Saturday, January 03, 2009

"Friendship with a Republican?" More choice comments!

We had so much FUn with our last DUFU, and there have been a bunch more posts come in since then on the original THREAD, "How do you feel about maintaining a friendship with a Republican?", that a Part II is in order. As always, the DUmmie comments are in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, reminding you to "Hug a DUmmie today!", is in the [brackets]:

I would never associate with scum like that.

[Only DUmmie scum for me!]

making friendships based on some sort of political crotch sniffing. . . .

[Democratic Underwear.]

there are different kinds of Republicans.

[According to most DUmmies, two kinds: The incredibly stupid and the incredibly evil. (President Bush has the unique ability to combine both.)]

It should be illegal to be Republican.

[. . . said the champion of tolerance, diversity, and free speech.]

I'm dating a republican. . . .

[I'm carbon-dating him, he's so paleolithic.]

I guess you have to ask yourself what else it is you liek about the person. . . . I liek my guy. . . .

[He pust up with my speeling.]

until he's a jackass, and then I jsut yell at him.


Repubicans are human, too.


I'm married to a Republican. A Republican gun nut, no less.

[It was a shotgun wedding.]

But he voted for Obama, so maybe he's not so much a Republican.

[Maybe he's just a plain nut.]

Hell, I got friends who are jail birds and a few hardcore felons.

[Members of the Democrat Governors Association?]

certain folks here would be more comfortable at a website like

[A DUmmieland mirror site.]

Never have had any and will have any Republican friends. If I smell Republican, that person gets instantly dismissed!

[Hey, sniff my crotch!]

Nobody has all the answers INCLUDING the Progressives.


If you go down to Key West, don't ask for fried chicken. If you go to a Muslim country, don't ask for pork chops. If you go to India, don't ask for hamburgers.

[If you go to DUmmieland, don't ask for brains.]

Who am I kidding? What is a human being for if not for drama?

[DUmmieland's strong suit!]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn. This is just like college.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

ANON must be talking about the professors, I put this childish crap behind me before I could speak.

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go down to Key West, don't ask for fried chicken. If you go to a Muslim country, don't ask for pork chops. If you go to India, don't ask for hamburgers.-moonbat

WTF does this have to do with the topic, never mind what it even means??

Why can't you order fried chicken in Key West??

Last time I was there I had chicken wings(fried) at the Hard Rock; and no moonbat yelled at me and said they wouldn't be my friend.

Hey PJ don't you live in that part of the world?? Is this some type of local moonbat custom??

The other 2 analogies I get, don't know what they have to do with this, but I get it. In India you don't order hamburger because you could be eating somebody's reicarnated grandma. And you don't order pig in Islamonutjobistan because you could be eating Mohammed.

1:21 AM  
Blogger Bilgeman said...

"I'm married to a Republican. A Republican gun nut, no less."

The only place a heterosexual Dummiecrat can go if'n they wanna get hitched, ain't it?

2:17 AM  
Blogger Bilgeman said...

"Never have had any and will have any Republican friends. If I smell Republican, that person gets instantly dismissed!"

What a lonely existence this person must lead.

On my part, I adore my Democratic friends, if nothing else than the mirth factor.

2:20 AM  

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