"Why did Kerry stab Edwards in the back?"

Why did Kerry stab Edwards in the back?
[John Edwards has the Breck Girl's back.]
It has been no secret that Edwards did not agree with the manner in which Kerry ran his last campaign. Kerry obviously was not happy with Edwards comments about the last election or his failure to defend his strategy? But what does it benefit Obama to have Kerry endorse him in SC? It's not like Kerry is a favorite son of South Carolina. It may even hurt Obama in that state? Why couldn't Kerry have waited to endorse Obama in a state where he had done well and was still thougth well of??
[It sounds like you are Swiftboating Kerry.]
It is a slap in the face isnt it?
[In contrast to the pats on the tush in 2004.]
Especially since there were stories in The Atlantic about Kerry's discomfort with Edwards as a running mate. I think he was uncomfortable running with him but bit his pride for political reasons.
[I have the feeling that Kerry is uncomfortable with EVERYBODY.]
kerry does whatever is politically expedient for him. he doesn't care about the little guy.
[You're several years late in this realization but the Kewpie Doll is on the way.]
Because it's all about the "f*ck you" to Edwards. If I were Obama, I wouldn't be too fulsome in my thanks for this endorsement.
[Hmmm... I'm wondering if Kerry is hoping for a locked convention where the delegates turn to... But of course, they would turn to the Goracle first.]
democrats often endorse. why is it a stab if he wants obama and edwards criticism of kerry last couple years, or edwards wife many comments about kerry, are they a stab in back.... or simply the edwards expressing? thinking you are seeing this awfully slanted.
[I forgot about Mrs. Edwards' digs against Kerry.]
More like a 9 iron up the butt.
[Somewhere out there, Ben Burch is smiling.]
We can always count on Karl for the poetic imagery.
[There once was a Kerry from Nantucket...]
[See you at the Trilateral Commission snack bar!]
Kerry stabbed us all in the back When he refused to fight the Coward Bush. He also betrayed our Democracy when he failed to challenge the voter suppression/fraud perpetrated by Rove's Rogues.
[Bev Harris is just $10 away from overturning the 2004 election.]
This can only help the Rethuglicans. F*ck you, Kerry.
[DUmmie loyalty at work.]
Lets compare running for president to swimming in a deep lake.... Having John Karry's support is like doing that with a concrete slab tied to your ankle.
[And having Ted Kennedy's support is like having a car tied to your ankle while swimming in a deep lake.]
I've heard that Empty Suit Edwards doesn't like John F-ing Kerry anymore than Kerry can stand Edwards. As such, had Kerry offered to endorse Empty Suit, Empty Suit would have declined the support.
The only thing this endorsement does is give Obama some of those "super delegates" that Rodham has been trying to corner the market on. As such it helps him within Socialist Democratic Party circles. But in the general election, having the support of John F-ing Kerry, the man the media proclaimed the greatest combat hero of the Viet Nam war, is not a plus. If Obama has any sense at all, he won't appear with John F-ing Kerry anywhere after this.
We know why already. We've known it since 2004.
Why are they asking such a stupid question?
Kerry is Fwench.
This is what the Fwench DO.
He's pitched a snit, and now he's cocking a snook at the Nouveau Riche Tarheel Ponyboy.
"But in the general election, having the support of John F-ing Kerry, the man the media proclaimed the greatest combat hero of the Viet Nam war, is not a plus." goolsby
That's right!!! And let's not forget that F-ing Kerry shot himself in Nam to get a F-ing medal...or should I say "band aid". Ha Ha. F-ing Kerry's endorsement is the kiss of death.
By the way, when is our Glorious Leader going to get behind our future Glorious Leader? I'll tell you what: Bush endorsement = Mission Accomplished. There ya go.
I actually heard one of the political correspondents on Brit Hume last night claim (with a straight face) that Kerry had backing among veterans and the military, and there were a lot of those in SC.
Pardon me, but I'm a vet and I know *lots* of vets, and the only ones I ever heard support Kerry were the ones he dragged around with him, all 7 or 8. And I bet none of them live in SC.
All other things aside, is the endorsement of a loser of any value?
Would you want Mondale, McGovern, Carter (ok, he won, but, you know what I mean by 'loser')to put their stinky stamp on your campaign?
I'm thinking that Obama is looking at Kerry's stamp as though it were a burning bag of dog poop at his door.
"Kerry stabbed us all in the back When he refused to fight the Coward Bush."
Let me get this right: Kerry is a backstabber for refusing to fight in 2004, and this makes Bush, who fought for (and won!) the Florida "selection" all the way to the Supreme Court in 2000, the coward? Get real!
troglaman said...
...spiteful, drunken, angry and irrelevent talking point bilge...
1:32 AM
Bukowski's last call is at 0100 eh Mr Pitt? Struck out again?
The DUmmies have got it right, Kerry's endorsement isn't worth a bucket of warm spit. It's one hollow man endorsing another hollow man.
[See you at the Trilateral Commission snack bar!]
Man, they have the GREATEST nachos, don't they?
