Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vast and Nefarious: The conspiracy to take down Our President

The Rethuglicans can't stand having a black man in the White House. The Rethuglicans can't stand having a black man as Attorney General. The Rethuglicans can't stand having a black man--or two black men--selling guns to Mexican drug lords. Racism--that's what's really behind this manufactured Fast and Furious "scandal." And so you have this "House Oversight Committee" and their "Chairman" Issa going on a witchhunt to take down Our President. How dare the Oversight Committee try to exercise some oversight! Who do they think they are? Really! "Oversight"? They're more like the Committee to Overthrow and Unelect the President (COUP).

No, it's not that the committee is Tasked and Curious. It's that the conspiracy is Vast and Nefarious. And the DUmmies are Pissed and Furious!

The DU threads are Feisty and Various. I'll exercise my Executive Privilege and select from several, too many to link. So now let us see the DUmmies exercise their Expletive Privilege, in I Am Furious Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, your guide to Operation Blast and Hilarious, is in the [Barackets]:

So these fugging racist ReTHUGs are trying to lynch Eric Holder

[It has NOTHING TO DO with him lying to Congress and withholding documents and defying subpoenas! NO, its only because he's a black man! Welcome to Rethuggery Summer 2012.]

F*** these f***ing racists.

[The "F" words come Fast and FUrious.]

Fast and Furious is a Bush left over.

[Actually, that would be False and Spurious.]

If Obama wins re-election and the Repubs keep the House...Then it will be holy hell for Obama and his Cabinet. They will try to impeach the President.

[OUR President!]

The President will get nothing done.


He will be busy defending himself from the Republican fascists. It will be a sad state of affairs.

[Fasc and Failurious.]

please. they would be pulling the same sh*t if holder were white, brown, or green

[Rethuglicans are equal opportunity annoyers.]

Holder is a slime, but so are Issa and the GOP. Slime vs. slime.

[DUmmieland goes for Holder, by a slime majority.]

What your uncle who watches FOX News all day is all worked up about (Fast and Furious)

[Fox and Feverish.]

Rachel Maddow, as usual, hits it out of the park on the loony Fast and Furious conspiracy theories, and the Darrell Issa witch hunt.

HAHAHA! You really think Rachel has done a good job reporting on guns? . . . she is seriously uninformed when it comes to basic facts about guns.

You know, there's no need to be a dick to make your point.

[Especially when it comes to Rachel Mancow, there is ABSOLUTELY no need to be a dick.]

If it wasn't this, it would be something else. The GOP is desperate to find something to get "poutraged" about. . . . "EWWWWW...Obama got a couple of federal agents KILLLED!!!! EWWWWWW!!! He's a BAAAAAAD MAAAN!!!"

[Yeah, really. What's the big deal?]

does not mean that this is automatically a nonissue. A federal agent was murdered due to a gun running operation which involved a foreign country that was not told about said operation. That in and of itself is pretty damning.

[ScruffyTheJanitor (9 posts), I hope you enjoyed your BRIEF stay as a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]

And your position seems to be based on the idiotic assumption that there is no possible way that maybe, just maybe, there is something to this investigation, based entirely on your dislike for Issa. In other words, your responses are based strictly on emotion and that you have not the slightest interest in determining what the facts are.

[DUmmie Lurks Often (659 posts), I'm not so sure that YOU are an LFT, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and run a Kewpie Doll across the border to you for your Brief Moment of Mental Clarity.]

I can get your bullsh*t from Free Republic, you know.

[THOUSANDS of us freepers are being smuggled into DUmmieland, heh heh.]

This whole Issa thing is a farce. . . .

[Farce and Freeperish.]

Darryl ISSA. I'll start. I hate his f-ing guts.

[He's white. He's Rethuglican. That's all you need to know.]

Face it, Fast and Furious was a f***-up.

[You get an F+ on that one.]

Frankly, Holder needs to go, now, in the hopes that his resignation will end this blossoming madness. Otherwise, it is simply going to prove to be a serious drag on Obama during a highly contested election season.

[Under the bus with you, Eric!]

More than anything, I want Holder out of DoJ and replaced with a progressive AG that'll go after the right-wing and stop chasing after MMJ patients.

[That post is from DUmmie Woody Woodpecker, aka Weedy Weedsmoker.]

Breaking - President Obama asserts Executive Privilege over documents (Holder witchhunt)

This is a witch hunt. . . . Obama ain't playing. He is nipping that sh*t in the bud. Good for him.

[Good for President Nixon Obama for stonewalling them!]

I applaud the President for giving Issa a big fat middle finger

[Operation Fist and Fingerous.]

President tells Congress "FU."

