ratings. Despite the fact that O'Reilly has been #1 for over 100 months straight. There is another poster that claims that the population of the USA is 350 million...then you have one group that claims this is all because intelligent Americans go to the web for its information, they relish intelligent discourse on the blogs, namely KOS and DU, while the other group resorts to calling Americans names-- racists, retards, and other assorted un-intelligent type name calling. quite contradictory, If anyting, DU needs to get their talking points together before they attack that which they do not like, you know, in the name if intelligent discourse and what-not What an absolute explosion of honesty at DU. Denial, Denial, Denial. Fox Rules!!!
Fox News is like Britains' audio youth repellent 'Mosquito'. That's why it's #1.
"And I don't need to watch them in order to know what they're saying. I only need to log on to DU. Same with Free Republic. I've never once been over to their site, yet I know all about them. Half their watchers are rooting against them and aren't fans. Without the opposition tuning in for their laugh of the day FOX would sink like rock." -DUmmie
"You can ask for the station to be changes and I have, but it feels like a loosing battle sometimes."
Hay, DUmmie, has it ever occurred to you that someone, prior to your arrival, ASKED for Fox News, or is EVERYTHING some vast right-wing conspiracy?
"You know, most of us actually READ our news."
So, Dummie, to what do you contribute the decline of the New Your Times, the Washing Post, Newsweek, and every other liberal print news source in America? Is it that the Liberals, like yourself, who "read" can't actually teach their own children to read and, because of this, millions of liberal teens are NOT reading news print but are watching Comedy Central for their daily news updates? Inquiring minds want to know!
And I don't need to watch them in order to know what they're saying. I only need to log on to DU. Same with Free Republic. I've never once been over to their site, yet I know all about them.
This is what passes for "thinking for yourself" in DUmmieland.
And I don't need to watch them in order to know what they're saying. I only need to log on to DU. Same with Free Republic. I've never once been over to their site, yet I know all about them.
Too delicious for words,it's vintage Dummie: "Facts? I don't got no facts! I don't need no stinkin' facts!"
The DUmmies trot out the usual suspects: no-neck droolers...fundies... the WASPY agenda...FAKE NEWS...FAUX NOISE...the conservo-fascist-sexist-racist view...turn that crap off!
The irony is too much, and the best part is the DUmmies are completely unaware of it. That's why they're DUmmies and always will be.
Fox News, like all TV news is ENTERTAINMENT. That's why they call news anchors "actors" not journalists (or gerbillists). As for O'Reilly, Beck, and Hannity: can you spell "populist" or "statist?"
I love how Fox News drives those douchepumps on the far left crazy.
They can't Handle the truth!
"Is it that the Liberals, like yourself, who "read" can't actually teach their own children to read and, because of this, millions of liberal teens are NOT reading news print but are watching Comedy Central for their daily news updates?" Sting Ray.
This is perfect. First it implies libs can't read. Next is a claim that because of this, libs can't teach their kids how to read leading to the conclusion that these poor kids have to turn to the idiot box and watch Comedy Central "for their daily news updates".
Since libs can read and send they're kids to school like most everyone else..and lib kids watch Comedy Central as much as dumbass kids...then everything you're saying here is pretty much horseshit. But you believe it, mr sting ray, and that's what matters.
Since none of what the stingman's saying here is true, just what is it he's trying to say? Hmmmm.
Let's try this:
"Is it that the right wing nut bags, like yourself, who "read" can't actually teach their own children to read and, because of this, millions of dumbass redneck teens are being home-schooled and NOT reading news print but are watching Fox New for their daily news updates?"
Works for me. You're a complicated man, ray.
Millions of the infamous "TV ZAPPERS" have been shipped to San Fran Homo Sisco. It's believed that from there, these units, capable if shutting off Fox News from a range of 200 feet, will be deployed to leftists cells around the country.
I, troglaman, am sorry, my friends. The end draws near.
Yeah, Troggy.
Because censoring the will of the majority is a rational response... If you're a liberal.
