Hillary's Lock On The Money Disturbs The Nutroots

So what was the REAL reason for John Kerry's exit from the Democrat campaign for the presidency yesterday? Was it the botched joke? Well, partly. However, the REAL reason was money. Kerry and the other candidates have found out that Hillary Clinton pretty much has lock on the big bucks. You want to be a Democrat presidential candidate? Then you better come up with at least $300 million to even think about being competitive with Hillary. True Hillary sounds phony as hell and has little or no charm but no matter. The frontloaded primary season is designed to help she who has the big bucks. Oh, and remember how the McCain-Feingold law was designed to remove the effect of big money on politics? Guess what? Big money is now more important than ever. As of right now Hillary will have no trouble buying the Democrat nomination. The only thing that might stand in her way is if Al Gore enters the race but that may be too little and too late. And too late the nutroots are only now beginning to wake up to the fact that Hillary will bypass them with her loot as you can see in this MYDD THREAD titled, "Hillary Clinton's DLC Problem." This marks the first DUmmie FUnnies edition featuring the MYDD Blog of KOmmie Kos's pal, Unknown Jerome of Blogola fame. The posters on MYDD will henceforth be referred to as DDUmmies. So let us now watch the DDUmmies wake up to the fact that Hillary is about to buy the Democrat nomination in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if Hillary can make nice with the DDUmmies by offering them a sip at a chocolate fountain at a Stratosphere party, is in the [brackets]:
Hillary Clinton's DLC Problem
[Overshadowed by the Nutroots Hillary problem.]
.....By far the worst example of this disturbing trend among 08ers is Hillary Clinton, who is rolling over donors and trying to prevent a primary from even happening by scooping up mindshare among elites before anyone else can organize. When you hear that you aren't credible unless you can raise several hundred million dollars, realize that this is an idea planted by these elites to entrench their power, and not something that is falsifiable. It bears saying that it's quite probable that don't need $100M to run for President - Kerry didn't lose the General because of a financial disadvantage, and he didn't win in Iowa because of a financial advantage. The 'only credible with $100M' idea is another and more sophisticated version of the electable or inevitable meme that hurt us so badly in 2004. It's something that Hillary Clinton wants us to believe is true. Whether it is true is a different story.
[Correct. You don't need $100M to run for President. Thanx to Hillary and McCain-Feingold you now need at least $300M.]
In fact, everything that Hillary Clinton is doing is designed to make us think that she cannot be stopped, to pull the plug on money for others so she can get through the nomination without having to be clear on Iraq or populist in orientation. She is desperately fighting against having to do what Jim Webb did so well - spell out plainly the irresponsibility of political and economic elites. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's a strategy. Or maybe, and this is what I believe, she sympathizes with the elite class more than the public, believing that the public are sheep who can be easily manipulated. She herself hasn't lived in anything close to the real world since 1991. She still makes major policy addresses to the DLC on a fairly regular basis.
[Hillary already pulled the plug on John Kerry. And she will pull the plug on the rest due to the frontloaded primary season specifically designed to help HER.]
Hillary Clinton's inevitability campaign is impressive. Her people aren't just hard-selling donors, they put on a full court press on the announcement, even going so far as to pretend she is competitive in the 'netroots primary'. It's a rather remarkable claim, considering that she got only 4 points in the most recent Dailykos straw poll, which is the home base for Democratic activists. Misleading reporters on netroots support is meant to distract two non-netroots audiences. One is the large dollar donor base, who will read for instance that Hillary Clinton does internet cool stuff in the Wall Street Journal without knowing that we really don't like her. And two is the early influential audience, the local politicians who know it's bad to be on the wrong side of a vindictive nominee. The echo chamber of pro-Clinton media, muscle, and money is very strong right now. But Jim Webb just showed us how hollow all that organization really is.
[If you're looking for Jim Webb to save you from Hillary, you're out of luck. Money talks, BS walks.]
Ironically, though she is popular among some base voters and most progressive elites, few activists, bloggers, or local politicians actually want Hillary as the nominee. Local politicians are desperately afraid she will hurt downticket candidates all over the country. Progressives know she hasn't dealt with Iraq, and will cripple the Democratic Party badly as Iraq gets worse in 2007 and 2008. And political junkies know that she has done very little that is substantive in the Senate except grant Bush the power to go to war and pander on flag-burning and video games. Politically, Hillary has passed out enough favors and kept every group atomized and fearful enough to make her seem both unpalatable and inevitable. That is why her camp is claiming that they are in the netroots primary, when they are simply not.
[Tossing a few bucks in the direction of Unknown Jerome might change all that.]