[Obama puts the "FU" into "FUrious"!]

the House GOP hates Obama with the heat of 1000 white hot suns.

[If Obama had a sun, it would be white and be hot.]

Unprecedented -never in history has the House voted for Contempt of Congress after a President invoked Executive Privilege.

[Hey, there's always a first time.]

F*** you racist scumbag ReTHUGs

[DUmmie Discourse in a NUtshell.]

Issa shouild not be in the position he is in, he should be face down on a prison bunk with his prison bunk mate. . . .

[benburch volunteers.]

What's your take on Obama asserting Executive Privilege on the 'Fast and Furious' documents?

[Loyal party hack Will the Shill Pitt sticks his finger in the air, to gauge how he should defend the Democrats on this one.]

It goes without saying that Issa is a f***wit scumbag.
[Of course. That's a given.]

good for Obama!

[Good for Tricky Barack! Our President is not a crook!]

way more blunder-y than we've come to expect from Obama.

[Actually, it's about par for the course for the Boy Blunder.]

We never objected when Nixon invoked Executive Privilege...How can we think of doing so now? That would show us up as vile hypocrites.

[I detect a note of sarcasm.]

i see what you did there.

[Hee! Hee!]


Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

Hmm, Richard M. Nixama, not a bad looking President. But I wouldn't vote for him.

Hey troglaman, did you know I voted for McGovern in '72? Fortunately he lost, unfortunately Nixon won. Hobson's choice.

Anyhow, that DUmmie thread is a hoot, so much emoting, what a bunch of potty mouthed drama queens. They're almost as unhinged as when Chimpy McHitler was in the Oval Office.

I bet they miss him. Chaney too.

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Skully said...

I thought Obama wasn't in on Fast and Furious??

So he's invoking Executive Privilege over documents he never saw, and/or conversations he never had??

Seems more like the political equivalent of "taking the 5th".

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Clone of Troglaman said...

I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.

Obama am genius like I are. Him protect Holder from racist Republicans because him am brilliant and Republicans am all racist.

You hate Obama because you am racist like Republican.

I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.

I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Breaking - President Obama asserts Executive Privilege over documents (Holder witchhunt"

Soooo, if Obama, Clinton, and Holder weren't all busy being accessories to murder by feloniously violating the NFA to get a new assault weapons ban going, and then obstructing justice to hide their crimes, and knew nothing about the whole thing, what is there to assert executive privilege over?



11:24 PM  
Blogger 98ZJUSMC said...

please. they would be pulling the same sh*t if holder were white, brown, or green

A brief moment of clarity, wrapped inside swirling, partisan insanity.

11:49 PM  
Blogger 98ZJUSMC said...

Elrond Hubbard said...

Hey troglaman, did you know I voted for McGovern in '72?

To your room, Mister.

...and no X-Box.

11:51 PM  
Anonymous envisio said...

""""Clone of Troglaman said...
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.""""

Trog would never say that. For one thing, right now he's asleep. He doesn't get up til after 1pm and even then he's too hung over to speak, or he has either a bong or hairy man balls in his mouth and can't talk.
Hey Troglafuck! Wake the hell up! (beside a woman for a change) Take that cock outta your mouth and put the bong down. I know damn well you don't have to go to work so get here and defend yourself!

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dumpster Dweller was thinking..."I wish there was an Old White Rethug in office right now so we can properly blame him for this Gun Running attempt at killing brown people and causing mayhem..Right now I can't say anything except stick my head in the sand and pretend all is well..I can't blame the Government for this, that would mean I was blaming the black guys, and that would be racist of me.
November can't get here soon enough!!!"

4:42 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"No, it's not that the committee is Tasked and Curious. It's that the conspiracy is Vast and Nefarious. And the DUmmies are Pissed and Furious!" PJinc

Now THAT is writing.

No shit.

If you're drawing the conclusion that it's a massive Obama move to control your guns, you're fucking nuts. This operation was started in 2006. W started this. How it has now become a vast Obama conspiracy to take your guns away is just another example how frigging nutzoid you all actually are.

But you've done it before. Obama wanted to take your guns when he took office. But he didn't despite the fact you all were absolutely sure he would.

Wrong again!

When Issa decided to make this an issue about the 2nd amendment, he waved his crazy flag.

Fast and Furious is an Obama plot to rile the crazy Mexican drug cartels into some excuse to seize your guns.

You are all fucking crazy.

As to the rapture project, I had a good idea the other day. What if we made A Pit of Redemption along The Trail of The Holy Light?

12:04 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

As an aside...when I was writing that last post, there was something on TV about a Trojan Vibrating Twister. It quietly reminded me of Mr. Stinkwagon in a vague, dream-like way.

