"SHAVE YOUR HEAD to Show solidarity with troops and support for ending war"

Call it the Britney Spears effect. When she shaved her hair off over the weekend, I thought it was just another story about a goofy drug addicted celeb crying out for help. Now it turns out that it was the genesis of a new political symbol according to the DUmmies---shaving their heads to make a protest statement as you can see in this THREAD titled, "SHAVE YOUR HEAD to Show solidarity with troops and support for ending war." I guess the DUmmies want to hop aboard the Britney Spears messed up celeb bandwagon on this. If they really want to be consistent, they should also snort coke off public restroom toilet seats as Britney has done in the past. So let us now watch the celebs proceed to shave their heads bald in solidarity with Britney Spears in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, who never quite recovered from the shock of his father shaving him bald as a joke at the tender age of three, is in the [brackets]:
SHAVE YOUR HEAD to Show solidarity with troops and support for ending war
[Next thing you know, the DUmmie women will be going so far as to suggest shaving their armpits for the same end.]
I mentioned this in another thread as a joke on Britney Spears head-shaving, that maybe if Cindy Sheehan shaved her head, it would draw more attention to ending the war.
[Hmmm... Pied Piper Pitt already shaved his head so you might be onto a DUmmie fashion trend here.]
Then I thought about it for a minute, and this is a pretty good way to show solidarity with the troops and show our support for ending the war for a couple of reasons:
soldiers have to shave their head when they go to boot camp, partly for hygiene reasons, but mainly as a ritual of separation from civilian life. It would show we are equally serious.
[No. It would show you are DUmb but go on...]
In several cultures, including the Bible, head-shaving is a sign of mourning. We would be mourning our fallen troops and our injured democracy.
[Except you are secretly rejoicing over troop casualties.]
Grade school students have had the courage to do this. When a grade school kid has to undergo chemotherapy, often the principal, teachers, and/or students will shave their heads so the sick kid won't stick out like a sore thumb.
[So go ahead and shave your heads in solidarity with Britney Spears. You will be as bald and as messed up as her. Now to hear about follicle deprivation from your fellow DUmmies...]
you could wear the V for Vendetta mask instead, but that could get hot in the summer
[How about wearing a B for Bald mask instead?]
Count me in!
[Will do, Britney!]
So is THIS why Britany shaved her head?
[Yeah. It was strictly a political statement on her part and had nothing to do with the fact that she is a jaded drug addicted celeb desperately crying out for help.]
I'm pretty gray, but not bald. I'm admittedly partial to long hair- if I started to lose my hair, I might have to do the Michael Stipe thing and shave the whole nut; however, I don't think it would look very good on me.
[It sounds like you have the Breck Girl Syndrome. You think about your hair way too much.]
shave half, leave half to grow
[LOL! Yeah, I recommend that look for all DUmmies.]
I quit getting my hair cut in 2002 as a protest against the current regime, and I don't like skinheads either, so, no.
[You also quit bathing in 2002.]
what a bunch of wimps! OK, shave your CAT in protest instead. All seven of them.
[That would result in a CATastrophe for your feline's psyche.]
I've been wearing a shaved head for 13 years. I feel so free. I have no intention of going back to hair. No color, no relaxers, no blow dryers, no curling irons....absolutely free!
[...no brains.]
Would have done it in a heartbeat if the movement came before Britney. Now the average person would think that idiot started a fashion trend.
[Yes. Lots of messed up drug addicted chicks will now be adopting that bald look.]
Uh no thanks. my hair comes down to my hips and I'm keeping it. Anyway it would just look like I was copycatting crazy Brittany.
[Just think of it as copycatting crazy DUmmie.]
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I quit getting my hair cut in 2002 as a protest against the current regime
How's that working out for you?
A DUmmie who has never been in the Military explains (incorrectly) why recruits have their hair removed:
soldiers have to shave their head when they go to boot camp, partly for hygiene reasons, but mainly as a ritual of separation from civilian life
Hay DUmmie, as a former member of the Military, I can assure you that all new recruits must meet the standards that apply to every member of the military. They don't shave their heads "mainly as a ritual of separation from civilian life" as you put it, they have their hair cut to abide my military regulations regarding the length of your hair. The main reason for shot hair is for personal hygiene.
In my time (1985-1988) the standard was, if I remember correctly, hair must not be more than 3 inches in length and must be off the ears and collar and any recruit can enter the military without having to have their hair cut if their hair already meets the standard. There were several recruits that did not have their head shaved at boot camp like I did.
If you are looking for instances of a "ritual of separation" I would suggest the 'ritual' of stripping down to your underwear as you walk in line receiving your equipment issue, like your uniforms. Civilians get their hair cut short like the so-called "military style" but they do not walk through the clothing store wearing nothing but their tighty-whities.
PJ I really enjoy reading your posts. It's like Mystery Science Theater 3000/Cheap Seats applied to political B-movie actors. Ahhh, good times. Keep up the good work.
If you are looking for instances of a "ritual of separation" I would suggest the 'ritual' of stripping down to your underwear as you walk in line receiving your equipment issue, like your uniforms. Civilians get their hair cut short like the so-called "military style" but they do not walk through the clothing store wearing nothing but their tighty-whities.
I've noticed they don't eat chili-mac, either. Go figure!
Since Spears has been an outspoken SUPPORTER of Bush and his policies up to now, I'm not sure why ANYONE would want to mimic her increasingly weird behavior...
In several cultures, including the Bible, head-shaving is a sign of mourning. We would be mourning our fallen troops and our injured democracy.
Of course in the 20th Century it came to mainly be used to humiliate women who were putting out for the enemy, so I guess it is not entirely inappropriate for DUmmie adoption.
Mmmmmm, chili mac.... not quite as good as the enchiladas in the far-flung SW Asian dining facilities which KBR runs so well, but damned good nonetheless!
In several cultures, including the Bible, head-shaving is a sign of mourning. We would be mourning our fallen troops and our injured democracy.
Women used to fling themselves upon the funeral pyre of their husbands as a sign of mourning. Does that mean the DUmmies will use self-immolation as a means of protest too?
BTW, since when was the Bible a culture?
Mmmmm, enchiladas. Can you say roachcoach?
Sounds like a great idea to me for the DUmmie women. That way I'll be able to spot 'em on sight, and steer clear. Good stress-reducer! Conversely, on the days I'm feeling particularly feisty... :-)
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