I believe her tending to an elite audience and ignoring the concerns of various activists explains the loathing of Hillary Clinton within a certain piece of the progressive base. I've noted before how one slice of primary voters is pretty similar to the netroots. This loathing isn't based on the right-wing slime machine, though often progressives unwittingly slip into discussions about things like 'electability'. It's a loathing that is more 'gut', more about conflicting identities. Chris has noted this with his excellent series of about a year ago on class stratification between the activist class and the elites. Hillary Clinton is an establishment elitist, and we are opposed to this institutional baggage.
[Object all you want. Hillary WILL be buying the nomination of your party.]
Demographics aside, one way to theorize about our ideology is that we have seen and rejected the triangulating model of politics. It's not that Clinton wasn't a good President in the 1990s, it's that he failed to enact anything that outlasted him. He got nothing done on, say, global warming, and failed to establish a firm post-Cold War framework that Bush didn't detonate in five minutes. More relevantly, the Clintonistas performed horribly in the 2000s, acting as lobbyists and warhawks, and just generally working against progressives until they realized they couldn't overtly beat us in the PR game.
[Psst! Don't tell anyone but Clinton declined to sign the Kyoto Accord that all the Lefties, including his VP, now insist we must sign.]
.....In my first post on Hillary Clinton this week, I asked anti-Clinton people if there were ways that Hillary Clinton could get your support. A few argued that if she apologized for her war vote they would consider her, but surprisingly, a number of people said, flat-out, no. I'm beginning to understand why. There is almost no common ground between progressive activists and elitists like Hillary Clinton. Either you are in the elite stream of discourse, the place where health care can be debated without anyone in the room fearing the risks of being uninsured but where the fear of your client losing his business model is real, or you are with the plebes who are worried about their personal health care. You are either angry about being lied to about Iraq, or you are one of the unapologetic liars. We're on one side. The elites are on the other. We can't handle someone who enabled the war and now won't be straight with us on Iraq after four years of watching our America slowly die. It just isn't possible anymore for us to be in the same conversation because there is nothing to discuss.
[The DDUmmie meltdown when Hillary buys the nomination will be FUn to watch!]
I won't be that surprised if Clinton wins the nomination, but what she needs to fear is if the various entities that loathe what Hillary Clinton stands for start talking to each other. Right now, there's a reticence to criticize Senator Clinton because of the legacy of the right, and because we don't like to go after Democrats. I doubt that reticence will continue as the candidates attack each other. Hillary Clinton is a tragic figure, a brilliant woman, and she's the frontrunner. But it's very clear that her campaign will be a $500 million attempt to cover for the fact that she has just not been honest or trusthworthy on the most important issue of our time, Iraq. What Jim Webb showed after the State of the Union is that $500M can buy you many things, but it cannot buy you integrity and strength. It can't buy you voter trust. And as the campaign heats up, the Republican nominee is going to run from the Iraq war. We better make sure that we're not stuck with somebody like Hillary Clinton, who is supporting it.
[And now that DDUmmie Matt Stoller is done bemoaning the inevitable purchase by Hillary of the Democrat nomination, let us see what the other DDUmmies have to say...]
I'm surprised you guys didn't catch on quicker that her ad buys on the web were never intended to attract voters, but strictly to influence the MSM, so they can say how cool Hillary's "net" presence is. It's pretty clear Hillary went for web visits be it left or right blogs.. so that the MSM types will say she's so cool.... It must be nice to be able to waste money like that. when will Edwards /Obama combine efforts? It may be the only way..
[Sorry. NOTHING can stop the Hillary Money Machine.]
I have often thought since Saturday that Obama and Edwards need to put the individual things aside and tag team her. If they teamed up to get rid of the poison then they could resume the race and conduct it in a more civil manner.
[So those two lightweights are going to somehow stop Hillary? Don't make me laugh. Both will be steamrollered beneath the Hillary Money Machine.]
Great idea. Clinton is the worst likely nominee and the most formidable "bad Democrat" running. Let's beat her first.
[Your little popgun is no match for the Hillary Money Machine.]
She will never get my vote and it has everything to do with her position on the war.
[She doesn't need your pathetic vote since she has plenty of money to buy other votes.]
You are right on. I agree with what you said about HRC. She is all about herself, just like Bill was.
[The Nutroots are Revolting! They stink on ice!]
She needs to learn that you cannot buy a nomination if you are not liked.If she gets the nomination it will be a disaster and set the party back 20 years if it survives. She is poison to us. It needs to start with the media and making them learn that Hillary is not loved, our choice and that her inevitibility is in her head only.It needs to stop. The crowing her our queen makes me shudder for us. They need to stop listening to the HRC spin and start listening to us. And the truth.
[And you need to learn that she CAN buy the nomination no matter how unlovable she is.]
the grapevine indicates that she has the entire new york donor base on lockdown, and there's a weird hush-hush aspect to this. or at least there was a few weeks ago, before the announcement. there's a sense that big donors actually can't get out of donating to her. and it's working. donors are falling in line, since they don't want to be on the outs when the pay-to-play rules go into effect.
