DUmmie Forced to Watch Fox News at Wendy's

Oh the horror! The absolute HORROR!!! A DUmmie goes into a Wendy's and what should be playing on the big screen TV but Fox News. His tiny brain must suffer from the "infection." Even worse, DUmmie peace13 knows that other customers are being exposed to information not approved by the liberal party line spouted by the other networks as you can see in this THREAD, "Local Wendy's just installed a big screen TV!" So let us know watch the DUmmie outrage over contrary political views being permitted in a public restaurant in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, continuing with his Django Rhinehart typing, is in the [brackets]:
Local Wendy's just installed a big screen TV!
[Now tell us the horror story.]
Today we went to our local Wendy's and lo and behold they have installed a big screen TV. We asked the manager if she would please change the channel and she said that they had tried that and it only shows black on other stations. Faux News there, as big as life. Seven months before a big election and they plunk that thing in the dining room.
[Yeah, that one big screen TV showing Fox News could well swing the outcome of the election.]
I called the operating manager and l let him know that I was upset about the addition and he asked me what I had against *ox News. I let him know that it wasn't news and that we found it offensive. He asked what channel I would like to see and I let him know that I wouldn't direct anyone to a particular station but if they were insistent on showing TV, the weather channel might be as useful as any this time of year.
[Did the manager also ask if you're off your meds?]
He said that he would pass the info to the owners and I let him know that we would be back next week and if *ox was still on that would be it for us. Our other peace nic friends were in there and they too were disgusted. If the regulars quit coming maybe it will mean something. This is sad because up until now the restaurant had been a neighborhood gathering place.
[Maybe that could please you by broadcasting Al Jazeera. And now on to the other outraged DUmmies...]
Our local hospital has Fox on the tv in the waiting room. Completely empty room on the ICU floor, tv blaring. I had to be in that room while a family member was being seen in ICU. I turned it to Nat Geo channel, turned volume down. After a few minutes someone else came into the waiting room and stared at the tube, then asked if I minded if they changed the channel. I told them only hospital staff were allowed to touch it.
[Good job. You LIED to prevent the possibility of anybody else watching FOX News.]
i remember Fox was on at Macy's just outside the fitting rooms where people can wait
[There goes the election!]
I bet you can find someplace that serves real food with no TV.
[Check your local DUmpster.]
There are two McDonald's in the town I live in and both refuse to play anything but Fox News. I know because I have asked and been told that is what the franchise owner wants broadcast. It was the same in the gastroenterologist office I used to go to. I say exercise your right to not be propagandized. Get up, tell them why and go somewhere else.
[Maybe these outlets know that FOX News is by far the most popular cable news channel and want to make available what their customers want to see. Or do you think they should be paying Current TV?]
I find it truly amazing that people have become so impressionable that merely having a news report from an unfavorable source during the time that it takes to consume a hamburger is of such a danger that they cannot be subjected to it without having to protest and raise fuss. Eat at home lest ye be led astray.
Yeah, well everyone know Fox News broadcats X-Rays the that destroy your brain and turn you into a conservative robot. In the time it takes to eat one hamburger and a small order of fries your brain is zapped.
End of story, just ask Kay in Maine.
BTW, what are DUmmies doing eating
at Wendys' and MacDonald's?
Went to my gastroenterologist the other day and was quite upset that they had an endless loop of Rachel Maddow and Chris Mathews playing in the lobby. I went to the desk to ask that they change the channel and was informed that they were actually live colonostopy videos.
Looks like they may have found a way to keep these trolls from DUmpster diving. Set up a bigsceen next to it with Fox on 24-7!!
Dummies go to evil corporations like evil Wendys and evil McDonalds and eat evil meat and evil french fries and drink evil soda? Really?
Gotta say it's refreshing to hear businesses are fed up (finally!) with CNN. It only took them several decades to catch on to reality.
Wanna see a libtards' empty skull explode? Change the channel in Wendys to TBN.
Yep, the left IS so tolerant, open, and welcoming of ALL viewpoints.
The only way this story could be better is if while the TV was showing FOX news, the radio was broadcasting Rush... Can you IMAGINE the result??