Maybe Kerry just thinks Obama has a better chance of getting the nomination, and wants to be on the winning side.
Maybe Veeps are picked for ticket balancing purposes more than friendship. Anyway, the marriage between Kerry and Edwards was annulled in 2004.
Maybe the DUmmies are idiots.
Maybe the sky is blue.
Lets see here Kerry lost in a race and he chooses to endorse someone who is running.
Guess that since today Ned Lamont endorsed him also we have us a trend going here.
Oh an who did Hill get endorsed by McGovern?
Well we think we know who Bill is endorsing , so now all we have to do is wait on Jimmy C.
What if Jimmy endorsed Huckabee? Oh man that would be great.
What 'W's endorsement worth? Just asking. He's the president, after all.
Honestly, Trog, not a whole lot.
One of the things about conservatives that a lot of liberals just don't seem to understand about us is that we generally don't hero-worship the same way liberals do. Sure, there are a few here and there (Reagan, Fred!, etc) who seem to understand our principles and speak them when self-proclaimed "conservatives" (Huckabee, Romney) just don't get it. But for the most part, we can get behind a candidate or a personality without falling to our knees and declaring said personality the Second Coming, something a lot of liberals are simply incapable of doing. This is why the whole "Didn't your saviour Bush say..." is such a joke to conservatives: only liberals as a whole put their heroes on that kind of pedestal. (For example, I support Fred! even as I know what his shortcomings are. But ask an Obama supporter what his are...not many of them will admit that he's politically naive.) Liberals are constantly in search of a saviour, and they assume everyone else is. Problem with that assumption is that a lot of conservatives already have one, so they don't need another. (And no, Bush certainly isn't it)
So essentially, Bush's endorsement may mean a little simply because of his Presidency, but the office is about the only weight that will carry.
Liberals are constantly in search of a saviour,...
but they take as proven fact that savior is the gubmint. You want something to fail, put the gubmint in charge of it.
"One of the things about conservatives that a lot of liberals just don't seem to understand about us is that we generally don't hero-worship the same way liberals do." basilisk
Really? I happen to think you guys are about the sorriest bunch of suck ups I've ever seen.
Let's understand something: You bunch of losers have been behind everything that's gone wrong. Got that? You. You've supported the disaster in Iraq, flawed economic strategy, and corrupt politicians. It's that simple. This is your fuck up. I think its because most of you have a ring through your nose. I hope I'm wrong.
This is your fuck up. I think its because most of you have a ring through your nose
Brilliant! It looks like Bill Buckley has found your blog PJ given this airtight, sublime and exalted argument.
Trog, make sure your mom tightens the strap on your helmet before your ride on the Short Bus.
Really? I happen to think you guys are about the sorriest bunch of suck ups I've ever seen.
Projection much, kiddo? Some of the most stinging criticisms of Bush have actually been from conservatives. Of course, those are actually reasoned criticisms (i.e., Check 21, which I doubt you even remember) instead of ZOMGBUSH LIED PPL DIED!!!!!, which I suppose for libtards passes as 'reasoned discourse’. Why bother to even Google painful facts when every logical fallacy in the book might cover up the fact that you’re too lazy to perform even the simplest research?
And you wonder why no one takes you seriously. You don’t argue seriously. That may earn you points with all your arsehole Emo buddies over at DU, but if you want to play in the big kids’ pool, you’re going to have to learn how to swim rather than flail about.
Let's understand something: You bunch of losers have been behind everything that's gone wrong. Got that? You.
Let's see, the Islamofascist problem we have today can be traced to Jimmeh Carter, who kisses up to every single tin-pot dictator as long as there will be dead JOOOOOOOOOOOZ involved. The USS Cole incident happened under a President that I know for a fact you hero-worship, which in itself wouldn’t have been a strike against his Presidency except for the fact that he was using the military less for what it’s for (national security, which I’m sure you probably didn’t know) and more to make himself the most popular kid in his junior high. Not to mention letting bin Laden off the hook wasn’t exactly a masterstroke of international relations. Oooops.
You've supported the disaster in Iraq,
I get it now! POTUS with approved Socialist creds invading Haiti for pollster approval=Good, POTUS without proper Socialist credentials deploys military for actual defence purposes=Bad, and a military endeavour will always be a “disaster” no matter how successful it is in attaining its stated objective so long as it’s an eeeeeeeeeeebil RETHUGLICAN!!! as POTUS. What an overwhelmingly logical argument.
And I do hate to tell you this, (Well, OK…no, I don’t) but the majority of your beloved Socialists voted in favour of an Iraq invasion. Hell, our previous POTUS would have done so himself if he’d thought his poll points would go up. And somehow, I doubt you’d be whining about it then. (In fact, my whole take on the whole aspirin factory-bombing was, “Wrong target, skippy.” Though it does put a bit of a damper on that whole “nobody died when Clinton lied” Politiks-4-Dummies mentality. Either that, or Iraqis and Haitians and Bosnians and Somalis weren’t real people then. Hardly be the first time libtards dehumanised people to suit their pet agendas)
flawed economic strategy,
Dear boy, you haven’t even taken an Economics 101 course, so you’ll have to excuse me for not treating you like an eks-purt. Someone who appeals to magic by throwing (someone else’s) money at a problem doesn’t exactly strike me as someone qualified to speak about economic reality. Especially since said economic ignoramus still thinks of the economy as zero-sum, i.e., if I have one too many slices of pizza, you’re left with only the Domino’s box to eat.