And a small piece of masking tape over the infrared reception point makes the use of a universal remote, or 'zapper', useless.
More amusing will be the day when some creep finds his censortoy shoved down his throat.
His 'throat' if he's lucky.
Well, observing it logically, the hotels showing FOX news are catering to working, educated Americans who are out there making a living. Of course this may be something liberals are unable to identify with.....
"Since [...] send they're kids to school like most everyone else.."
Which means their kids can't read. I've seen what public schools do to people.
"and lib kids watch Comedy Central as much as dumbass kids..."
Well *I* don't watch Comedy Central, so if I assume your statement is correct...
Oh, wait. If A=B, then what can be said of A can also be said of B, of course lib kids watch Comedy Central exactly as much as "dumbass kids."
"then everything you're saying here is pretty much horseshit."
Ah. Pronoun trouble!
Humm. I seemed to have stung Troggy a bit with my post. What's the matter, troggy, fail an English test or two and feel a little inadequate? I bet a sociologist would say Yes to that! Don't worry, Trogy, you don't need to be intelligent. After all, you're a Liberal and that's all that matters, right?
I am in the military and went to a Burger King on post at Ft Bragg this morning, two TV's in the dining room with CNN on both. There was one civilian woman in there and she didn't seem to be watching it. Maybe I could have acted like the girls at DU, bitch and cry about what channel the TV was on. Oh, that's right, I'm not a whiny, insecure little I ignored it, and walked out with my ham, egg, and cheese croissant. Which was horrible, by the way.
Dumbass, I'll match those home schooled "redneck" teens against your newspaper reading liberal "homo" teens anytime. No contest, the rednecks will beat the homos in academics every day, all day.
Now behave or I'll zap John Stewart with my super-size TV-B-Gone.
"Millions of the infamous "TV ZAPPERS" have been shipped to San Fran Homo Sisco."
Your intolerance of the heterosexually challenged community is offensive! Call in the ACLU, or better yet, the Justice Brothers!
Since libs can read and send they're kids to school like most everyone else..and lib kids watch Comedy Central as much as dumbass kids...then everything you're saying here is pretty much horseshit. But you believe it, mr sting ray, and that's what matters.
If lefties are so fond of reading, then why is circulation dropping for every single major newspaper besides the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by News Corp.?
"...I'll zap John Stewart with my super-size TV-B-Gone." elrond
Holy shit! You've got a TV-B-Gone?
Holy shit! You've got a TV-B-Gone?
Damn right, soon a mob of O'Reilly jugend will be coming to your house to zap MSNBC off your TV. You will become a mind-numbed, Glen Beck watching, robot.
"Damn right, soon a mob of O'Reilly jugend will be coming to your house to zap MSNBC off your TV. You will become a mind-numbed, Glen Beck watching, robot." Dnorle (elrond's evil twin)
Ha! Perhaps you've never taken a blow from a loosely fitting Birkenstock, Dnorle. Or had a piping hot cup of premium coffee thrown in your ugly face. Or faced ninja lezbos.
No. The O'Reilly jugend will suffer a humiliating defeat, my friend.
Stay out of the high plains and northwest forests. We are many.
"His 'throat' if he's lucky." Corona
I, troglaman, shouldn't be telling you this, but the reason the progressives sent the TV ZAPPERS to SanFran was to subject them (TV ZAPPERS) to a number of biological experiments.
From the information gathered so far, I, troglaman, would probably LIKE having a remote control device shoved down my throat or up any other orifice. It's weird. Why would they think that?
Anyway. Each device has been thoroughly tested and shipped to the staging areas. It's only a matter of time.
"Stay out of the high plains and northwest forests. We are many."
And smelly. I hope you won't be relying on stealth. If you started bathing we'd really be in trouble.
Thanks anon. We'll try to stay down wind. Love you bro.
"Thanks anon. We'll try to stay down wind. Love you bro."
Dagnabbit I almost got a hippy to take a bath!
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