Ever seen the movie Mars Attacks? Remember the aliens heads exploding when they hear Slim Whitman signing? I imagine the same effect on DUmmies hearing Rush :D
"""BTW, what are DUmmies doing eating
at Wendys' and MacDonald's?"""""
That puzzled me too. Aren't those (evil music)CORPORATIONS!!(/evil music)
And I never saw a Wendys serve a tofu sammich with wheat germ spread. They kill helpless defensless cows for capitalist profit!!! Boycot Wendys! Animal killing capitalists that tie people down and brainwash them with TV shows!!!
Or in the case of my local Wendys, they kill tasty juicy cows for dollar menu yumminess and have a TV with the most popular news channel.
Dumb ass moonbat. For every longhaired, nose ringed, smelly, birkenstock wearing, occuidiot that complains about Fox, there are ten normal people that appreciate it.
Yeah, if I had a business I would upset 10 normal people to please one hippy. I think not!
Fox News serves two purposes, it spreads the teabagger propoganda and keeps the vagrants out of the restaurants, nice.
Anonymous 11:29, would you care to elaborate on the "propaganda" the Tea Party is spreading? Fox News is the only major outlet that has both conservative and liberal hosts, guests, and commentators. They do provide some balance in their programming. NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, the NYT, WaPo, et al, do not allow conservative viewpoints or stories to appear on their programs or pages. Just WHO is spreading propaganda?
Sorry, Anon-205. It might be awhile before you hear from Anon-1129, as he is currently pre-"occupied" with tea-ing someone's bag.
"Dummies go to evil corporations like evil Wendys and evil McDonalds and eat evil meat and evil french fries and drink evil soda? Really?" Corona (Dirty Corporate Mexican Beer)
Evil corporate meat and evil corporate french fries and evil corporate soda (and dirty corporate Mexican beer).
At best, a lame attempt to point out libs are hypocrites because they eat and drink these evil corporate concoctions.
Well then...the next time you call 911, consider yourself a full-fledged socialist. Two can play at this game...regardless of the fact it means absolutely nothing.
Seems fair to me.
At best, a lame attempt to point out libs are hypocrites because they eat and drink these evil corporate concoctions. - Troglatwit
It's spot on you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard. You don't see it because you're a hypocritical liar who lives in his own private fantasy world and can't stand or process reality because you are a moral coward as well as the worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard.
Well then...the next time you call 911, consider yourself a full-fledged socialist. Two can play at this game...regardless of the fact it means absolutely nothing.
Seems fair to me. - The Worthless Son of a Worthless Fucking Bastard.
Another straw dog argument from a worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard who can't argue fact just fantasy. I've seen you pointed out as a liar and moron, and you always just find more hate to spew. Two could play at this "game" as you call it, but you can never participate because you always come in as an unarmed fool ripe for slaughter.
But then again, it is fair to watch the worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard like you, Troglatwit, get slaughtered. So keep it up....keep showing up to get your teeth kicked in. You've earned it.
"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out anyway."
-President of Decca Records rejecting the Beatles, 1962
"We will bury you."
-Nikita Kruschev, 1958
"Stock Prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."
-Irving FIsher, Yale professor of economics, 1929
"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?"
-H.M. Warner 1927
"Everyone acquainted with the subject will recognize it as a conspicuous failure"
-Henry Morton, president of the Stevens Institute of Technology regarding Edison's light bulb, 1880
"Seems fair to me."
Well then...the next time you call 911, consider yourself a full-fledged socialist. Two can play at this game...regardless of the fact it means absolutely nothing.
You do realize the bithering stupidity of tha-
Oh, Troglaman didn't even crack the top 5 bonehead quotes. Well, better luck next time.
According to Corona (a dirty corporate Mexican beer), if I, the mighty trog, eat an evil corporate McDonald's hamburger, I'm a hypocrite!
I responded by saying that if Corona has dialed 911, he's a socialist!
Any modification of these facts represents an unfortunate little fantasy of your own making.
"Any modification of these facts represents an unfortunate little fantasy of your own making."
Demanding your own "facts"? That's sure to make them valid. Good thinking.
FOAD Troglafuck you stupid fucking braindead fucking useless fucking fuckwad...FOAD.
Looks like those that have drunk the trump Tea can only respond with insults and profanity. So sad!!!!!
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