And then I woke up and saw it again. Trojan Vibrating Twister. It's a product...made by Trojan. On TV.

I'm sort of proud of the fact it made me feel like a prude.

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Kirk Johnson said...

Fell asleep watching the LOGO Network again, eh?

4:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I heard the program Bush ran was called Wide Receiver...Fast and Furious started in 09 and who was it running the DOJ then? That's right, Holder, who will hopefully be in prison warming a bed for his boss before too much longer

5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

troglaman said...
"If you're drawing the conclusion that it's a massive Obama move to control your guns, you're fucking nuts. This operation was started in 2006. W started this."

Nice to see that you are still the same profane, lying, yet gullible POS that we all know and despise, regardless of how many facts are stacked up against you.

So good to know that some things are a steady, unwavering beacon in this ever-changing world. Your ability to buy into any preposterous Democrat bullshit evasion, for instance.


7:49 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"If you're drawing the conclusion that it's a massive Obama move to control your guns"

That's what it is, numbnuts.

"This operation was started in 2006. W started this."

Lie. "Wide Receiver", the Bush administration interdiction program ended in October of 2007.

Really, trogleturd, get your facts right.

"Obama wanted to take your guns when he took office."

Correct. Still does as a matter of fact. It's a fouindational principal of his ideology, that the American people should be denied the right to defend themselves.

So, once again Trogy the fascist turd embarasses himself in front of the world.


7:57 AM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

In a blind rage and foaming at the mouth like a mad dog, TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt - chugged liters of EVERCLEAR while power-slamming his head up his ass with piston-like efficiency to produce pile after pile of worthless mental excrement...

Still too gutless and too much of a coward to face reality, aren't you Guttersnipe? You are a gutless coward who just won't grow up and would rather be a child-like jackass rather than act like a coherent adult.

Ah well....

"If you're drawing the conclusion that it's a massive Obama move to control your guns, you're fucking nuts." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe, power-slamming his head up his ass.

No, we're right, and you are a flaming jackass.

"Fast and Furious is an Obama plot to rile the crazy Mexican drug cartels into some excuse to seize your guns." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe as he pounds his head repeatedly up his ass between slugging down liters of EVERCLEAR.

And as usual, you stumbled into the truth by sheer accident and as usual you don't have any idea what you've done.

"You are all fucking crazy." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe, slamming his head up his ass at Mach 7.3

Better to be crazy than a craven moral coward.

8:36 PM  
Anonymous The JUDGE said...

troglaman whined...

As an aside...when I was writing that last post, there was something on TV about a Trojan Vibrating Twister. It quietly reminded me of Mr. Stinkwagon in a vague, dream-like way.

And then I woke up and saw it again. Trojan Vibrating Twister. It's a product...made by Trojan. On TV.

Sounds like you woke up from an LSD trip to me, you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous The ULTIMATE Man said...

FOAD Troglafuck, you racist fucking fuckwad...

5:10 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"It's a fouindational principal of his ideology, that the American people should be denied the right to defend themselves." TANSTAAFL

What a paranoid load of shit. You pussies just HAVE to be scared of something, don't you? Provides a little wood in an otherwise noodley environment.

'Fast and Furious' was a name change. Not an operational change. It was an operation already in progress when Obama took office.

Issa said a day or two ago that they had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up.

And someone name me one thing Obama has done to control guns.

You can't. How surprising! It's like you're just making shit up again...wait a ARE making shit up again!

So tricky.

2:34 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"'Fast and Furious' was a name change"

No it wasn't you ignorant fascist turd.

"It was an operation already in progress when Obama took office."

No it wasn't, you ignorant fascist turd.

"And someone name me one thing Obama has done to control guns."

Operation Fast and Furious. The illegal transfer of guns to Mexican drug gangs in the hope that the violence in Mexico would be blamed on American guns, so that the fascist Democrat thugs
could cram their unconstitutional gun control utopia down America's throat.


5:29 PM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

Power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass at Mach 10.7, TROGLAMAN - the linguini-spined Official Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog - angrily spewed out the following blatant lies while foaming at the mouth and howling like a mad dog:

"'Fast and Furious' was a name change"

"It was an operation already in progress when Obama took office."

TANSTAAFL has you pegged right, Guttersnipe. You are many vile things and ignorant fascist turd is as good a moniker as any for someone like you, Guttersnipe, who is a moral coward, morally corrupt, intellectually vapid and dishonest to the core.

You and your ilk are responsible for a host of vile acts for which history will condemn you and damn you for an eternity to the deepest darkest regions of hell.

6:44 PM  

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