[Gee. Isn't it wonderful how McCain-Feingold diminished the effect of big money on politics?]
she's not of us, she's of another world.
[She's from the Planet Hillary.]
She is threatening the donors if they give a penny to anyone but her. However, Soros endorsed obama and doesn't care. Obama is getting the money from Chicago and Hollywood. Hillary is hoping to do a blackout on Chicago as well. However, don't know if our pol and donors would fall in line as they are quite independent and don't like mafia tactics. Hillary is trying to knock out the primaries completely. Shut it down is how I see it.I have heard that in the Senate they tried to talk her into Reids job so as not to run. the party doesn't want her to run at all and I agree.
[Too much competition for Kewpie Dolls on this DDUmmie thread.]
What I detest about her is she was dishonest on the biggest issue the US has had to deal with and continues to be dishonest and opportunistic. She has always seemed to have that chip on her shoulder like if her husband got elected, she deserves it since she is no less qualified and she had to put up with his shenanigans all these years. I don't like that entitlement attitude she seems to have.
[Another DDummie vying for a Kewpie Doll.]
There seem to be many reasons for disliking Hillary. For me it's not so much about Iraq or elitism as it is about her persona and how she will destroy the Democratic brand. Basically she is a cold, aloof, flip floping, unlikeable, stiff, antipopulist Senator from the Northeast. We could do better than that... Hillary is unelectable and would hurt our identity brand for a long time.
[You don't like the Hillary identity brand? How about this brand? Vilsack pickles.]
My feminism professors would tell you there's a difference between "woman" and "female". HRC is hierarchical, power-based, and seemingly emotionless. I don't care if she has ovaries -- she has built her operation and her power by and through maleness. As a feminist, I like John Edwards.
[That's because the Breck Girl is so feminine.]
Primary contests are largely determined by money. If you run out of cash by the end of Jan you can't compete. Of course HRC will want to get the New York money, she's their senator. Why should she help her opponents?
[But..but I thought McCain-Feingold was supposed to end all that influence of money on politics.]
What bothers me is it is all about Hillary - always has been. She was our senator in NY for 3 WEEKS when she announced for president. And she refused to admit that this is what she was going to do during the campaign!
[GASP! You mean that Hillary was actually acting deceptive?]
Hillary stands for absolutely nothing. Are high-level Democratic donors really that blind?
[No. They are expecting a return on their investment.]
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p.s. Check out what one of our happy customers had to SAY about the amazing helicopter kite.
Sounds like Hilly's democRAT opponents will soon be singing the Mo' Money Blues.
What bothers me is it is all about Hillary - always has been.
No, really?
She was our senator in NY for 3 WEEKS when she announced for president. And she refused to admit that this is what she was going to do during the campaign!
Hay DDUmmies, the same can be said of Obama. Duh!
Moonbat daffynition of ELITIST = A person who has worked her ass off, ignored obstacles in her way, and succeeded splendidly in her sphere.
I dont agree with Hillary, but I do admire her tenacity. That is one driven bitch!
The DUmmy and KOSbat slackers only admire people who can get the most out of the government with the least amount of effort.
Looks like Karl Rove's secret plan to hand Hitlery the nomination is working out just fine!
You know, this would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic. Oh. Right. It *IS* funny that this pathetic bunch of losers is finally seeing the light and it's an oncoming freight train. (Shouldn't you be using a Wile E. Coyote image for them?)
When is this bunch of idiots going to understand that in The Real World (TM) (not their 'reality-based' world) their progressivism is used only as shock troops and cannon fodder for the Clintons of the world? Yeah, probably never. If they weren't so obdurately ignorant they wouldn't be Lefties.
I don't like that entitlement attitude she seems to have.
I thought they were all about the entitlement attitude...
The DDUmmies are themselves elitists, not sure why thats such a problem either hehe
I have often thought since Saturday that Obama and Edwards need to put the individual things aside and tag team her.
As far as her "standing for nothing" and being an ideologically-bankrupt opportunist, well damn, they loved Bill Clinton for it, what's the problem?
I love that photo. Looks like a rabid chipmunk.
I love that photo. Looks like a rabid chipmunk.
LOL! Every time I see that photo I think of Bucky Beaver and "Brusha, brusha, brusha. Get the New Ipana, it's dandy for your teeth!"
JorgXMcKie said...
You know, this would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic. Oh. Right. It *IS* funny that this pathetic bunch of losers is finally seeing the light and it's an oncoming freight train. (Shouldn't you be using a Wile E. Coyote image for them?)
When is this bunch of idiots going to understand that in The Real World (TM) (not their 'reality-based' world) their progressivism is used only as shock troops and cannon fodder for the Clintons of the world? Yeah, probably never. If they weren't so obdurately ignorant they wouldn't be Lefties.
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