Rather than whining about how nobody understand poor little special you, you might want to take a trip to your nearest community college and sign up for a basic Economics class. I doubt you will, because that would imply actually doing something rather than sitting around whining about how Unfair! life is.
and corrupt politicians.
I have to give this one to you. I mean, look at Kennedy, Byrd, Nagin…Oh wait.
What the honest liberal (as opposed to the libtard) acknowledges is that politicians are corrupt by virtue of their career, whichever side of the isle they happen to sit on. That’s why we as conservatives favour smaller government. It defies Earth logic that you want to answer government corruption with even more government. What was it that Einstein said about trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
It's that simple. This is your fuck up. I think its because most of you have a ring through your nose. I hope I'm wrong.
How did you put it in the last thread, Troggie boy? Ah yes, here it is...
Penetrating discourse, Troggie. Dumbass.
The problem here is that you are under the mistaken impression that if we just let wonderful, enlightened, special people such as yourself run things, we’d all be able to sit around the campfire and hold hands and sing Kumbaya. With a Socialist government in charge, life would be just beautiful and all our problems would be solved, even in spite of all past historical records and all the current problems in Socialist countries to date. We just have to click our heels three times…
I think it’s because you have your head up your ass. I hope I'm wrong. But you have yet to prove otherwise.
*inserts an "a" in front of "isle"*
Damn fingers just can't keep up.
"Someone who appeals to magic by throwing (someone else’s) money at a problem doesn’t exactly strike me as someone qualified to speak about economic reality." basilisk
Really? Who's money are we throwing at Iraq and Afganistan, you dimwit? Where are we getting it? Who are we borrowing from? China and the Saudis, maybe? Smart move. A trillion here and there from nations that, no doubt, have our best interests at heart.
Just because I think you're a dumbass doesn't mean that...fuck it. You're a dumbass.
And for your information, dumbass, Muslim freedom fighting isn't our problem. 9/11 was totally an inside job. Dumbass.
And I'm not even going to bother answering all that other stuff. Since I'm so much smarter than you, I don't have to prove it.
"And for your information, dumbass, Muslim freedom fighting isn't our problem. 9/11 was totally an inside job. Dumbass. And I'm not even going to bother answering all that other stuff. Since I'm so much smarter than you, I don't have to prove it." Son of Troglaman
We need to talk, son. It appears you're unhappy with me. Let's boil it down. Did I say "Muslim freedom fighting" wasn't our problem? Did I say 9/11 was an "inside job"? I don't recall saying those things but I'm getting a little long in the tooth. Maybe you could remind me. But you won't. Know why? Because you and I both know you're a coward. You're being tricky. I'm being an asshole. I make no bones about it. But you're being tricky. I'm not the least surprised. Let's see who can tell troglaman from troglaman.
How about this...everyone sign in as troglaman. That's not such a bad idea. That would really teach me a lesson. Tell Drudge the trogs are coming. I'll write Kos and FDL. Goddamn. We could take over. Trogs everywhere. Dumbass.
I don't have to say it. I don't have to back up my sweeping claims with facts, either, since you all are such dumbasses and don't know how to read. And because you're such a dumbass and haven't figured this out, I'm not the coward, even though I'm using a pseudonym on the Internet that can't possibly be traced back to me in real life. Besides, actually having to live by ideals is the wingnuts' job.
Signing in as trog wouldn't be such a bad idea. We all should think alike anyway. Anyone who doesn't think like me is a dumbass. Dumbass.
"I don't have to say it. I don't have to back up my sweeping claims with facts, either, since you all are such dumbasses and don't know how to read." Son of Troglaman
You said it, not me. Just point to a fact I can't back up, son. One. Such a chicken-shit.
Just point to a fact I can't back up, son. -trog
Pick one. Any one. But since you can't read and apparently have to get your mom to type all this up for you, I'm not holding my breath on your "sources". Dumbass. And you're the chicken-shit.
"Pick one. Any one." Son of Troglaman
OK. Around two thirds of the whole damn country doesn't approve of the job W's doing. True or False?
Here's another - Around two thirds of the whole damn country thinks Iraq was a mistake. True or false?
A majority of this whole damn country doesn't believe in telecom amnesty. True or false?
A majority of this whole damn country doesn't believe in condoning torture. True or false?
A majority of this whole damn country despises Cheney. True or false?
A majority of this whole damn country thinks congress is a joke. True or false?
The economy is in super good shape. True or false?
The RepuliDUms have controlled all three branches of government for the last 6 or 7 years. True or false?
I, Troglaman, think this is a no brainer. The RepubliDUms have screwed the pooch. They're stupid. They're corrupt. Prove me wrong.
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